P A R T 4

Omma's Day Off

xx     [ partfour ]     xx



After walking and browsing all the shops, Kyungsoo finally found a bookstore where he could look for new cookbooks to experiment. He didn't need to worry about his test subjects though, what with eleven willing lab rats back home. Stepping into the air-conditioned bookstore was a nice change from the boring sun outside which was making him break into sweats. The store were lined with shelves after shelves of floor-to-ceiling racks with as sliding ladder attached to each one for people who aren't tall enough to reach the top books. A girl bumped into him and apologised. She seemed to be in a rush and didn't recognise him. Phew. Good thing. He didn't want to be mobbed by fangirls (or fanboys) on his day off of work (and housework). 
Kyungsoo look at the wooden board hanging from the ceiling at each section. Business. Self-Improvement. Art and Design.  Language. Cookery. Ah, that's the one. He browsed the book spines and pulled one that looked interesting. The Book of Baking. Hmm, this looks good. He browsed through the pages, noticing the glossy coloured photos of the chocolate cake and cupcakes. How much is this thing? Flipping over the book, Kyungsoo sighed. Maybe, next time. Walking down the magazines lane, he spotted a few magazine with EXO-K as the cover photo. It wasn't something that he did often, unlike Baekhyun and Chanyeol, but he was curious as to what people think of them as a rookie group from S.M. Entertainment, no less. The magazine was full of gossips. Typical. An article regarding them caught his attention.

"Hey, are you D.O.?" A foreign girl asked in accented English. Kyungsoo looked at her in surprised. He didn't really understand what she meant but he only heard his stage name being mentioned.

"N-No. Sorry. Don't know." 

"It's ok. You look a lot like him." The tall girl giggled. Gosh, she was tall like the Happy Virus at home. He just smiled and nodded as she kept talking in a language that sounded so gibberish to him. Let's just get out, he thought while making his way towards the exit.


✂ ✂ 


The supermarket were pretty quiet as not many people  were shopping in the middle of the afternoon as most of the lunch crowds were out in the food stores, filling their empty stomachs. Yixing strolled down the aisle, looking for the gardening section where he remembered the vase being sold. A slightly older woman was giving him a seductive once-over but, him being Yixing, didn't notice it as he thought she was looking at the big fake tree behind him with the chocolate promotions.

He went around the store, going from the butchery section to dry food to dairy to baking, but he didn't see any gardening section. Where is it again? Guess, I'll just ask the cashier girl.

"Hi, may I ask where is the gardening section?" Yixing smiled at her, wondering why was hanging opened. 

The girl somehow had collected herself and blushed. "Oh, the gardening section is just to the right of the entrance."

"Oh, thank you!" Yixing gave another dimpled smile which made the girl hyperventilate but he was too oblivious. He went around the cashier counter and stopped right under the board hanging above his head that read "gardening". After a few cursory glance, he went to the vase shelves and browsed at the array of vases but stopped at glossy plain ones. Now, which one did they want? Yixing stared hard at the vase as he tried to remember the exact colour. Is it blue or brown? Wait. No. Black. Right. Hmm, black or blue? The way he was staring at the poor vase, one would think he was boring holes into it.

Can you help us buy another vase like this one? Bl...

Yixing scratched his head. Is that black or blue? For the life of him, he couldn't remember. It sounded like... black. Guess, he would just go with black.


✂ ✂ 


The noises outside of the kitchen didn't faze them. What else is new? Kris circled his arms around Joonmyun, pulling him closer as they locked lips. He mentally reminded himself to check the pasta after eight minutes but as he got lost on Joonmyun's sweet lips, he lot track of time. Until someone screamed. 

"The pasta is overcooked!" Minseok cried in dismay as he slurped one into his mouth. "It's soggy!"

Joonmyun pushed the leader of EXO-M away and rushed towards the pot. He sighed and turned towards the caused of their ruined lunch. "I told you to watch the pasta but what did you do?"

"What's wrong with making out?" Kris scratched the back of his head. "You weren't complaining."

"Well, only cause you told me that you know what you were doing." Joonmyun frowned. "We'll just cook the sauce first then."

The arguments between the two leaders got the rest of the members interested. So, they crept towards the kitchen watching the commotion unfold. Luhan stepped out from the rest whom had find themselves seated around the counter with some on the high stool.

Joonmyun looked over his shoulder at them and spotted an eager Luhan with his Bambi tucked between his armpit. "Luhannie, could get me the jar of tomato sauce?"

"Ok!" Luhan searched the fridge and found the glass jar of tomato sauce. Happy with his finding, he made his way back. Only to stumble on his on feet.



They were stunned. Pieces of broken glass scattered. Splotches of red marred the all over the white tiled floor.

Joonmyun was the first to break the silence. "Argh Can't you guys do something right for even just a minute?!" He looked at all their faces. "Everything, everything just had to go so horribly wrong! First, you," he pointed at Jongin, "had to ruined coffee, and you, the baked beans. Followed the you two dumb and dumber," he pointed at Baekhyun and his boyfriend. "burnt the toasts."

"That's mean." Baekhyun pouted, which earned him another glare from the very pissed off Joonmyun. No one had ever seen him this mad.

Joonmyun ignored and continued with his rantings. "And then Yixing almost burnt the whole place. Tao, had to ruined our breakfast. And now, you," he poked Kris' chest, "just ruined lunch because you were so confident with your cooking skills! And you," he looked at Luhan who gave him that puppy-eyed look. 

He clenched his fist so tightly, his knuckles turned white. "broke the jar and spilt the sauce. Where's Yixing, anyway?"

"He went out to buy some snacks." Sehun shrugged.

Then Yixing's head poked into the kitchen. "Hey."

"You went out to buy snacks?" Joonmyun asked, hands folded over his chest.

"Hmm, ye-"

Tao cut him off with a frown, forehead furrowed. "I thought he went out to buy the vase that Chanyeol broke?"

"Y-You wh-wh-what?" Kris gasped. "Don't tell me you broke that vase?"

Joonmyun felt his anger simmering. "Park Chanyeol! Why the heck did you break the damn vase?!"

"Hey, It's not my fault! It's Jongin! He ducked!" Chanyeol grew defensive. He pointed at Jongin. "And he tried to steal my Baekhyun!"

"I. Don't. Want. To. Hear."  Joonmyun covered his ears. "Where's the vase? It better be the right one."

Yixing placed the plastic bag on the counter top. All eyes were on the newspaper-wrapped  vase. As it was unwrapped layer after layer, anticipation ran high. Then the moment came.

"Yah! Yixing! What is this?!" Joonmyun shouted. His face had turned a shade of red. 

"They asked me to buy a black vase." Yixing shrugged.

"I-I told you to- argh!" Sehun almost pulled his hair out. 

Joonmyun looked up in resignation. The other members looked at each other, wondering what Joonmyun was going to do about this. The leader of EXO-K let out a frustrated sigh. 

"Chanyeol and Baekhyun, you two, go to the supermarket and buy another vase, tomato sauce and kimchi." Joonmyun waved the two out. "Jongin, you follow them too."

"What?! No!" Chanyeol protested as Jongin walked out with a smirk on his lips, which Joonmyun didn't see. "He'll try to jump my boyfriend again!"

"My decision is final." Joonmyun glared at Chanyeol, who pouted while he dragged his feet out of the kitchen. "You two," he pointed at Luhan and Sehun, "clean up this mess on the floor."

"Ok." Sehun pulled his boyfriend away from the fuming leader.

"Tao, Minseok and Yixing, the three of you, clean up the mess you guys made in front." Joonmyun massaged his temples as he heard them groaning in disapproval. "Kris, you clean the dishes."

"Me?" Kris pointed at himself in shocked. Nobody ordered him around. He heard the members snickering as they overheard the order. "You can't-"

"I better see all these things done." Joonmyun tried to walk away but was stopped by an arm. He looked up into Kris' seductive smile. "What?!"

"Joonmyun, I know you're tired. Why not let the kids clean the dishes. Let me help you-"

"Kris." Joonmyun narrowed his eyes at the taller guy. "Out of my way."

Suddenly, Kris felt bad. He let go of his upset lover, watching his retreating back longingly. But he gave chase in the last minute. Kris almost caught up with him but the door slammed in his face.

"Joonmyun! Joonmyun!" Kris tried the door knob but it was locked. "I will tear this down!"

"I would love to see you try!" Joonmyun shouted from behind the door. Kris sighed.


✂ ✂ 


The supermarket was just minutes away by foot. They were dressed in their best disguise. Chanyeol with his nerdy black-rimmed lense-less specs,  black hoodie jacket to hide his blonde curls and his hot pink sneakers. Baekhyun, on the other hand, decked in a red hoodie jacket with a tiny stick and green leave on top of his head, given that it was an apple hoodie. Jongin was dressed the simplest. Just a black t-shirt and a cap. Some of the passer bys were looking at them curiously. What not, Jongin admitted they stood. Correction. The other two stood out.

"You know, your disguise is an irony." Jongin said as a matter-of-factly as he watched the both of them scowling at him. "What?! Try to look this from my point of view. No one walks around with an apple hoodie jacket and hot pink sneakers without attracting attention."

"What do you know about disguise?" Baekhyun retorted.

Jongin rolled his eyes. "Whatever."

Chanyeol back hugged his boyfriend proclaiming his love and how cute he looks in an apple hoodie. "You know an apple a day, keeps the doctor away." He glared at Jongin.

"That is the corniest, lamest pick-up line." Jongin made a puking face. "Then if he's an apple, what are you?"

The tall rapper didn't take long to think. He grinned goofily. "If Baekhyun's an apple, then I'm the worm that gets to wriggle into the apple."

"Oh my god!" Jongin slapped his forehead. "Then, I'll just be the doctor that will kill the worm, and I get to eat the apple."

Baekhyun raised an eyebrow as he looked at the two tall guys. "Can you stop with that bad figuratives?" He shook his head and stepped into the cool air of the supermarket. Jongin followed suit. Chanyeol puffed his cheeks, staring at Jongin's back whom turned back and stuck his tongue out. That rascal! Ugh! Just before Chanyeol took that one step in, he saw a familiar figure seated on a bench infront of an ice-cream bar.

Short black hair. Lightly tanned skin. Big, wide eye... oh my... argh! Kyungsoo! The figure waved at him with both hands, along with his signature grin.

"Baekhyun! Jongin!" Chanyeol rushed in. He pushed them both out of the entrance and pointed at the ice-cream bar. "I saw him! I saw him!"

"Who?" Baekhyun looked from left to right and back to left and didn't see anyone they know at the ice-cream bar.

"Kyungsoo! I saw Kyungsoo!" Chanyeol kept pointing at that direction, his eyes pleading at them to believe him. "I saw him at the table near the walkway!"

Jongin looked at the empty seat where Chanyeol reportedly saw Kyungsoo. "He's not there. Let's just not waste time."

"B-but I saw him! You guys have to believe me!" Chanyeol shook his boyfriend's arm. "Baekhyun, I saw him! What if he finds out about what we're going to buy?"

"Forget it. It's probably just your imagination. Let's just get going." Baekhyun stepped back in.

Jongin waved his hand in, ordering Chanyeol to follow them. "Don't be a retarded giraffe. Come one!"

Chanyeol took one last look at the seat and saw Kyungsoo waving again. That can't be coincidence!


✂ ✂ 


Kyungsoo was actually just enjoying a cup of milkshake when he spotted Baekhyun, Chanyeol and Jongin from far. Baekhyun stood out like a sore thumb with his bright red hoodie. He wondered what they were doing at the supermarket. Restock? Perhaps. He watched them disappear inside except for Chanyeol who spotted him. Giving his usual grin, he waved at the main rapper who suddenly looked shocked. The latter ran in. Oh well, Kyungsoo shrugged. Slipping off his bench, he squatted down to tie his loosen shoe lace. When he sat back, he saw Baekhyun and Jongin's back disappearing inside while Chanyeol's eyes widened as their eyes met. He waved again. The latter rushed in. Shrugging, Kyungsoo went back to his iPad.


✂ ✂ 


Joonmyun lay on his back as he shut his eyes, trying to calm himself. He was glad Kris didn't press for more, because he really didn't want to fight. Sighing into the empty room, he felt for his mobile on the nightstand and texted his other boyfriend.

Omm's day off. I'm the omma.

Aww, really? Kyungsoo texted back.

Yes! I could literally pull all their limbs apart if I was some kind of alien! Even Kris was getting on my nerves!

You ARE an alien from exoplanet.

No, I'm a HUMAN from exoplanet who has to handle 9 freaking aliens and it's king.

Tell me about it. By the way, what is bacon, happy virus and kkamjong doing at the supermarket?

Joonmyun grinned. Now, he felt what Kyungsoo felt every day. Not that he hadn't been feeling it for that past months.

They're just out to buy tomato sauce, kimchi and va.. Joonmyun quickly deleted as he realised what he had just typed. They're just out to buy tomato sauce, kimchi and snacks.

Oh. I see. I'll buy some cakes or something later. Later. Love you.

Love you too.

Joonmyun set the phone aside and chose to take a nap instead.


✂ ✂ 


Ok, another chapter.. it looks like this story might be slightly longer than 5 parts... hahaha Kris is too insatiable in here... haha he's a god, no? Oh, well, thank you for reading & please comment if you have the time! Thank you! Yes, I'm a out of the closet kaibaek shipper hehehe :D Guess what, I'm listening to CSJH The Grace's The Club haha

ps: it might appear tagged as M I think due to language...

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Last chp will be up today :))


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Chapter 2: Lol that was so funny
Chapter 8: I had a good time reading this, though I would like to know how sulay can develope and what happened with Jongin and If Channie was able to see the light of another day xD
Love Krisoo, btw
noomico #3
Chapter 8: What happened to lay and suho and what d.o and kris will react if suho left is there more ,??
Pika_Chuu_Pika #4
Chapter 2: Ddaebak.!! I can't say anymore.. XD

May i translete your fanfiction.? Many indonesian people like to.read fanfiction, but the can't read english because they're not ubderstand. Uhm, don't worry for the credit, i promise to insert it. I can sent the review of indonesia people to you. So.?
CandyToo #5
Chapter 8: HAHAHAHA, SO CUTE, OMGOSH!! Daebak!! ^^
But what happened to Yixing and Joomyeon? :O
Haha, I also realized there was in here: Kris, D.O and Suho...
lgkaupk #6
Chapter 8: Lovely and funny! Thank you!
I really like this and it's so cute XD
Chapter 8: Hahaha... Really this is so hilarious. I'm rolling on my bed while reading this.