Chapter 3

Welcome to Ongakuland


“All you have to do, is trust me.”

The boys may have believed Luna’s words, if they weren’t looking at what seemed to be the edge of the world.  The strange girl had led them to a dead end of Corazon; a never ending cliff that seems to stretch for miles. All that could be seen were purple clouds, swaying slightly in the breeze.

“So…” Jonghyun began, looked over to Luna in disbelief. “You’re telling us to jump off this cliff…without any ropes or protection at all?”

“Yep!” Luna nodded, and then walked over to the edge, her arms held up at shoulder height. “As you fall, the clouds will catch you. You will then be lowered to the ground onto the Voyager. After travelling along the Voyager for a while, we shall reach our destination. I’ll show you.”

 She jumped down the drop with a wide grin, and the boys yelled in shock as they watched her body soar through the clouds, leaving nothing but a hole in the swirling purple. The hole was soon covered; there was not a single trace of the strange girl to be seen.

“Well it was nice knowing her, I guess.” Minho shook his head in pity, before turning to go back to the city.

“Quite tragic, really.” Kibum frowned. He was about to join Minho when he saw another civilian jump of the edge. Then another, and another.

“Hey!” A voice called. Everybody’s eyes widened as a head popped through the clouds. Luna laughed, climbing up some sort of ladder. “You didn’t think I died, did you?”

“We thought you were gone forever!” Taemin said, still in shock.

Luna clapped, as if applauding herself for fooling them. She looked at each member expectedly. “Now that you know that it’s safe, who would like to go first?”

The boys, however, remained silent and avoided all possible eye contact. It was quite terrifying, even if some of them would deny ever feeling fear at all. This jump was like being told to leap with no bungee string, or dive to the bottom of the ocean with no oxygen mask. The task was simply too much to be asked at the moment. Luna nodded in understanding.

“Then how about we go on pairs if you’re too scared to go alone?” No one rejected the offer, so she took it as a yes. “Hmmm…Jinki! Since you’re the leader, you go first with Taemin.”

Jinki muttered a quick ‘yes’ before grabbing onto Taemin’s hand and pulling him to the edge. When the younger boy looked up in fear, the leader sent him an encouraging grin and a quick squeeze of the hand. The pair jumped and in a matter of seconds, they were nowhere to be seen.

“Alright!” Luna cheered. “Who’s next?”

Jonghyun scooted over to Kibum, looking at him with hopeful eyes.

“What? You go with Minho if you’re that worried. I’m going by myself.” Kibum said matter-of-factly.  Jonghyun pouted and moved next to Minho, who stared back at him with an eyebrow raised.

“Whoever hesitates is a loser.” He smirked, before holding Jonghyun’s hand and running off the edge with him. There was a girly scream heard from Jonghyun as the two disappeared beneath the clouds.

Luna giggled then looked at Kibum, who looked like he was about to run away. She frowned, and took his hand in hers.

“There’s no need to act tough, you know. I’m the only one here now.”

They kept their eyes forward, watching the purple clouds.

“I’m not scared.” Kibum scoffed, shaking away her hand and peeking over the edge, unconsciously biting his lip. “Just wandering wether the others would have been smart enough to move out of the way.”  

Luna watched him closely, letting out a small sigh before pushing against the boy’s shoulders, leading him to the edge.

“It’s now or never, chicken boy.”

“No, no, no.” Kibum stuttered, his legs shaking as he attempted to fight against the smaller, yet surprisingly strong, girl. “Let’s stop for tea first, hm? I like tea, don’t you? And we can get muffins, too. Just don’t push me off- OH MY GOD! “

Shrilly screams echoed after Luna gave him a nudge off the cliff, his limbs flailing and vanishing underneath the clouds.

“Well!” Luna dusted off her hands, nodding with pride. “You did good, Luna. You did good.” She then saluted to the sky, stretching her arms by her side and dropped into the abyss below.

The girl stepped off her cloud cushion, her feet landing on soft, green grass. She looked up at the pasture in front of her, shielding her eyes from the warm sunlight.  The pasture seemed to stretch for miles and miles, with no habitants a part from beautiful white peafowls who roamed peacefully among the green.

“4… 5… 6. Alright! Everybody’s here. Let’s go!” Luna cheered after a quick head count, smiling and fist pumping the air.

“There is no way I’m walking that far.” Kibum frowned; arms crossed over his chest and eyes expressing a hint of disdain.

“The distance is just a hallucination. We don’t have to walk that far.” She paused for any extra questions before giving a small nod and walking straight. The five boys followed her along a lazily made path, mentally praying they wouldn’t have to travel too far.

There was an awkward kind of silence as the six travellers hiked through the Voyager. Although she felt slightly uncomfortable with the lack of noise, Luna understood that the others may be lost in their thoughts and decided to let them be. The peafowls rarely made a sound and kept to themselves, remaining a silent beauty. Somebody behind her was hitting his foot against the ground, most likely kicking a rock out of boredom.

“How long… will we be in Ongakuland for?” A voice called.

Luna spun around and began to walk backwards, meeting eyes with a curious Jinki. Everybody else remained quiet, all wanting to hear the answer. She scratched her nose, an awkward smile on her lips.

“A bit less than a year, if you win the Ongaku Awards.”

Jonghyun stopped kicking his rock.

“What about people at home? Won’t they realise we’re missing?” He asked.

“It’s kind of hard to understand, at first.” Luna sighed, her pace slowing. “They continue living as if you never existed. Like they never knew someone called Kim Jonghyun or Choi Minho.”

“And when we go back?”

“You’ll go back to the night you arrived here… Wake up the next morning… And everything that happened here will be like a long, strange dream.”  

As the boys thought it over, Luna turned back to the front and continued to stroll casually, hands in her jacket pockets.

“Oh, Kibum.” The blonde looked over her shoulder, not flinching at Kibum’s glare. “Sorry for pushing you off the platform.”

“Whatever.” He replied carelessly, fixing his bangs.

“Don’t worry.” Minho began, grinning at Kibum. “You’re not the only one who screamed like a girl.”

“YAH!” Jonghyun shoved the taller boy, nostrils enlarging. “I did not scream like a girl! I’m a man! A man!

Minho blinked, holding up his hands defensively. “I never said anything about you, Jonghyun.”

Kibum was the first to laugh, holding onto Taemin’s shoulder for support as the other members joined in with the laughter. Luna slowed her pace and patted Jonghyun’s back, which was slumped as he hung his head in embarrassment. The peafowls stopped to stare at the sudden ruckus, eventually becoming disinterested and pecking at the grass as usual.

Needless to say, the awkward silence wasn’t so awkward anymore.

The path eventually led the six teenagers to the fringe of a forest. The trees were wide, leaves large enough to be a baby’s blanket. Out of one of the trees, a human shaped figure fell from a branch. Ignoring the boys’ yells of fear, Luna approached the unknown person and gave them a hand up.

“Heh… Thanks, Luna.” The stranger chuckled, dusting off his grey suit. He glanced behind her, sending the other boy’s a kind smile. “It’s good to see you have finally arrived. Right on time, too!”

Luna nodded and introduced everybody. “Everybody, this is Kevin Woo. He was oh so nice and offered to help us through Naverland, this forestry you can see in front of you.”

“Nice to meet you.” The SHINee boys bowed politely.

“Yes, nice to meet you too.” Kevin bowed back. He smiled at each of the members. “I already know who you all are. So shall we go to Naverland?”

Luna replied before anybody could refuse. “Yes sir!”

They moved through the forestry, Kevin and Luna chatting comfortably. Although the forest was mostly just enormous trees there were also colourful plant life on the forest floor. Everything looked so unreal. Then, if someone were to raise their heads, they would gaze upon numerous tree houses. Kids played in the treetops, mothers hanging their washing casually and fathers climbing down ladders to go to work.

“Will we be staying in a tree house too?” Taemin enquired, his eyes wide in amazement.

Luna laughed softly. “Unfortunately, no. You will be too tired to climb up the trees at night after practising for so long.”

“Oh, okay.”

“Don’t be so disappointed.” Kevin said, suddenly turning a corner. “I found you somewhere just as cool.”

The group stopped. Before them was a tree identical to the trees seen earlier. The only thing unique was the small wooden sign reading ‘SHINee’ and a black door engraved in the trunk.

“This is your temporary home! I hope you like it.” Kevin gave Jinki a light push. “Leader first~”

Jinki looked to Luna, who in return gave him an encourage smile and nod. He grinned back, opening the door and stepping inside the tree. The other members followed a minute or so later, not knowing what that door lead to.

“So…” Luna uttered in Kevin’s ear. “Is it a tunnel or stairs?”

“Neither.” Kevin murmured back. “It’s a slide.”

“Kevin!”  The girl slapped his head. “I told you I didn’t want to scare them again. You should’ve at least warned them first.”

Kibum was about to go in but paused, watching the two with a raised eyebrow.

“You act so adorable and kind hearted but you have a dark side, don’t you?” Luna accused the boy in the grey suit, poking his chest playfully.

All Kevin could do was grin cheekily. “I am nice, I swear! But now it’s time for me to go. See you later, okay?”

Luna pouted, giving the boy a quick hug and pulling away, leaving her hands on his shoulders. “Fine, I know where to find you.”

They waved goodbye and Kevin had soon disappeared somewhere in the distance.  She faced the SHINee tree, jumping back in shock when she noticed Kibum was still present.

“What are you doing out here?” She frowned, approaching him slowly.

Kibum leaned against the door coolly, observing Luna with a smirk. “I was just waiting for you to finish flirting with your jungle boyfriend.”

“He’s not my boyfriend.” She replied truthfully. “I see you’re last to do the bravery stunt, once again.”

“I’m only concerned about my wellbeing.” He retorted. But what he didn’t realise was that the door swung both ways, and was opening more and more under his weight.

Luna noticed this, biting on her lip as she glanced from Kibum to the door. “The door… It’s going to…”

But it was too late. It wasn’t even a second later that the door gave way to his weight, banging open. Kibum fell backwards, a scream escaping his lips as he fell head first down the slide. Luna winced, peeking down the hole.

He’s going to murder me. She thought fearfully. I haven’t even had my debut yet and he’s going to murder me.

After saying a few prayers Luna jumped into the tree, sliding down the tunnel slide until dropping into a hammock. She struggled out of the hammock, standing up to see the five boys exploring their new home. It was mostly made of wood and looked like a normal holiday house. The main room was a lounge room and kitchen and there were four doors leading to different rooms. Luna let the boys explore freely, making herself comfortable on a nearby sofa.

“Hey.” Jinki greeted, taking a seat next to Luna. He grinned wide, and the girl couldn’t help but smile back.

“Are you tired yet?” Luna stretched her arms over her head, keeping an eye out for Kibum.

“Not really. Working on the farm involved a lot of stamina, so I’m fine.” Jinki tilted his head a little. “Did you do something to Kibum again? Because even if he said that he went down that slide head first on purpose, I don’t really believe him.”

“I didn’t do it, but he mostly definitely blames me.” The blonde lowered her voice. “I have this feeling he’s going to kill me anytime soon.”

Jinki nodded seriously, his voice lowering as well. “He did have this… murderous look in his eyes. He’s from America too, right? That sounds dangerous enough already, if you ask me.”

“Ahhh!” She cried, covering her ears. “I don’t need to be reminded.”

 The older chuckled, ruffling Luna’s hair. “Don’t worry, you’ll be fine. I think Kibum’s the type who makes you wait and dread for a moment that will never come. Just act as if it doesn’t bother you. That will mess with his plan of attack entirely.”

“Really?” Luna’s eyes widened hopefully. “You better be right.”

She glimpsed at her watch, jaw dropping. Jinki stared in confusion as the girl leaped off the sofa, panicking.

“It’s that late already? We have things to do! Places to be!”

“You cool?” Minho tried to make out through his mouthful of bread.

“No, Fatty, I am not cool.” Luna sighed, brushing hair off her face. It was then that Kibum and Jonghyun entered the room, their hair messy and clothes out of place.

“What were you two doing in the bedroom?” Minho asked after swallowing his food, not really sure if he wanted to know the answer.

“Fighting over the double bed.” Jonghyun shrugged casually, flattening his hair.

“None of us wanted to sleep in the same bed with another guy, but we all wanted that bed.” Kibum added, pulling his clothes back in place. “It was a war.”

“And I won!” Taemin cheered, dancing out of the warzone in victory. His hair and clothes were in normal condition, so Luna guessed that he used some kind of Maknae power to gain the double bed.

But enough of that!

“We have to go, now!” She clapped, gaining everybody’s attention.

“Where are we going?” Taemin scratched his neck, puffing out his cheeks.

Luna grinned, swinging car keys around her finger. “To your first performance, of course.”  


Apologies for the stupid updating. I was dealing with personal stuff and didn't have much time nor energy for writing. 

You'd expect Onew to be the one falling (Literally, not romantically) instead of Key. I guess you can call it a plot twist. ^0^

Just a note: Peacocks are male peafowls. The females are called peahens. That's why I said peafowls. Gotta add some more ladies to the story, you know?

Not sure if I'm happy about this chapter but it's 2am and I'm tired so I don't really care. 

Comment and I'll love you forever. Follow my tumblr and send me daily reminders to update the story. It would help a lot.



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Chapter 5: no need to apologize dear... thank you for this update.. glad the surgery was a success!
Chapter 5: stop apologizing for something you couldn't control! I am really happy for you that your surgery was succesful! :) I hope you're fully recovered now (both physically and emotionally) <3 and you gave us an amazing update so we can't complain really :) thank you!
Julettums #3
My Lunew feels kind of went down the drain....
Chapter 4: Thank you for this present! Merry Christmas!! This was a great update! I love how they helped Taemin and how they all performed! :D
Chapter 4: OMG YOU DID NOT JUST INCLUDE HONGKI IN THIS. YOU'RE DROWNING ME WITH FEELS. No, seriously, thank you for including Hongki in this! He's my first kpop bias :') I really like the statement "Music inspires, not influences". Thanks for the speedy update!
Chapter 3: awwhh i was expecting Taemin and Luna tho =o= but KeyNa is awesome too, altho i never thought of them other than siblings
Chapter 3: Wait...key will fall for luna? THAT WOULD BE EVEN BETTER! I don't really ship them but seeing how they interact in this story and all I think it would be awesome to have KeyNa pairing up!
Chapter 3: Great update! I love every interaction Luna has with everyone, so the thing with Kevin was cute! <3 and lol at kibum and jonghyun's screams xD I'm very curious to how their performance will go. And I sense some Lunew! :D
Chapter 3: Luna is a cutepie ;___; I don't know if you meant falling as in literally, but I think Onew and Luna definitely shares some spark. They're always smiling and being adorably cute with each other. But I suppose Key betrayed some of his thoughts when he showed his jealousy towards Kevin. Hope Kevin pops out more often! Can't wait for their first perf.