The Rise Of The Legends


Have you ever been in a world that makes no sense for you? Or atleast you don't fit in with the others?


Join the adventure of 12 boys as they find the purpose of themselves, determine the future they have to face and the powers they have as responsibilities with the special abilities they have.

In a world unknown to them, in a world that they belong to and the world that they would change completely , watch them as they are tested with friendship, strength of powers and greed.








12 boys.

Each gifted with powers that would save the world....


Only if they use their powers at good use and won't let greed control them.


Will the boys cope the challenge or back out in the middle of the pressure of the people who would get affected by their choices and decisions?


In the EXO planet, will they be accepted or accept themselves as the people they really are and discover the secrets hidden from them after all those years?



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