How can this be?


Characters; You,Jay Park,Dok2,Junhyung,Hara


Lee Eun Mi aka Stiffany




She's an American-Korean girl. Was born in Seattle (November,23,1990) but she was raised in California. Had a bad past thats why she rebels. (will know about it soon) . She's pretty , tough but weak inside. She loves to dance,sing and rap. she also know how to play the drum xD

oh she likes pandas ;)



Jay Park (25)

You know all about him ;)




Stiffany's cousin. Stiffany's fave coz ever. Every since her dad died. H


and other ppl like



-Big Bang





sorry, i had to edit it :)) 


Stiffany opened the door carfully so her mom wont hear it but saddly she was waiting for her in the living room. "Where have you been?, do you know i tried calling you for i dont know 100 times!" her mom shouted a but. "I was out" i said tiring to take of my shoes. " Where you in that underground thing again?" she asked while walking near her. "no" she replyed. "NO!? Stiffany! you know i have 3 work so you can go to school, not go out and rap.have you lost your mind. if your dad is here he wouldn't like.." Stiffany interrupt " you don't know any thing about what dad would like for me so stop saying stuff that you think!" her mom was shocked at her behaviour. " It's all your fault! if you weren't going to have you stupid champion he wouldn't be crashed and be killed!" Stiffany went up to her room and packed soom clothes and ran from home.





Hey guys. New writer here :)) sorry about this thing. i can't figur this stuff soo yeah and about my spelling, english is not my first language or even my 2nd so im sorry :) 


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ImAJayWalker #1
oh and i changed tiffany for jessica cuz i didnt want to get confused :) ill try to update tomorrow cuz i have half day tomorrow :)
ImAJayWalker #2
thank you so much for commenting :) i just edited it today. straight after i went home and starting editing cuz i used my iphone before it was nasty xD i wish you liked my edit for chapter1