
First Kiss

"Flu shots. Boo," you complained, making a face implying discomfort. 

You were sitting in a hospital room waiting for the doctor to come in. It was forever a mystery to you why you had to do more waiting after leaving the waiting room. Due to boredom, you got up and started to study the anatomy poster on the wall.

Jungshin walked over to you. "Take your pick, prick or sick," he said as he carried you back to the patient chair.

"Cute," you taunted as he put you down. "But I'm still freaking out. I hate needles! I never got flu shots before and I was perfectly fine. Why do you insist that I get one this time?"

"I don't wanna have to worry about you being sick while I'm in Japan! It's flu season, after all," he replied. He eyed a section of your hair and started to twirl it between his fingers.

You looked down. "Can't I just go with you?"

"And have you miss more school? Last time you went on tour with me, you had to make up so much work! Don't get me wrong- I'd love to take you, but you were buried under so much homework. And that added to more time apart."

He was right, but you didn't want him to admit it. "This ," you remarked. "My boyfriend is going to Japan for a week, I still need to go to school, AND I have to get a shot? Why is my life so hard?" you whined as you placed the back of your hand to your forehead.

"You're so dramatic," he announced. "Maybe I could ask Sajangnim if you could audition for FNC to become an actress."

"Hey! You try waiting for a flu shot and see how you like it."

"I already got mine with Jonghyun hyung last week. It was harmless. You're making a big deal out of this. Haven't you ever gotten shots before?"

"Well, yeah," you said. "But technology keeps improving. Why can't they just invent some kind of pill or something? Plus aren't people who get flu shots more likely to get sick? It happened to my friend."

He gave you a look that questioned your reasoning. "More like it happened to someone in the land of Yahoo Answers. Don't trust secondary sources. Trust me!" Jungshin got up and removed the stethoscope from the wall. "The doctor is in," he said, placing the earpieces in his ears. He held up the chest piece and placed it over his heart. "My heart's not beating!" he cried. "Am I a zombie?"

"And you said to trust you. You're holding it backwards!" you laughed. "The smaller part is the one you're supposed to grip," you said, turning the stethoscope. 

Jungshin smiled and said, "I knew that, I was just trying to make you laugh. Loosen up a little. If you freak out, the nurse might miss and have to prick you again!"

You placed your hand over your mouth. He had a point- it would make sense to just calm down, but experience with shots didn't mean it would get any easier or less painful. "Don't say that! I don't wanna get stabbed twice."

"Wait, I hear someone," he said as he stuck his head out the door. "She's at the end of the hallway. You need to calm down."

"How?!" you half-screamed. "She's gonna come with this huge needle that's probably infected and stick it in my arm and--"

Jungshin's lips collided with yours in an attempt to get you to stop talking. You closed your eyes as well and ran your fingers through his hair. Your first kiss as a couple wasn't in a very romantic location, but it was perfect nonetheless. 

"Oh," the nurse said as she approached the doorway. "I, uh..."

The two of you quickly separated. "I'm sorry," you said as you bowed to her. "He was trying to calm me down. I really hate shots."

The nurse smiled and replied, "It's okay, I did the same thing with my husband when I was about your age."

Despite the nurse's tale, you were still embarassed- but it also helped get rid of your fear.

You turned to Jungshin as the nurse started preparing the vaccine. He kissed your forehead and squeezed your hand as the two of you waited. There were still butterflies in your stomach, but instead of it being due to fear, it was because of your boyfriend.

"Thank you," you whispered to him.

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Ohhhhhhhhhhh I didn't know this got featured! I haven't been able to log in for a while ^^;
I can't reply everyone but if you guys find your way back here some how, thanks for the comments :)
BuyMeStuff #2
elliptical #3
congrats x
AmpersandAR #4
LilDucky #5
congrats ^^
allmylove #6
Congrats! ^^
vanillacrunch #8
Chapter 1: Congrats...
Congrats :33