Operation Red Horn


As Seunghyun was shown his office and allowed a few hours to explore the compound, he left the room and went back to the hall where the trainees were kept. He walked past the white haired boy's room, apparently named Daesung, and went straight to the red haired boy's cubicle. There he was, sitting cross legged on the floor. Seunghyun tapped on the window, and the boy looked up, his rosette eyes bright and curious. Seunghyun pulled a pad and a pen out of his pocket and scribbled something on the paper. When he finished, he held up a notepad to the window, which read:

I can help you get out of here.
G Dragon grabbed a blank, black notebook off his bed and scribbled on the college rule paper. He held up his reply:
Why should I trust you? You are supposed to keep us contained.
Seunghyun sighed. He knew getting this boy to trust him wouldn't be easy. Before he could write a reply, the boy held up his notebook once again:
Meet at the nurses quarters tonight at 24:30. We can discuss it then.
Seunghyun scribbled a quick reply:
Why the nurses quarters and how do you plan on getting out of your room?
Seunghyun watched as G Dragon laughed, shaking his head slightly as he wrote out his answer:
I'm a Monster. You expect me to stay in this boring cubicle all night? And the nurses quarters because no one ever goes there. If you do, you're considered weak and they work you even harder.
Seunghyun nodded in agreement, then hurried off back to his office, wondering what he had just gotten himself into.
24:30 sharp. That's when Seunghyun showed up at the nurses quarters. He found G Dragon already there, lighting the halls with a ball of fire that formed in his hand. Seunghyun clicked of his company issued flashlight, figuring G Dragon could keep the hallway lit enough. G Dragon turned to look at Seunghyun, the firelight glinting off his rosy eyes and revealing strands of gold in his dull red hair. When Seunghyun got closer, he could see his nails were colored a solid black and his black tee shirt had a faint golden outline of a dragon on it. How symbolic. G Dragon was the first to speak.
"So you wanna help us? Never heard that approach before." he said in a sarcastic tone. G Dragon's voice surprised Seunghyun. It was more lively and a bit deeper then he had expected.
"What do you mean by 'that approach'? Approach to what?"
"Oh please, don't play dumb. The new guys always try to get us to escape so they can capture us and turn us in, hoping to get brownie points with the boss," G Dragon replied, rolling his eyes. Seunghyun sighed. This kid was definitely a teenager.
"Hey!" G Dragon exclaimed. "I heard that!" 
"You can read minds? It didnt say that on your chart!"
"It comes with the 'thought controlling' territory."
"Oh. That may come in handy later. Speaking of which, I really do want to help..."
"You can't escape here. It's impossible."
"Not if we think of a plan..."
"Don't you see, Mister!"
"Don't you see, Seunghyun! They monitor our every move! It's impossible."
"Not if we stick to the plan..."
G Dragon sighed heavily and pulled up his sleeve. He shined the ball of light on it, catching the reflection of a jumble of letters and numbers.
"They use these to identify us. They'll always be able to find us, no matter what."
"Not if we..."
"There is no we in this! The M.O.N.S.T.E.Rs are not risking their life for this, and that's final!"
G Dragon disappeared down the hallway, taking the firelight with him. Seunghyun could tell how desperately G Dragon wanted to be out of that place by the sound of his voice, he was just too stubborn and scared. But Seunghyun would break his exterior shell eventually. But for now, he needed to go back to his room an formulate a plan. Operation Red Horn, he called it. Now he needed to figure out the workings of the plan, and the M.O.N.S.T.E.Rs would be on their way to freedom.
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Dragon63 #1
Chapter 5: amazing!!!!!
but why did so many dieeeeee
:( :(
but thank you so much for this amazing story!!
Onepenny #2
Chapter 5: Fantastic story! Wish there was more :)
o.O! THAT...WAS...SO...SWEEEET!!!!!!! Daesung's part was sad though but I love the end! hehe thank you for writing this girl! was amazing!
I agree with Cinder! I WANT THE NEXT ONE!!!!
Cinder #5
I want the next one!!!!!
u.u it ended so fast, i need the next one! hehe ^_^ waiting for it!
Next one!!! hehe this is really cooL!
hey girl! hehe the next one please!! i fell for this story! u.u is so cool!