The End

It's All Lies

Listen to this song -----> IT'S ALL LIES


Daehyun’s POV


It’s been two years since the last time I see Melissa.  Since the day we were broke up, I didn’t hear any news about her.  All that I knew is that Melissa already moves to New York.  At New York, Melissa stays with her grandmother.




“I can forget about you,” I say coldly to Melissa.  Melissa who was standing in front of me just cries.  I make a decision to break up with her.

“Why?  Why you were doing this to me?” Melissa asks with tears.

“I know you knew the reason,”

“I don’t know the exact reason.  Just tell me,” I sigh when hear it.


“Please go home and look at your face,” suddenly Nadia interrupt our conversation.

“Let’s go,” I did not manage to anything to Melissa.  Nadia already drag me to walk away.  I look back, Melissa was crying.


-End of Flashback-


I regret for what I have done to Melissa.  A week after that time, Nadia told me to stop seeing her.  She said that he seeing me just because of my money and because I’m famous among young girls.  Nadia said that she don’t have any feeling towards me.  I feel that I was stupid.  Stupid because let go one girl that love me with his whole heart.  Every day I will pray to see Melissa one more time.  I hope God will answer my pray.


I walk in front of one café that I usually go there with Melissa.  I remember how Melissa like Mocha Ice blended so much.  Although I keep told her to ordering something else, she keeps order it.


I remember how happy Melissa’s face when drink it.  Her face was so bright when I handed her favorite drink.  I miss those memories.  People around me keep saying that Melissa is ugly but for me Melissa were so cute.  I like to look at her eyes that hide behind her glasses.  Her brown eyes look beautiful when she smile.


I realize that I love Melissa after I break up with her.  I miss you, Melissa.  I say inside my heart.  I never say those words to Melissa.  Why?  I don’t have any courage to say those words.  Every time I want to say it, those words keep refusing to come out.  I’m a fool and really like a coward.  I couldn’t tell Melissa that I love her.


My eye were glued to one young girl who leaving the café.  That girl wears white dress.  Its look like Melissa but the different is that, that girl doesn’t wear glasses and Melissa doesn’t usually wear that kind of dress.  But I’m sure it was Melissa because Melissa has a birth mark at her left leg.  I run to the girl.


“Melissa,” I catch her hands.  She just looks at my face.  She takes away her hands.

“You’re Melissa right?” I ask.

“Sorry, I didn’t know anyone named Melissa,” she say.

“Sorry, I thought you were Melissa,” I bows to her.  I feel bit shy because I was mistaken the unknown girl as Melissa.  I must miss her so badly until I see all girl as Melissa.


“Melissa, wait!” I stop from walk away when one voice call Melissa’s name.  The voice come from the café and one boy walk towards the girl that I thought as Melissa.

“My princess, here you’re Mocha Ice Blended that you wish,” the boy handed the drink to her. 


It’s true!  It was Melissa.  Melissa looks at me with shock face.  Then she quickly takes the boy hand and walk away.  Is that her boyfriend?  Why that boy call Melissa ‘my princess’?


“I’ll never let you go this time,” I chase Melissa.




Melissa’s POV


“Melissa,” I hear Daehyun’s voice.  When I want to walk outside the café, I see Daehyun walking towards the café.  I thought if I walk from the café, Daehyun will not see me.  But my expectation was wrong.  Daehyun already saw me.  He can notice me although I already change.


I didn’t look back and I try to walk faster.  But Daehyun manage to catch me.

“You’re Melissa right?” Daehyun ask.

“Sorry, I didn’t know anyone named Melissa,” I lie.  I hope he will not know that I’m the real Melissa that he searches.

“Sorry, I thought you were Melissa,” Daehyun look disappointed.  Why he looking for me?  Why he looks so disappointed when I say that he was mistaken.


I look at his sad face.  The face that I miss all the time I was in New York.  Luckily I have a photo of Daehyun in my hand phone.  Every time I miss him, I will look at my hand phone.  Actually I feel that I want to hug Daehyun at that time but I was to ego when remember the day we break up.  I miss you, Daehyun.


I sigh when Daehyun walk away.  I feel sad and also feel relieve when he can recognize me.  I don’t want to interrupt Daehyun and Nadia relationship.


“Melissa, wait!” I froze when my cousin call my name.  He runs towards me.

“My princess, here you’re Mocha Ice Blended that you wish,” Daniel handed my drinks.  Daehyun look at me.  Oh-oh!  Daehyun must confirm that I was Melissa that he searches.  What to do?  Oh god!  Help me.  Without thinking much, I walk and drag my cousin.




It’s been a week after the incident at the café.  After that incident, Daehyun always come to my house.  He will ask my parents’ permission to ask me out.  But I never agree to go out with him.  Daehyun also ask my parents about my relationship with Daniel.  Now he knows that Daniel is just my cousin.  I can’t lie to Daehyun anymore.  At the café, I told Daehyun that Daniel is my boyfriend.  He believes it but right now I can say that Daniel is my boyfriend again because he already knows the truth.


“Come in,” I say when I heard a knock.  Daniel opens the door with bright smile.  He walks and sits down at the edge of the bed.

“Let’s go out.  I feel bored,” Daniel say while looking at me who busy surfing the internet.

“You’re bored?  Where do you want to go?” I ask.  My eyes keep looking at my laptop.


“Let’s go to Banpo Bridge,”

“Okay, just give me 5 minutes.  Let me change first,” Daniel hugs me from back when he hears what I say.  Daniel and I were so close.  We will do anything together.  And there were no secrets between us.


Like Daniel wants, we walk near the Banpo Bridge.  This place was so famous among young couple who want a romantic walk.  I wonder what will happen if I were with Daehyun at this time.  Will he be a romantic man towards me?


Stop, Melissa!  Stop think about him.  You’re done with him.  You don’t have any relationship with him anymore.


“Wahh!  This scenery was sooo cool!” Daniel says when we sitting near the Banpo Bridge.  This is first time Daniel goes to the Banpo Bridge.  I have already promise him that I will bring him to the place around the Seoul.


“It’s beautiful right?” I ask while watching the fountain that have a long the bridge.  The bridge looks more beautiful with the colorful lights that decorate around it.  Daniel just nods his head.


“Do you want to drink something?  I’ll buy it,” Daniel volunteers himself.  Daniel goes to the nearest shop to buy some drinks.  He leaves me alone.  I look at all couples that walking in front of me.  Sometimes I feel jealous with them.  When will I experience that feeling?


When I busy looking at the couples, someone handed me one orange jus.  Oh, this must be Daniel!  I thought to myself.  I drink the orange jus.


I look at my left to see Daniel but I was so shock to see there is no Daniel.  It was someone else and it was Daehyun.  I nearly spray my drink when I see him sitting beside me.  Why he is here?  And how did he know that I was here?  This must be Daniel plan.  No wonder he keeps asking about Daehyun this morning.


I didn’t say anything to Daehyun.  I look straight to the river.  My heart beat faster when I see his face.  I didn’t believe that he will come here.  I stand up and ready to walk but Daehyun catch my hand.


“Please, give me 5 minutes,” he says with serious face.  I sit back beside him.  5 minutes pass but there nothing I hear from him.  He just keeps silent.  I stand up.


“Please, don’t leave me,” he says.  I look at him.

“I’m so sorry, Daehyun.  There’s nothing between us.  And I’m not the one that leaves or break our relationship,”

“It’s true.  It was me who want make those stupid decision.  And now I’m really regret that I leave you,”

“Do you think I can forgive you easily after what have you done to me?  I might forget about it but it really hurt in here.  Here,” I put my hand at my chest.  I hope he know that he really make me hurt.  I start to cry when I remember the day he leave me. 


After I broke up with him, I decided to move to New York.  I want to start my new life there.  I also have made a decision that I don’t want to go back here.  I want to stay there forever.  Daniel is the person who helps me to change my personality and appearance.  Daniel transforms me from ugly duckling to white and beautiful swan.


After one year staying there my grandmother pass away and I have to move back to Korea.  I can't hold my tears.  It’s keep falling.


“Honestly, I’m not a good person.  I’m really a bad guy.  At that time I didn’t know about unconditional love.  I’m really a fool,”

“I hate you Daehyun!  I hate all the things that you do to me.  I don’t want to see you anymore.  And please forget about me,” I start to walk.  I want to leave Daehyun there.  If I with him, I will remember all the pain that I suffer before.


Daehyun chase me.  He caught me and he hugs me from behind.


“I’m not confident and I can’t erase you.  If you can grab my hand again like nothing happen.  I want to heal all the deep wounds in your heart.  I don’t think that I can go on without you,” Daehyun whisper to me.

“Let me go,” I trying to run away but Daehyun hug me too tightly.  I will lose to him if I staying there longer.  I’ll go back to Daehyun.


“I can’t let you go… last time I let you go too easily,” he says still hugging me.  I turn my body towards him.  I push Daehyun’s body hardly and I leave him.


“I’ll do better, so don’t leave me.  Don’t leave me!  Because I love you so don’t leave me,” Daehyun shout without thinking about people that looking at him. 


I stop running when I heard his sentence.  It was the first time I hear those words from his mouth.  I know that he saying the truth.  I didn’t believe what I hear.  I can’t believe that he says he love me.  I stand facing to him.


“Don’t leave me.  I love you, Melissa!” he shouts once again.

“And I know that you still love me too.  You not hate me like you say.  I know its all lies.  Daniel already told me everything,” from far, Daehyun spread his both hands.  I know his action is telling me to come back to him.


With tears I run towards him.  He hugs me tightly in his arm.  I cry at his chest. 


“I love you too,” I look at Daehyun face.  I didn’t believe that Daehyun is crying too.  Suddenly I hear and see fireworks.  I look around and I see Daniel is struggling to light the other fireworks.


“This is for you, Melissa.  I make it special because you already with Daehyun again,” Daniel says.  He smiles looking at Daehyun and me.


People around us give us a big applause.  I feel shy when I realize that we at the public place.  Daehyun hug me once again and he gives me a sweet kiss.  I feel that I was flying because of his action.  Right now I know how its feel when we with the person that love us.  I hope and pray that this feeling will not fade away.



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brattysehun #1
Chapter 1: what sorcery is this? my name is Melissa... ASDFGHJKL; thx~
Chapter 2: this is sweet
my heart broke at first but this is good
Raina-ssi #3
This is so sweet!<3