P A R T 6

Omma's Day Off

xx     [ partsix ]     xx



"After you, love." Kris pulled open the door, letting his much smaller boyfriend to step out of the dressing room.

"Thank you." Kyungsoo giggled as he brushed past his boyfriend. 

With the shirt and a few articles of clothing hanging off both arms, he strolled past a few men, noting that they were looking at him with a smirk on their faces. The heck?! Ignoring them, he made his way towards the cashier whom giggled as he approached. Kyungsoo stared at the cashier guy. 

"Sorry." The guy burst out into giggles once more before his colleague nudged him in the ribs. He calmed himself and started to scan all the tags. 

Kris placed a hand at the small of his boyfriend's back, caressing it gently as he watched the prices blinking over the screen after each scan. Damn. That sure was going to bore a hole in his pocket. Slipping his wallet out of his back pocket, Kris pulled out his debit card much to the disgruntled Kyungsoo whom insisted to pay. Kris only gave in because Kyungsoo gave him the if-you-don't-I'll-kick-you-out-of-our-bed stare. He held up his hand in surrender although the lopsided grin on his face gave away his amusement at this situation.

"Thank you! Please come again!" The bleached blonde with red highlights cashier guy chimed as he sent flirty glances at Kris before giggling again when he looked at Kyungsoo.

"Thanks." Kris winked at the cashier guy who stood frozen as picked up all the shopping bags.

Kyungsoo heard an audible squeal, albeit a soft one.  He stomped on Kris right foot before looking innocently at the taller male. 

Kris chuckled and leaned down, whispering into Kyungsoo's perked up ears. "Do you know why they were all looking at you?"

"I wondered too. But it must be you. All the guys and girls are attracted to you." Kyungsoo smiled up as they reached the entrance double glass doors of the boutique.

"Not true." Kris said. When Kyungsoo looked at him in that I-don't believe-you stare, he wound his arms around him from behind and whispered in that low voice that always made the slighter male shiver. "They find you cute because you forgot to zip up."

Kyungsoo gasped. His eyes widened when he looked down. With deft fingers, Kris pulled up the zipper as slowly as possible. His nostrils flared when Kyungsoo shuddered.

"You know, we can try on more clothes if you want." Kris blew against his ear before nibbling on his earlobe. "I know you love it." He added with a growl.



✂ ✂ 


"Hmm, how much chocolate again?" Yixing asked as he chopped the unsweetened chocolate bar and added it into the plastic bowl. He checked the weight. Three ounces.

"Four ounces." Minseok replied as he watched Yixing turned away to get more chocolates from the bottom cabinet. He slipped a handful of chocolate into his mouth, swallowing the evidence the moment Yixing returned.

Yixing placed the new bars of chocolate on the counter top and stared at the weighing scale. "I thought it weighed three ounces just now? How come its only two now?" His face was scrunched up in confusion.

Minseok shrugged. "It was two ounces just now."

"Really? Guess we need another bar." Yixing went to get another bar.

Minseok snickered as he grabbed another handful. But someone smacked the back of his hand, causing him to yelp in surprise. "What's that for?"

Jongdae pinched both sides of Minseok's cheek while chuckling at his discomfort. "You bully."

"Who? Me? No." Minseok rubbed his throbbing cheeks, pouting at Jongdae. "That hurts, idiot."

A sponge came flying from the other side of the kitchen, smacking across Minseok's cheek. 

"Stop bullying him! And stop eating the chocolates!" Tao threw over his shoulder as he continued chopping the glazed cherries.

"I didn't do any-" Minseok was cut off by Jongdae's lips on his. He sputtered random Korean words when he was released.

"Thanks for the chocolate!" Jongdae ran to Tao, leaving a blushing baozi behind.

On the other side of the counter, Baekhyun was reading the recipe that was attached to the door of the refridgerator. His boyfriend was crouched, eye level of the counter, staring at the condensation on the eggs that was brought out from the fridge a while ago. He picked one up, rolling it in his hand, fascinated. Side-stepping the couple being Sehun and Luhan, who were busy measuring the sugar and flour, Jongin crept up behind Baekhyun and tripped on his own foot. On purpose. He fell forward, pressing Baekhyun against the metal door. 

Baekhyun cried out in surprise. He felt a hand brushed against his bottom. 

"Kim Jongin! Get away from my Baekhyun!" Chanyeol shouted, crushing the egg in his hand in anger.

"Yah! Chanyeol! What did you do to the egg?!" Joonmyun rushed over, hands on his hips. I knew this was a bad idea." He smacked Chanyeol's upper arm. "You wasted one egg!"

"Are you hurt? I'm really sorry! Let me check to make sure you're ok, for my peace of mind." Jongin put on his concerned face as he flipped Baekhyun over,  and started to pat Baekhyun from his shoulders to chest to abs to...

Chanyeol stormed over to where Jongin was freely molesting his boyfriend in the name of health check. Before he could get his hands on the latter's neck, Joonmyun stepped in.

"Chanyeol, calm down. Jongin! Could you please stop touching Baekhyun?!' Joonmyun barked at them.

Jongin ignored his orders and began to pat Baekhyun's groin area. An egg sailed mid-air. And met Jongin's back.

"What the heck-" Jongin glared at the tallest guy in the kitchen. 

Chanyeol laughed. "That's for-" He was cut off when Jongin stuffed the sponge into his mouth. He spat out the soapy sponge. "Argh! Yuck!"

"Guys! Guys! Stop! You're going to ruin the kitchen!" Joonmyun tried to step in between a smirking Jongin and a scowling Chanyeol. "Minseok! Stop eating! Tao, what are you doing?!"

Tao looked up from his chopping board. "What?"

"You might as well just put those in the food processor." Joonmyun sighed as he studied the finely chopped cherries. It was supposed to be roughly chopped.

Joonmyun had a lot of things to say but a hand patted his shoulder. He turned to the owner, seeing that it was the sweet, innocent Luhan. Correction. Innocent-looking. "Yes, Luhan?"

"I know the best thing for you." Luhan smiled sweetly at him. And that could only mean one thing. Trouble.


His head shot up from staring at the weighing scale the moment he was called. Yixing looked at Luhan curiously. Something didn't feel right when he was casually patting Joonmyun's shoulder.

"Yeah?" Yixing watched Joonmyun's troubled face and then at Luhan's smiling ones. Uh-oh. What now?

"Yixing, I have a better task for you. Leave the chocolates." Luhan said as Sehun pushed Yixing forward till he stood right in front Joonmyun. "You take care of him. Make sure he doesn't bother us. Do whatever you have to."

"Me?" Yixing shrugged when they nodded. He took Joonmyun's wrist, ignoring how soft it felt under his fingers (not that he cared, really) and pulled him out of the kitchen. 

Joonmyun looked at the ever reliable Tao to help him out but he seemed to agree with others as well. You betrayal panda! The music blared out of the speaker as he sat on the sofa with Yixing right beside him. Life without Kyungsoo was horrible but life without both Kris and Kyungsoo was just catastrophic. The things that could be completed in ten minutes, would complete in an hour instead. Everytime they were ordered to do something, no one listened to him. It was so much more frustrating when the EXO members came together. If handling Baekhyun and Chanyeol was giving him a hard time, try handling another seven clones of them two with just some tweaks to their personality. Head-splitting headache.

The leader EXO-K seemed to be fuming in silence as Yixing watched him grit his teeth discreetly. Sounds of someone shouting in the kitchen caused Joonmyun to stand on auto-pilot but Yixing pulled him back down. Moments later, another scream from Baekhyun caused Joonmyun to rushed towards the kitchen but Yixing, was again in time to drag him back to the sofa where the leader popped down ungracefully. 

"Last warning, Joonmyun. I can't promise I'll be nice." Yixing  wagged a finger at him.

Joonmyun narrowed his eyes at Yixing as though daring him to try to stop him again. The latter just shrugged and looked away. It was hard sitting this close to Joonmyun without his eyes straying back to the owner of those pale skin. As the older male looked towards the kitchen, straining to know what was going on in there, Yixing took the opportunity to just take in slightly mused dark red curls that stopped right at the pale nape which looked really... enticing. No. Knock it off. Yixing looked away again. But movement to his tight brough his focus back on Joonmyun who tried to creep away while he wasn't looking.

"That's it, Joonmyun. I've warned you."

Joonmyun chuckled. "What are you gonna do, unicorn? You can't possibly treaten me. I'm not scare of you."

Yixing felt his pulse picked up when Joonmyun leaned back with arms spread against the back of the sofa with that smirk on his face. Oh, how he'd love to prove him wrong. Shoving his shoulder against Joonmyun's mid-section, he heaved the older guy onto his shoulders, carrying him firemen style. He made his way towards the master bedroom while enduring the punches from a pissed off Joonmyun whom insisted he was put down that instance. Yixing smacked his twice, ignoring how firm it felt.And how good. 

"Let me tell you this again, Yixing! Let me down now!" Joonmyun cried out in frustration. No one had ever carried him. Especially a full-grown man. And definitely not Yixing. The unicorn boy shoved his way into the bedroom before slamming the door shut behind him with his foot.

Then he was thrown on the bed. Literally. Joonmyun bounced against it. Before he could adjust his bearings, Yixing pinned him down with hands trapping his wrists over his head, straddling his hips.

"Now, will you calm down and listen to what I have to say?" Yixing's leaned down, lips only inches away. Joonmyun his lower lip as his heart began beating a little too fast for comfort.

Yixing tracked the tongue that slipped out, glistening the lower lip. He felt his inside shaking with a need to taste it but he held back. "Now, if you keep quiet and not bother them, I will let you go. Or else, you will face a rather deadly consequences."

Never in his life that he knew Yixing, Joonmyun ever felt threatened by him. Not even now despite being in a very vulnerable position. "I'm not scared of you."

A slow smirk formed on Yixing's lips. "Try me. And don't regret it later."


✂ ✂ 


An update! Sorry for the wait... I fetched my cat yesterday from the hospital... he's alright... thank you all... comments would be nice really and yes~ some sulay moments hehehe the naughtycorn XD glad you enjoyed! I'll try to reply to all the comments, ok? :)) 

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Last chp will be up today :))


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Chapter 2: Lol that was so funny
Chapter 8: I had a good time reading this, though I would like to know how sulay can develope and what happened with Jongin and If Channie was able to see the light of another day xD
Love Krisoo, btw
noomico #3
Chapter 8: What happened to lay and suho and what d.o and kris will react if suho left is there more ,??
Pika_Chuu_Pika #4
Chapter 2: Ddaebak.!! I can't say anymore.. XD

May i translete your fanfiction.? Many indonesian people like to.read fanfiction, but the can't read english because they're not ubderstand. Uhm, don't worry for the credit, i promise to insert it. I can sent the review of indonesia people to you. So.?
CandyToo #5
Chapter 8: HAHAHAHA, SO CUTE, OMGOSH!! Daebak!! ^^
But what happened to Yixing and Joomyeon? :O
Haha, I also realized there was in here: Kris, D.O and Suho...
lgkaupk #6
Chapter 8: Lovely and funny! Thank you!
I really like this and it's so cute XD
Chapter 8: Hahaha... Really this is so hilarious. I'm rolling on my bed while reading this.