Fried Fish



“Guys, I need to talk to all of you,” Woohyun addressed his band mates, avoiding their curious glances. 

“Namu?  What’s up?” Hoya asked, turning around on the couch to look at him. 

“Just…come sit at the table.”

The other six of them gathered around the table, waiting anxiously for what Woohyun had to say.  He looked serious...which was strange.

“Okay, everyone.  I need to ask you all a huge favor…” he paused dramatically, drawing out the suspense. 

Finally, Sungjong couldn’t take it anymore.  “What is it?!” he burst out.

Woohyun’s face suddenly broke into a huge smile.  “So Hyun Jae is coming over tonight.  And I need you all to be gone when she gets here.”

 “Well then!  Are you sure you don’t want us to be here on your date?” Myungsoo teased.  The other members chuckled at the joke, but Woohyun shook his head hard, back and forth.

“Oh no, I’m sure of that!” Woohyun exclaimed.  After a pause, he finally realized what Myungsoo had said, and he cried, “And it’s not a date!”

Infinite laughed again, but they knew they were all going to help their friend out anyway.  This girl was pretty important to him, whether or not he wanted to admit it.  “Of course.  I think there was a new restaurant we wanted to check out.  Somewhere…downtown, or something,” Dongwoo stammered, grabbing his friends and shoving them out the door.  A few protested weakly, but the combined force of Hoya and Dongwoo finally got them all into the hallway and towards the elevator. 

Woohyun was suddenly left alone in the dorm, and he was extremely proud of his success.  He didn’t have much time to reflect on his awesomeness when a knock sounded on the door.  “Oh my gosh, they’re back already?!” he grumbled as he made his way to the door.

Meanwhile, you were standing outside the door, unaware of all that had happened just moments before you arrived.  You bit your lip and rocked back and forth on your heels, incredibly nervous.  You raised our hand hesitantly to knock on the door, and you heard someone stomping to get it. 

You were about to enter your best friend Woohyun’s dorm.  You guys had been friends for years, ever since middle school.  You used to be neighbors, but his family moved away not too long before Woohyun became a trainee.  You hadn’t seen him very much until recently, when you went to university and ended up renting an apartment just down the street from your childhood friend. 

You were jerked from your thoughts by the opening of the door. “I thought I asked you guys to-“ Woohyun started, “Oh! Sorry, Hyun Jae! I thought you were…someone else.” 

“Oh okay,” you mumbled with a shy smile, “Well, can I come in?”

“Oh yeah!  Of course!” Woohyun gestured into his dorm, and you both entered.  For some reason, you felt a little awkward and very unsure of yourself.   You realized that this was the first time you two had hung out without the rest of Infinite present.  Usually when you would stop over, all seven of them would be there too.  You brought out a bag from behind your back, holding it up for him to see.

“I brought some food I picked up on the way here!”  You smiled to break the silence. 

He chuckled at your cute expression, and he grabbed your hand and led you into the kitchen.  “Perfect timing Hyun Jae!  I was just starting to get hungry!”

You giggled to yourself and followed him to the kitchen table, where you placed the bag.  Withdrawing three boxes, you held them behind your back again.  “Sit down!  We’re gonna play a game!” you commanded with an easy smile.  

He wiggled his eyebrows saucily, and you slapped him on the arm.  “Not that kind of game, ert.  Now sit!”

He obeyed.  “What are you doing?” he inquired casually, with a smidge of curiosity. 

“Just sit!” I told him, “Now close your eyes!”

He did as he was told, a cheeky grin on his face.  “Well then…” he joked through closed eyes.

You took out one of the containers and a fork and cracked the lid.  Grabbing a scoop, you ordered, “Open your mouth!  What is it?”

Woohyun did, a little hesitantly.  You placed the fork in his mouth, and he chewed and swallowed.  “Yum!  Some sort of potato salad?” he guessed.

“Very good!” you congratulated, moving onto the next container.  You scooped some of the dish up and fed it to him.  He chewed thoughtfully for a couple seconds, and you prompted, “Come on! You should know this!”

“Umm…Noodles and…peppers?” came the guess.

“Yay!” you cried, “There’s one more…” You allowed yourself an evil smile, knowing he couldn’t see you.  You took out a package, and while you unwrapped it quietly, you cut a piece off the end.  You couldn’t wait to see his expression.  “Here it comes!” you informed him, holding the piece in your fingers and raising it to his lips. 

He took it gingerly, and immediately his face contorted into an expression of absolute disgust.  His eyes flew open and he spit the food out into his hand.  “Eww!  Jae!” he exclaimed, “You’re supposed to cook the fish before you give it to someone!”

You almost fell off your chair in laughter, and he joined in after a few seconds.  “Your face-“ you gasped, holding your sides, “Was…priceless!”

He stood up, snatching the package of raw fish from your hands.  “Come on, I’ll cook it for us!” he said, moving to the fridge to gather ingredients.  You stood next to him, watching his face as he prepared the fish.  He sprayed some oil into a pan and waited for the stove to warm up.  When he heard it start to sizzle, he picked up the slices of fish and placed them in the oil to fry. 

“While we’re waiting, let’s play another game!” you suggested, clapping your hands.

He gave you a sideways glance, and you returned it with an innocent smile.  “I don’t know,” he teased, “I don’t think I like your games very much.”

“This is a different one!  It’s hide-and-seek!  Please Woohyun?  Pretty please with a cherry on top?” you pleaded with clasped hands and wide eyes. 

“Fine,” he sighed, defeated by your begging.  He turned the temperature down on the stove so the fish wouldn’t cook as quickly, then turned to you.  “But you’re hiding first.”

Excited, you squealed and nodded.  “Close your eyes and count to thirty!” you told him as you ran from the kitchen.  You heard him laugh and begin to count.  “One…two….three…”  The dorm itself was pretty small for all seven of the guys, so it didn’t leave you with many choices.  You found yourself in the hallway leading to Infinite’s bedrooms.  “I’ll hide in one of those!” you thought to yourself.  You felt a little weird about hiding in one of the other member’s rooms, so you landed on Woohyun’s.

You reached your desired room and entered quietly.  You knew that your thirty seconds were almost up, so you dove behind the closet door.  Scrunching your knees to your chest, you tried to make yourself as small as possible in the darkness.

Good timing too, for you heard Woohyun coming down the hall, calling out in a sing-song voice, “Come out, come out wherever you are!”

You held your breath as he entered the room.  You could see his silhouette outlined in the door for a brief moment, but then he vanished in the darkness of the room.  Now a little scared, you whimpered a weak, “Woo…Woohyun?”

No answer.

All of the sudden, the closet door was thrown back, and you screamed in fright.  A pair of strong arms encircled you, and you felt Woohyun’s hot breath on your neck.  “I found you,” he whispered.  He lifted you up, holding you in his arms until your feet touched the ground. 

But he didn’t let go, not fully.

You froze. 

Time slowed.

His hands moved to cup your face, and your eyes closed seemingly of their own accord.  His thumb lazily your cheek, and you felt a shiver run down to your toes.

When his lips finally met yours, neither of you held back.  Your arms s around his neck, and his pulled you closer.   You broke the kiss for air, but the pause didn’t last long.  He crashed his lips back onto yours, again and again, and you felt your knees go weak.

No matter.  Woohyun swung you into his arms and rested you gently on the bed, leaning over you.  He placed his hands on either side of you and bent down for another kiss.  You responded passionately, sliding your hands up to entangle them in his hair.  You felt a dam break inside, and the emotions about this man that you had hidden for years finally poured out.  His hand had just started to play with the bottom of your shirt when he suddenly pulled back. 

He sniffed, and, confused, you did too.

“The fish!” you two cried in unison.  Both of you laughed, and you felt his weight lift off you.  A little disappointed, you accepted his hand to help you to your feet.  Then you felt your stomach grumble, and you thought that maybe some food would be nice.

Woohyun ran to flip the fish, and he finished the rest of the cooking quickly.  He didn’t even bother with plates, just set the pan on a cork board on the table.  You sat next to him, and he grinned slyly at you.  “Close your eyes,” he demanded.  You did, knowing where he was going with this.

You opened your mouth expectantly, and you were rewarded with a piece of hot, crispy fish.  Most importantly, cooked fish.  You chewed happily.

When all the fish had been eaten, Woohyun put the pan in the sink.  “Dishes can wait,” he told you.  Grabbing your hand, he pulled you towards him so that you fell into his chest. 

“Now…where were we?” 


Author's Note: I'm back with another one-shot!  I was gonna create a place to put all of them...but I got lazy.  I'll do that for the next ones...maybe! Haha well thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed it!  This was a request for Spazztastic045!  To You: I hope you liked it!! I tried my best!! <3  To the readers, feel free to request!  I take any idol!  :D  I love you all!  I hope to see you on my other fics...maybe? Haha until next time! 

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Chapter 1: And again i can image his face on the last part, duh that face xD
Haha good job authornim <3
Chapter 1: oh my god! so cute!
Chapter 1: Aww! Cute! haha
fantasticbabyx #6
Ahhhh it's so cute hehehe :D I can totally imagine the whole scene~~
LiahFaile #7
Awwww they're so cute together!
I especially love the moment when Hoya and Dogwoon back Woohyun up and push everybody out of the room.
I wonder where the whole 'playing games' culture came sounds like a lot of friends do it together.
Spazztastic045 #8
OH. MY. GOSH. I LOVE IT. THIS IS SOOOOO FREAKIN CUTE AND JUST KASJFKL;DJFKLASJFASDJKGASDKJFASKLJ SO CUTE! OMG. And it's sooo easy to picture in my mind lol. I looove how you got the members character right and everything. It was so great and ugh you. You're too awesome. :D