Museum, I'm in Love

Breathless [One Shot] Eng.Version




N/A : I write this story special for one of my dongsaeng..:'3 Hope she like it then readers of course..:')


And if our love was a story book

We would meet on the very first page

The last chapter would be about

How I’m thankful for the life we’ve made




Sunny weekend in the city of Seoul. You can probably imagine some fun activities can be done that morning. Surrounding Jogging Track with a lover, played basketball with a bunch of expats' kids or maybe just sitting around the garden and joking with friends. All the options look really good but none of which can be chosen. I do not understand how this could happen, while another are having fun with one of the options in my mind while I could only sigh.
Oh God .. This is me.
Stared blankly in front of a historical museum that looks boring. I mean either adolescent child well. But I think I'm better suited as a child. Really. Please ask anyone. They would say Yang Yoseob, 18 years old who's the most cute and adorable boy in this city. Well.. Maybe adorable factor is not directly made to be good. Err.. Okay, I admit it was not. Though I hope so. I wish I was a good kid then why am I standing in front of the museum is holding a notebook that is also boring. If only I was not punished by Mrs. Young Min and If I do not miss out to go shopping with Junhyung, the wealthy boy.







I look around, even around the museum also looks boring. I ruffled my own hair, annoyed. I am, Yang Yoseob known as one of Gangnam Style Tennagers up the stairs to the front gate of the museum is at eight o'clock in the morning and alone.
Oh, apparently there is someone there. A man who leaned against the wall of the building. There is a camera that is worn around the neck, maybe he was a student of photography or enthusiasts of anything like that. I do not care but I swear that man is handsome. I gasped when it comes to the top front of the gate. Stared at the handsome man who stood on the top right, he is shown being read.


You just walked out of one of my dreams

So beautiful, you’re leaving me breathless



I was quite surprised with the squeaky feeling my heart when I looked at his face, that perfect jaw line. You know the creaking? It sounds like when you climb the wooden stairs are somewhat fragile when the wind is blows. And I can not resist the feeling of palpitations when he was staring right into my eyes. Oh thank God, if he was just staring at me? Made me almost crazy, I'm embarrassed. The handsome man probably knew I was watching him intently. But once, he looked away, and focus back on the book that he was reading. Aish he's cheongmal.. I think I'm more interesting than boring rows of letters on the boring book that he was reading..Ckckck





I think the new museum opens at 9 am and at this early only two visitors are waiting in front of the gate, The handsome man and me. At least I do not mind waiting here too with a handsome creature like him. I reached into my purse. I have a notebook which must be full of information about the content of Korean history. Truly ancient teachers, not all of it can be obtained quickly and easily from browsing the internet? But it's still grumpy teacher forced me to come here. If only he did not threaten me that I was kicked out of school then I would not intend to follow her orders. It's not my fault if I look very cute. Open my fault if all children in schools are scrambling to be my lover, and I already told you? It's not just the girls, but also the boys. I'm not greedy, you know, I just wanted to give a little lesson on the kind of man playboy like as Junhyung for example. Let me explain, Junhyung was pretty charming, he was popular, a charismatic rapper boyband of our school and of course he was rich. His father was a director of a leading music company, and he favored by the girls, to be honest I was not surprised when he first asked me out. I'm adorable, no one can resist my charms. After all, how can I resist it, he bought all that I want. Rings, clothing, accessories, shoes, Yes! I like shopping like the girls and I love to make my appearance look more adorable. I know for a fact that Junhyung is a playboy and I thought it would be fun to play around with it a bit yeah ~! At least I could borrow his car for any time.




I still think of some fun with Junhyung when suddenly I remembered when I was caught skipping and Junhyung several times. We were both convicted but know? Junhyung can take care of his father while I still get a penalty. I've been seduced Junhyung that his father can help me to be free from punishment, but he said he was afraid. He was afraid his father knew that he was absent because of another man to accompany the shopping. Junhyung father might be angry. It can be said to his father-haters such relationships um yeah-gay or sucha things. Okay, I swallowed hard. By nine o'clock when I finish my thoughts.
We entered. The handsome man and me.
He went straight to the rows of ancient paintings set in the war. It seems like he knows this place. He looks familiar to museum officials, women's tour guide, father's security chief, and brother guards entered the ticket office. The handsome man always smiled and greeted them in turn one by one while photographing them. He seemed happy.




"Hey you! Do not stand in the middle room like this, baboo! You can walk dont you, huh?" A man yelled at me harshly. I growled.
"My insolence.. Don't say me sucha stupid things...How dare you !" I turned around, shouting, too.
"Ya! You're a child ! Keep shut up, son. This museum is not yours. Aish..Basic children today, do not know good manners" An old man yelling, too.
I just wanted to defend myself, but suddenly stopped when I realized that other people around me looked at me in hushed tones of disgust.
"Yes. It's true, he little disrespectful. How dare he make a fuss .. "
while a bunch of other ahjumma also whispering
" Oh my God I do not think.. Look at his face, is inconsistent with his behavior.. "
I kept my mouth shut tight with embarrassment. Why do people seem like to hate me at this museum? I thought sadly.





Ah no ! I tapped on the forehead. Remembered the handsome man. I was so worried, if he saw what had happened. Andweeee..... I just ruined my image before him. In fact I just met him. Now how do I get acquainted. Once again I ruffled my own hair, frustrated.
My eyes do not stop looking for the handsome man. And he once again looked at me! Although this time followed by a little frown on his face. He looked at me, raising one eyebrow, like wonder. Or maybe regret my actions. My knees felt weak, I feel butterflies in my stomach. That gaze, he seemed disappointed in me.

The handsome man's face and then throw away, walking toward a little boy who listened to the explanation of the female tour guide. He is photographed here and there. Share some candy to children with love. He looks mature and caring. I swear, I've already loved him ! So far I never had such a strange feeling in a man. Not anyone, not even Junhyung whom I ever even kissed him once. Oh and he also gave his signature on a bunch of people.


You must have been sent from heaven to earth to change me

You’re like an angel

The thing that I feel is stronger than love believe me

You’re something special



Hesh ! So who the man actually. Is he popular? I do not know, how could I be so stupid. I ruffled my hair again, upset, felt so stupid.
I continue to follow the handsome man. Notice what it does. Yes! Now the women's tour guide asked for pictures taken together. Cuih! Handsome man smiled. They hugged for a while. "Watde .......!" I kicked the iron barrier and directly next to me in pain. Oh God..the first time I met him and I'm jealous. That's the Points.




I sat on the chair, rest. Building the museum has begun to slow at 3 pm. I saw a row of classic-style photographs taken by photographer-oh-Who's Yoon Um..uh.. Yo..Yoon Du. Yoon Doojoon. I read hangul spelling long as stammered. I know I'm not too smart in the subjects of language, I swallowed hard. The photos were not even able to look more boring anymore.
"Puk" I patted forehead, remembering my notebook to the content. I really forget, all day I just followed the handsome man like a  stalker. Huuuuft ..... I ruffled my hair again. Well, it's like a habit.




"Brrrrr" My head feels cold. I look up. Like a dream, you-know what I see? Well, you-know, he's handsome. He put a can of cold drink on my head. "Thirsty? Want to drink?" He offered.
You must know, his voice has not been explained about it. That's somewhat nasal and um .. manly, and was handsome. And my face red as a tomato must now.
I..Yang Yoseob. I'm rubbish in front of this handsome man.





I nodded smiling like crazy. He sat next to me. He drank straight from the can without a straw. Once again I explained that he was very handsome and quite frankly, looks so y when drinking. I really can not stand, it's tempting jaw line. His clear eyes. I can not stop saving features of his face, his voice.
Everything on him just-handsome.
"Um.. Gomawo hyung~ah..Ann..Annyeong has.." My words were cut off.
"Aish Noona was ready to go home.. I gotta go... Bye... Eh...what's your name?"
He paused, waiting for my answer.
"Ya.. Yang Yoseob" I stammered.
"Ya Yang Yoseob.. See you..." He smiled before turning away. Went to women's tour guide. I'm glad it's only his older sister.


You leave me breathless

You’re everything good in my life

You leave me breathless

I still can’t believe that you’re mine





I waved him over, but I realized that he forgot some of the photos on the chair. I almost cried after him when I later realized that the pictures are-I am. Am I?
Yes! I am. He secretly took a picture. When my heart was like flying into the seventh heaven. Incidentally, a picture fell.
It turns out there is written behind the photographs.


“I know you're constantly watching me since last..”


Yoon Doojoon



“Call me….”







How about this? Is is Fluffy? Tbh. I don't have any idea..Since you-know um..

But btw gomawo for comments and subs..
That's so mean to me :")

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