Chapter 1

Welcome to Ongakuland

With the occasional swaying of the trees in the soft breeze, and the night sky stretched out endlessly like a midnight curtain, all who slept; slept soundlessly, for they believed that this night was like any other night. If someone had taken time to gaze up at the sky, they would have seen five particular stars shine brighter than any seen before. But the animals knew; they always know when something mysterious is about to take place. The foxes, the rabbits and even the sheep stopped what they were doing to watch the stars, waiting patiently. This night was not a normal night, not at all. In fact, it was quite magical.

Kim Kibum, a young boy of only 17 years, puffed in annoyance as he tried to get comfortable in his new bed. He had only just arrived in Seoul from America, you see, so he was quite bothered and tired from the first week of moving into the house. Kibum completely disagreed with moving, but he really had no choice. And not only did he have to survive through such a tiring process, his phone had broken just the other day. So there was no way to contact all his friends (He frowned just at the thought of how many people must be missing him by now) in America until he brought himself a new mobile.

 “I guess I can just ask Grandmother to buy me one.” Kibum sighed in conclusion, suddenly feeling very homesick.

Choosing to ignore the pain in his heart, the boy rolled over and closed his eyes; a thousand unanswered thoughts still whirling through his brain. Just as he was about to drift into dreamland, his bed began to shake. This was very odd, because Kibum couldn’t recall his bed being programed to vibrate in such a way.

In his confusion, he sat up immediately and tried to move away from the frightening bed before it exploded or something ridiculous of that sort, but his legs would not move. No matter how hard Kibum tried to pull his legs, they would not budge an inch. As the bed began to shake more and more, his heart beat faster and faster.

It was no more than a minute later that a Kibum made an ear-piecing scream.

Lee Jinki lived in a farm a few hours away from Seoul, and even though he had been through some weird happenings in his many years of life, none were as weird as his bed flying through his bedroom roof. At first, like how anybody would react, he screamed for his life. But eventually Jinki felt somewhat at ease.

This feels familiar... I’ve been through this before, I’m certain. The boy thought to himself.  And with that, Jinki calmed down and watched as he magically floated through the roof. The boy felt relieved that his legs were immobile because if they could move he would have surely fallen off the bed by now. And that wouldn’t be very pleasant, would it?

Kim Jonghyun’s mouth opened widely in awe as he stared down at what used to be his home. By now, the small house looked like a little girl’s doll house. But what shocked the 18 year old so much was the fact that his bed was flying. What madness! However, Jonghyun would have nothing to do with such a troublesome bed.

As he rose higher into the sky, the boy’s legs didn’t move; they couldn’t. That bothered him quite a lot, so he pulled and pulled until somehow he ended up hanging upside down off the bed, his legs still in their original position. Instead of pulling himself back up Jonghyun stayed hanging, not caring is anybody saw him.

“It’s not like they would care anyway.” He moped miserably. “But I hope mother will be okay…” Jonghyun weakly glared at the clouds, praying he wouldn’t fly into space and die from lack of oxygen.

Choi Minho gazed up at the clouds with a bored expression on his face, not feeling the least bit scared (okay so maybe he was slightly concerned for his safety, but he wouldn’t admit it) of his flying bed. He was incredibly cold, but not scared. Soon enough, Minho was getting rather impatient. The 17 year old had better things to do! He had to get to soccer practice, go help his father train the peewee soccer players, and oh so many more very important events that filled up his oh so very busy schedule.

As Minho began to soar through the clouds, he was not soaked with rain like he has expected. Although, he did feel like his head weighed a ton. His body waved back and forth from the dizziness that overtook his mind. Not long after, he fell unconscious onto his pillow.

Of course, there was one more star left to make its journey. Unlike the others, Lee Taemin was fortunate enough to have been asleep for most of the exhilarating ride through the sky. So when he woke up and rubbed his eyes, Taemin was not the least bit surprised to find he was sleeping in the clouds.

“What an interesting dream…” The 16 year old yawned, covering his mouth with his right hand. After stretching his arms, Taemin rested his head on his pillow and dozed off once again.


“Look at them in the land of dreams! So adorable!” A girl cooed. “Oh oh oh! One of them is drooling!”

“Oh be quiet, would you? You don’t want to scare them.” An old man sighed; internally face palming at the girl’s silly excitement.

“I’m so sorry, Sooman.” She giggled. “But personally, I think you will scare them more the moment they see you.”

“Luna.” Sooman frowned, wondering why he had chosen such an annoying girl to help him.

“It’s because you love me.” Luna winked cheekily.

Before Sooman could question Luna’s apparent mindreading skills, the old man’s head turn to see the five boys sleeping on his couches suddenly awaken. They blinked a couple of times, slowly becoming accustomed to the light of Sooman’s office. The boys’ faces then became etched with confusion, as they looked from one another, the strange girl at the door, the man sitting behind an expensive looking desk, to back at each other.

The awkward silence was soon broken.

“Welcome,” Luna smiled. “To Ongakuland.”


A/N: Ayo my lovely readers. This was just a small introduction to my first ever kpop fanfic! -throws rainbow confetti-
Comments and subscribers keep me going, so go go go! Please. ^-^


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Chapter 5: no need to apologize dear... thank you for this update.. glad the surgery was a success!
Chapter 5: stop apologizing for something you couldn't control! I am really happy for you that your surgery was succesful! :) I hope you're fully recovered now (both physically and emotionally) <3 and you gave us an amazing update so we can't complain really :) thank you!
Julettums #3
My Lunew feels kind of went down the drain....
Chapter 4: Thank you for this present! Merry Christmas!! This was a great update! I love how they helped Taemin and how they all performed! :D
Chapter 4: OMG YOU DID NOT JUST INCLUDE HONGKI IN THIS. YOU'RE DROWNING ME WITH FEELS. No, seriously, thank you for including Hongki in this! He's my first kpop bias :') I really like the statement "Music inspires, not influences". Thanks for the speedy update!
Chapter 3: awwhh i was expecting Taemin and Luna tho =o= but KeyNa is awesome too, altho i never thought of them other than siblings
Chapter 3: Wait...key will fall for luna? THAT WOULD BE EVEN BETTER! I don't really ship them but seeing how they interact in this story and all I think it would be awesome to have KeyNa pairing up!
Chapter 3: Great update! I love every interaction Luna has with everyone, so the thing with Kevin was cute! <3 and lol at kibum and jonghyun's screams xD I'm very curious to how their performance will go. And I sense some Lunew! :D
Chapter 3: Luna is a cutepie ;___; I don't know if you meant falling as in literally, but I think Onew and Luna definitely shares some spark. They're always smiling and being adorably cute with each other. But I suppose Key betrayed some of his thoughts when he showed his jealousy towards Kevin. Hope Kevin pops out more often! Can't wait for their first perf.