thinking about you


You can never really forget your first love. weather it was a girl or boy, they'll always be your first.

and sometimes, it can also be YOUR ONLY.


Not sure why.. I have the sudden urge to write one shots >.< but never the less  ^_^ 

as you can see, this will be a songfic from Frank Ocean - Thinking about you. If you haven't listened to it yet (Have you been under a rock or something -.- I mean really?) nah just kidding, heres the link 

​Its a really good song stuck in my brain for all day -.- but yeah woo! TAORIS !! <3 


I do not own anyone in this nor do I own the song purely fiction.


​lessthanthree -3 PEACE AND LOVE ExoticVIP



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I like it! (both the story and song)
I like this song, (Yes of course I've heard about it Frank Ocean is also part of OFWGTA/Odd Future, Yes even though i'm asian i know them xD) Tho I don't really like their music Tyler the creator is very funny xD. I don't know the story is a bit angsty but beautiful, i liked it.. But I just couldn't place the song in this.. It's like two whole different worlds Kpop and Frank Ocean Nevertheless I liked it !