Regular Day...?

Apple Tree

You get up and check your crappy phone you've been using for 3 years. Dammit, it's already 8 o'clock... time to go to school already...   You go to the bathroom and wash yourself, reminding yourself not to do anything stupid and change into your school uniform. You go to your ugly brother and kick him in the crouch to wake him up.

"Lee Joon! Darn it wake up already! It's already 9 o'clock! You're so going to be late for school!"

"Ouch dude! What the hell!? You didn't have to kick me! I swear I'll kill you if it's not 9 o'clock yet. and I'm your oppa for heaven's sake."

"You're awake. Good morning joonie oppa~" You put on your fake smile because you don't want him to kill you. As you get out of his room you hear him yelling at you. , I swear I am not going to school with him anymore, you think. You go to the kitchen drink a cup of milk as usual. You grab your school bag and get out of the house before your brother starts annoying the crap out of you.

"Danbiya!!!" You hear your friend calling you from a distance. 

"Minju!!!" You run up to her and walk to school together. As you went into your school, there were graffiti everywhere. KNHS (Korean National Hish School) was covered with different colorful graffiti names and telephone numbers and creepy looking monsters. You walked across the hallway and parted with Minju because your lockers were apart and your classes were different. You went to your locker and got out textbooks for today. Perfect timing, girls accidentally shove you. ing Joon, making me leave home later than normal times. If he didn't exist then all this wouldn't have happened. You turn around and see them coming down the hallway.Them,  Apple Tree. Girls are screaming again and taking pictures of them, but they aren't celebrities or anything. They're just a rock band. I don't understand. I can't understand why they're so famous. You think. They just play an instrument...... and they're tall....... and better looking than most guys in our school...... and DAMN. Nononononono I am not falling for them. No way. You talk to yourself as you pick up the text books and make your way to class. First class: Pre Algebra. first thing in the morning. yupppp. . You sit down in your seat and get ready for class when BOOM. Yongguk kicks the door open and comes in, followed by Baro. Yes those two boys are in your class. Girls always take pictures of him and boys take notes. For what? You have no idea but you can get an educated guess. Yes, whatever is in your head may be correct. Anyway, Yongguk comes in with his reformed uniforms and Baro comes in with his neat, new uniforms he washes every single day. 

Another loud day begins..... you sigh as the teacher comes in and start the day.

*made this chapter short cuz it's the first chapter. it'll be longer later i promise but for now. BAAM. you and I are about to go on a long journey together. Oh and tell me if i should use swears in this. c:

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megaman1174 #1
I'm new and still not used to this at all... chapter 4 is not mature contended so yeah. :)
megaman1174 #2
I don't know why chapter 2 is mature contented, I fixed it for 8 times throughout today but still didn't work. don't worry nothing inappropriate is in that chapter c: