

Its always like that. Kai coming to Kyungsoo and stay as close as possible with him.

Every. Single. Time.

On stage. Off stage. There are pictures of them, being so close to each other its seems like they are inseparable. Only few times does the fans camera caught them being distant from each other. 

Kai is aware of the amount of attention they get once he started touching the hyung. It has become a habit and he had already planned it with Kyungsoo. Kyungsoo doesn't mind and he even said as the role of a mother, it would help his own image by taking care of a younger member. Everything goes well as Kai had in mind, only the picture of how Kyungsoo thought wasn't exactly how Kai imagine.

While Kyungsoo was thinking of them as some umma and younger member, Kai was thinking a lot deeper. Its more like how Baekhyun had been thinking and playing around with Chanyeol. Give them fangirls an eyeful of fanservice. Give them fantasies. Make them worship you. 

So thats how Kai had been playing. Funny how Kyungsoo doesn't even notice all the touchings that he made wasn't even friendly or sweet, its more like seductive and suggestive. He make sure not to go heavy on it and makes them look cute too. As he check on the internet, he is satisfied on how they look like. 

y sauce he trained to be, Kai had no problem being the boy who would be leading the older boy. Fans speculating them being together as a lover and he laugh it out so hard. Did he even made them think to that extent? Yes, Kai is very proud of how his artworks had turn out. 

"Kai and D.O are so cute together,"

"D.O had been in Kai's brace for a minute! In the public kekeke,"

"Look at how big D.O's eyes are when Kai holds his hands. Aigoo, so cute,"

"Can they just get married already TT TT "

"Kai is too y, D.O must be so shy besides him,"

"I wonder how are they in the dorm, they're roomate!"

Kai were so happy reading all the comments and updates on fancafe about them. He never shows this to Kyungsoo though, or else it would be awkward and Kyungsoo would explode, never to agree with such plan again in the future. 

He glances to the computer's time, its almost 1:30am and they need to wake up much earlier tomorrow. So he proceeds to shut the dorm's computer and prepares to sleep. Out in the living room, Kyungsoo is still awake, watching TV and from the look of it, he is watching Pororo. Seems like he had recorded that day's show so he could catch up by night. It has been a week since he last watch them so probably he is doing a marathon. Kai shakes his head and goes to jump into his bed.

2:00 am and he couldn't sleep. 

Its bad. He needs the rest. Somehow, his body clock had betrayed him. Well, its his own fault actually. He was already sleepy by 10pm but he ignores it and now he had passed the sleepy condition, fully awake. He turns to every angle he could so he would fell asleep somehow. He even tried to count the sheep but its suddenly 2:30am and he really can't sleep. 

Kai curses to himself, scratching his head while taking up himself to sit on his bed. He heard that Pororo is still playing outside. He went outside and sees the older guy is diligently watching without winking. Kyungsoo had slept before so he could stay awake and take a nap after the marathon. This is not the first time he did this and Kai knows his system already. 

"Thought you're sleeping?" Kyungsoo asks as Kai joins him at his right side. He doesn't even move his eyes from sticking to the TV, he just keep staring to the penguin. Kai leans on the older man.

"Can't sleep~" He pouted, rubbing his cheek a little on Kyungsoo's shoulder. 

"Told you to go to bed when you started yawning," Kyungsoo pats Kai's head before resting his own hand on Kai's neck. 

"I know.... I don't want to be tired tomorrow," Kai complains. He could see from the corner of his eyes, Kyungsoo is smirking. As if saying I've told you so.

Kai had grown to feel attached to Kyungsoo ever since he realized how comfortable it is embracing the warmth that is his hyung. He did it for show, on stage, fanservice, name anything that relates for publicity feeding. However, the withdrawal from the routine are almost non-existent and he adopted it as a habit. He can't simply let go Kyungsoo. Its like a sanctuary for him. 

"I'm watching Pororo, I still have another 5 minutes," Kyungsoo breathes, sighing that he knows what Kai needs right now. Kai frowns and tugs on Kyungsoo's pajama. 

"Another 5 minutes and it'd be 3am, I would be lacking of sleep and I need to dance rigorously tomorrow," Kai didn't even realized he made a childish voice to the smaller man. Kyungsoo shuts his eyes in annoyance and glances to the younger man. Kai raises both of his eyebrows and smiles, facing his annoyed room mate. 

Kyungsoo turns the TV off. 

"I hate pampering you too much, Jongin," He pulls up the younger man and they both walk in the room and crashes on Jongin's bed. Yes, both of them on one small bed. 

"Hyung," Kai calls out, his voice sounds insistent. Kyungsoo had no choice. He wraps his hands on Kai's slender waist, taking his time to feel the hills and curves of him, at the same time lets Kai feels his breath behind his ears. It tickles, but Kai feels so safe to know Kyungsoo is there with him. 

"Good night, Jongin," Kyungsoo pretends to yawn. Kai turns around, surprising Kyungsoo who was expecting Kai to nod instead. He stretches his hands around Kyungsoo's neck, while Kyungsoo snakes his hands around at his waist, waiting for Kai to say something. He was just smiling and shutting his eyes. 

"I won't let you disappear like last time," He exhales slowly, almost unheard. Kyungsoo rolls his eyes. The last time they tried to remedy Kai's uneasiness to fell asleep exactly like this; he sneaked out and slept on his own bed. The temperature was so-so and he already tucked Kai with the blanket but in the next day Kai was being all grumpy saying that it was cold. 

"Good night, Jongin," He plants his lips to the younger boy's slowly, it isn't a peck and isn't a kiss but sufficient for Kai to keep him from complaining in the next morning how he isn't being treated well. Kai calmly feels the warm lips covering his own, comfortable and nice. When the lips crashing breaks, he opens up to see Kyungsoo's eyes half-shut. He draws his head closer to Kyungsoo's chest, smiling widely, closing his eyes again.

"G'night, hyung,"

Both of them interlaces their body like that the whole night, keeping the so-called y hot stuff Kai warm, cuddling into the arms of the said clueless, shy Kyungsoo. 

If only fans knew about this whole thing.

They would probably make a fund to send them off to wed each other. 

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2poliver #1
Chapter 1: This was so cute and sweet
ibtisammadni #2
Chapter 1: I swear to god, if this happens in real life, I'm going to be the first one to start their wedding fund. No joke.
Thanushika #4
Chapter 1: And I'm in for the funding cuz this does happening real love like come on man! It's so obvious that they like each other.. Who stares at their best friend so intensely like Kai stares at soo? I don't. They are real as ... I can literary see this happening in their's no joke that soo pampers nini Too much.. Lol!
Chapter 1: That moment when Kai sleeps topless while kyung sleeps without pants in REAL Life is so ASDFGHJKL! They even shared the same bed tgthr (dunno if they still now, but ASDGHJKL!!!!!)
Deflowerhoe #6
Chapter 1: I almost believe this was real but then I rmb that I was reading a fanfic ;-;
Chapter 1: this is too cute omgee
Chapter 1: If they really do this in real life and they would still call each other as "friends" I will flip the whole universe.
ittaopta #9
Chapter 1: everyday is kaisoo day.
kkkkkk so fluffy
bunny5760 #10
Chapter 1: so sweet !! you should make a sequel were they confess!!