K-Pop Music Video Reviews



Although I like the song, there is one thing I noticed right off the bat. The song is called, “Not Over You.” Naturally, when I think of a song called this, I think of a rather dreary, ballad like song, or in the least, the members look at least vaguely upset. SO not the case here. Perhaps I am just misinterpreting the song title, but Nu’est doesn’t look in the least upset about losing their girl!

Here’s the music video that I will be referring to throughout:

PS: Sorry that I had to use the FACE photo, I couldn't find one for NOT OVER YOU. :(



As mentioned before, I am VERY confused about the connection between the music video and the song title. Generally, when you are, ‘not over’ someone, you do not ride your pink bicycle down the street whilst trailing your hand behind you (0:06). Perhaps attempting to whack invisible fairies?

 Nor do you high five your cocker spaniel with glee (1:07). Maybe they are just very different in dealing with their grief than I (and most others) would be if I wasn’t over someone. I could easily gripe all day about this, but that would be boring as well as make me look as if I am trying to find fault in Nu’est's every move. So that’s it for me griping on this particular matter.

Next, let me remark on Nu’est poor safety precautions. These boys could easily be poster children for unsafe behavior on bikes and vehicles. Right off the bat, (0:03) you see Ren riding his bicycle without a helmet! On top of this abominable factor, his bike seat is far too high (when you are at the bottom of pedaling, your foot is supposed to be at a right angle, thank you boy scout leader father!) and as a final touch, he’s riding in the middle of the road! As if this isn’t enough, (0:07) he both closes his eyes and takes one hand off the hand bars! Oh, but Ren’s not done demonstrating everything that you’re NOT supposed to do! At (0:36) he’s weaving all over the road!

Ren, darling, are you TRYING TO get yourself killed? Biking without a helmet, in the middle of the road, with a too-high seat, riding drunk, perhaps?! Maybe the fame has gone to your head and you think that you are a god, which to me and many others you are, but love, you’re not! You are perfectly susceptible to large, metal objects called CARS that will run over unaware bikers that ride in the middle of the road!! What would your mother say to your unsafe behavior? :O)

Addressing the rest of Nu’est: (1:17) SEATBELTS ARE THERE FOR A REASON! To restrain boys like you who think they are immortal, so they can hang out of moving cars, on top of each other! After someone told them to roll the windows up, the air conditioning’s on!, they decided to release the energy they still possessed into fist pumping, finger pointing and rattle shaking. Honestly, these boys… *shakes head* But thankfully, someone finally decides to restrain them by placing them in a cage (2:28).

But overall, despite the obvious safety breaches, I thought that the music video was really good! It was entertaining to watch and even if the song totally , it wouldn’t have mattered because the music video was good enough to make up for it. It was  really cool to see Nu’est just, for lack of a better word, in their natural environment, not in dungeons playing with sand or in cheap-fake scene changes. But it had enough singing shots that it didn’t seem like a mini-movie with music just playing in the background. Sure, it had the typical skateboards and slow-mo jumps, but fun, quirky touches like dogs and platform Nike sneakers (2:19).


I haven’t really seen that many music videos like this one, where the members aren’t stuck into similarly lit rooms dancing. I’m really obsessed with Super Junior, and I follow them like a religious follower, so I mainly watch their mvs. However, as stated many times, Super Junior’s videos are all remarkable similar, so there’s not much to compare to.

However, NOT OVER YOU is a bit like No Other (SuJu), in which the boys are fun and happy and the entire thing is rather candid. Both are happy songs with a cheerful melody and (a) rap section(s).



REN! I love the part (0:48) where he’s shaving, ‘cause it’s kind of funny, I think, to see such a feminine guy shaving! But Ren, darling, if you want to look manly, don’t ruin the image by washing your face with your painted nails! (0:48) ;) Just a tip.


 I really love this music video because Baek looks really carefree and cheery! In the other mvs, he looks kind of, well, angry! It’s a nice change to see him looking happy, rather than dark and angry. The only thing that I have to say negative is about the wardrobe choice! Well, more specifically, that one blue shirt is driving me insane! (0:55) What the hell is a ‘Buckaroo?!’ I see those shirts in stores a lot, and I really hate them because they say random words that make no sense at all! Just seeing them makes me want to tear them off the shelf and make a bonfire in the store! Maybe I’m just bizarre….


Nothing really to complain about, although his face shape really resembles a heart here….;)


Another wardrobe irritation. Again, I say WTF to a blue outfit choice! (0:41) That blue hoodie with that stupid zipper that zips up your face. What the hell? What practical use does that have?! To get your nose zipped up and have to go to the emergency room?


The puppy is so freaking’ cute! How many of your wish you were that lucky dog at (1:10)? ;)


Loved the song and the music video right off the bat. No complaints about the song at all! Minus the song title…>:(

THE SONG: 10/10


OVERALL: 9.5/10


Had to take off a half point for the song title and the music video. I’m still not seeing any connection…


These are just a couple of comments that people made on YouTube that I found interesting:

  1. nice..luv this it shows their faces without makeup and ren there is no need 2 look at da mirror u r naturally more beautiful than me><
  2. ren is so pretty so when i saw him with shaving cream i was like blehhh ren does not need those. ren really looks like a girl especially in the vid when he is wearing red lipstick so cuteeeeeeeeeeeeee my bias rennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn, Ps no shaving cream ok hahaha
  3. very fresh and heartwarming music video haven't seen this on kpop for a long time.. really great.. and yes ren looks good in this and also JR SARNGHE ^^
  4. forever curious if Ren is really a namja.. HE DAMN DAMN PRETTY
  5. Finally something different!!! Ren should keep short suits him better than long hair!!! Growing up... I think i like this song the most from all of their songs!!! Keep growing Nu'Est and make good songs ^_^
  6. What have i just seen?? Angels from heaven?? Haha i <3 this mv




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Waiting list: SS501's LOVE LIKE THIS, Big Bang's MONSTER & Super Junior's Y, FREE & SINGLE


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Chapter 5: Can you do LED Apple's Time's up? I really like that song :)
Hi. :D wanna be affiliates? :3
Loneheroinewolf #3
Chapter 7: If you have time, you should review LED APPLE's new mv "Let the wind blow" >< it's really good
yehey! You finally did it! *^^*
whoa, honestly, I didn't notice the switch in the chairs [mainly 'cuz I was busy looking at their handsome faces lol]
but anyway, this song is very addicting and indeed catchy <3 ss501 <3
you should try LEDApple's 'Time Is Up' if you have time. That song is pretty catchy too ^^
Good luck in school! My first week ends tomorrow. Dang, school's so hectic Senior Year ;__;
ahhhh that wonderful community service we did...arent we just so helpful....
I can't wait! SS501 was the first kpop group that I love!
Good luck on your community service, dear and have fun! ^^
@dancesingkpop: Thanks for pointing that out, love.