Chapter 2.

SM gave me 15 guys to live with, billions of enemies, some fans, and 2 lovers.

When we got off the plane, I went with the plan. I walked out of the plane first and went to get my luggage. Then, I went down a escalator and found SO SO SO many girls with posters saying "YESUNG OPPA, I LOVE YOU" and "MARRY ME OPPA~ WE WERE MEANT TO BE!"


When he said he was famous in Korea, he wasn't kidding. 

When I got to the last step of the escalator, i walked off of it and I found the girls run against me. But thank goodness there's the security guards. They stood at the end of the escalator and there was at least 2 rows of 8 guards. I looked up at the escalator and found Yesung standing at the very top of there. He raised a hand and smiled. I felt a smile crawl out of my mouth and he looked at me. I quickly turned and ran out the door, pushing against the girls. UGH.

Blue Kia, blue Kia, BLUE-

OH. There we go. I found the blue Kia a few cars away from the door. I ran there and found the windows tinted SUPER dark. I knocked on the window and it rolled down. I found uncle there!

"Ah! Minji!" He nodded to the driver, he came out of the car and took my luggage. Then I got into the car. 

"Hello." I bowed down. 

"Hello," He smiled and helped me take off my backpack. "How was the plane ride? Yesung is the least flirtious and most mature out of Super Junior that was closest to your age so I sent him. You see, Kyuhyun wouldn't take care of you, he'll be to addicted to his Starcraft. Then there's Eunhyuk, but he's too-" He smiled. "Lets just say I trust Yesung."

I nodded and heard some screaming coming clearer and clearer. Soon, Yesung popped into the passangers seat. "Lets go." He said, putting on a black hat and his sun glasses. 

"So, Yesung," Uncle began talking to him. "How was the flight? Was our little Minji a burden?"

"Uncle~" I whined.

"Shh!" He smiled. 

"Ani." Yesung shook his head. "We bonded well." He turned to the right side of his seat, looked back at me, and winked. 

"That's good," Uncle sighed and nodded. I guess he didnt see that.

"Uncle," I looked at him.

"Yeah?" He turned to me. Ugh, I haven't seen him for such a long time. 

"Where do I live again?" I just want to make sure~

"Oh, about that." He looked up front at the driver. "You'll live with Super Junior for now. I wanted you to live with the SNSD girls but their dorm is filled already and since you're new in Korea, I don't want you to live in a hotel. Just bear with the Super Junior for now please? and plus, i want to see if they'll behave a little more. If they do, then I'll keep you there. If you want to. We'll just test out how well you are with them. Hm?"

I nodded and looked out the window. I found Yesung smirking in the side mirror. That flirt.

"Oh, I almost forgot." I took my backpack and dug into it. "This is for you." I took out a box. I bought him a tie. Since he's the CEO and all, might as well get him something that he can wear. 

"Thank you." He took the box and looked at me. "Can I open it?"

I nodded.

He opened it, gasped, and closed it. "Thank you Minji," He smiled. "I'll treasure this well."

I nodded.

"Mr. Sooman," Said the driver. "We've arrived at the Suju dorm." 

"Ok. Good." Uncle nodded. Then the driver got out of his door and went over to uncles to open it. I slid to near uncles door until I felt someone tap my shoulder. I turned around and found Yesung with is hand out. 

So, i took his hand and walked out of the door. "Thanks." I looked at the ground and went to the trunk. I took my red suitcase and my yellow duffle bag. 

"You only brought so little." Uncle looked at my bags. "You'll have to go shopping soon."

I said nothing but just nodded. 

"Lets go Minji!" Yesung took my bags and gestured me to walked up a few steps and then into a tall building. Then we took an elevator into the 11th floor. This is a giantic building. I wonder if SNSD unnies live here. 

"Ok, dont freak out when you come in ok?" He warned me when we stood at the front of a door. 

I nodded. What's there to freak out about? 

He opened the door, but didn't push it open. He peaked his face into the door just alittle and then closed it immidatly.

"You know," He smiled. "I think you shoudl just wait for your uncle. I'll go in and find a room for you and you know, get it READY!' On the word ready, he took my bags and ran into the dorm and slammed the door closed.  

"What was that about?" Uncle spoke behind me. 

"I-" I shook my head. "Honestly dont know."

"Eh, whatever." Uncle shrugged and looked at the same guy who drove us here. 

He nodded and took out a key that looks like a bluetooth. Then the door unlocked. He took his hand off the handle and then looked at uncle. Uncle then looked at me. He wants me to open the door? Eh, got nothing to loose.

I closed my eyes and opened the door. I walked a few steps and then felt a wall. There must be a step. I then opened my eyes. 


Remember the step that I talked about? No, it wasn't a step. THEY WERE SHOES. A SHOE WALL. 

"YOU PIGS!!!" Uncle screamed at the top of his lung. Then I heard many footsteps coming out of the hall. Once they got clearer, they got slower. Uncle walked into the hall and stood at the end of it. The next thing I saw was the neatest thing I've ever seen. There was a display, filled with awards. It wasn't dusty nor messed up. 

"No you go." 

"No," i heard another voice. "you go first."

Then a blonde hair guy was pulled out of the corner followed by many other. When he saw uncle, he seemed really surprised. 

"Ehhhh!" He backed up and bumped into all the memebrs that was crowded behind him. They all fell down. 

I laughed a little. It's halarious. 

"You pigs!" Uncle pointed to the kitchen, which had unwashed bowls in the sink, then to the living room? Which had a ivory white sofa(which surprisingly was still pearly white) and a coffee table. Yep, you guessed it. STACKED WITH COFFEE CUPS! "Look at this dorm! THIS IS WHAT MY NIECE HAS TO CLEAN UP?!"

"Ani, uncle," I tried calming him down. "It's alright, I'm used to it. I work as a maid in America. It's alright. I've seen... messier?"

"DONT TRY AND COVER FOR THEM. THEY'RE PIGS!" Uncle stormed closer to them and they backed up even more. 

"Uncle, it's fine, really." I pulled him back. Then I saw a guy looking at me. He had brown-ish black hair, a pair of calm eyes, and he gave me a sweet smile. 

"I'm going to go check on the others upstairs." Uncle walked away from the crowd of fallen men. "WHEN I COME BACK, ALL THIS BETTER BE CLEANED UP. And Minji, DONT HELP THEM. They clean it themselves. I dont want you cleaning all this up." 

I nodded. 

"And you pigs," Uncle turned back at them. "She is my niece, and she will be taking care of you guys. IF SHE SAYS ONE WORD ABOUT WORKING HARD. JUST WAIT AND SEE WHAT I WOULD DO TO EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU GUYS."

They all nodded at the same time and uncle left the dormw ith a slam at the door. 

The guys got up and each and every one of them looked at me. 


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rachma_yeye #1
Chapter 21: What? She's been kidnaped?
I think its seohyun who did this.
Chapter 21: it's seohyun again. My guts is telling me that. She freaking hired that freaking guard to kidnap Minji. I just know it... Anyway Update soon ^^
luvinkpop1234 #3
Chapter 21: Oh this seohyun again?!?!?
I really wonder if jealousy does make a person do these crazy things???
Update soon~~~~~~
luvinkpop1234 #4
Chapter 19: Poor min ji......yesung's dad doesnt lyk her :'(
Update soon~~~~
Chapter 18: I LOVE THIS >.< Why do I suspect Donghae..?
rachma_yeye #6
Chapter 16: Aish paparazi, always ruining people's happiness!
Chapter 16: Omg epic....
luvinkpop1234 #8
Chapter 16: stupid man >:(
now she's gonna be hated when it gets out
update soon~~~~
Chapter 15: OMG.. they kiss..yay!!^^..
If only this is a 'you' fanfic.. It will be awesome.. But it's allready perfect by the way..
luvinkpop1234 #10
Chapter 14: yay they kissed :D
update soon~~~~~