At the Park!

The Day I met SHINee!!

Bright sunlight poured in through the window, it was so bright that it nearly blinded you. You mumbled some unintelligible words and turned around and tried to go to sleep again but five minutes later your older brother shouted

“<you>you! Get up!! Mum made pancakes!” you ignored him and tried again to get to sleep but he persisted and you sat up
“Aishh!!!” you sat up and messed up your hair with your hands annoyed,
“Okay okay I’m up!” you shouted.
After you had gotten ready you went downstairs as you got to the last few steps, the smell of hot pancakes drifted towards me ‘Yummm!’ you thought. As you walked into the kitchen the first thing you saw was your brother Lee Joon sitting at the table with HEAPS pancakes on his plate,
(Okay maybe not That many, maybe this many?...)
, he was busy eating them as you walked in so he didn’t notice you. Evilly smirking you crept up behind him and turned to look at your mum and put a finger to your lips and she nodded looking at you both with a little smile then you turned to Joon and you shouted 
He jumped in his seat while shouting “Aaahhhh!”
You laughed at his facial expression and at the sound of his high pitched *cough cough* "shout",
“YAH <you>you!!!”he shouted and suddenly he got up and he chased after you, you screamed and ran away.
“Mum help!!” you exclaimed as you were running around the table and towards the living room, smiling your mum said 
“Sorry darling you’re on your own” 
but because you were too busy concentrating on what she was saying you tripped. Seconds later Lee Joon grabbed you and tackeled you to the ground even though that wasn't necassary.You screamed surprised because you hadn’t thought that he was so close, panting he shouted
“Yahhh!*Pant* <you>you Don't EVER *Pant* do that again okay?!?” you nodded then looked at the floor pretending to look guilty even though you were secretly smirking.
”Lee Joon finish eating and you come here and get something to eat” called your mum,
“Coming mum” you quickly answered. You got up from the floor and walked to the kitchen, once at the kitchen you went to the cupboard and got out a plate, a knife and a fork then you went over to where the pancakes were and you got three pancakes put them onto your plate and then picking the seat opposite Lee Joon you sat down to eat them.
After you finished and put the dishes into the sink you turned to go up to your bedroom but your mum said
“Yes?” you asked a bit surprised and kind of confused as to why she would need you.
“Where are you going?” asked your mum slowly while slightly raising an eyebrow.
“Ummm I’m going to my bedroom...” you answered uncertainly (A/N is that a word?...)
”No you aren’t you are going to go outside today” 
”Muh? Why?”
“Because you haven’t been going anywhere in the last few days”
“And? Is that so bad?” 
“Yes, because you” she pointed at you “need to get some sunlight and fresh air” 
“But…” you started to protest
“No buts you are leaving the house today” 
”Fine” you say slightly annoyed.
You go upstairs to get changed, you changed into some clothes that suited the weather which consisted of a 'SWAG' snapback that your best friend gave you for your birthday present last year, several k-pop wrist bands, converses, shorts'fake' glasses and a 'I Love K-Pop' singlet your hairstlye is like this . When you step out of the house you wonder whether you should go to the park by yourself or the shopping centre with your bestfriend. You kind of favoured the shops a bit more because the other day you saw some cute(K-Pop) iPhone accessories/covers
and wanted to buy them but you were kind of in a hurry so you didn't. Since you didn't want to go by yourself today you called your bestfriend ----
(A/N BTW Green is you and Red your bestfriend)
RING DING DONG RING DING DONG dig a dig dig dig dig dig
She picked up
"Yobsaeyo"(A/N is that how you spell it?...)
"Anhyeonghasseo ----you said
"you-ah!" she shouted when she recognise your voice
"What are you doing right now? Are you free because I want to go shopping." you asked
"Ummm, Mianhae <you>you I'm on a date with my boyfriend right now can we go tomorrow instead?" she asked
"Oh...It's okay, yeah maybe tomorrow" you said sadly with a pout.
"Really really sorry ok I've got to go now, see you tomorrow bye!"she quickly said
"Bye!" you said and you both hanged up.
Seeing how your bestfriend couldn't come you weren't in the mood to go shopping anymore so, therefore you headed to the park because it was the ‘perfect place’ to get sunlight and fresh air. When you got to the park you looked around for a place to rest and enjoy the scenery, finally you found a bench that was next to a soccer field. You walk over to it and sat down and looked around, finding nothing interesting you just closed your eyes and sighed pouting. You heard some guys talking and it seemed like they were playing soccer but you didn’t really give that much notice then suddenly you heard a guys’ voice shout
“Watch out!” then suddenly something hit your stomach and you sharply inhaled you bit your lip because you felt like someone had just kicked a soccer ball and they missed and it hit your stomach hard. You looked up to see five guys running up to you they were dressed in soccer clothes then with a frown you realised a soccer ball actually did hit your stomach and they were the ones that you assumed were responsible, as they came closer you heard them fighting. Awhile later they reached you and all of a sudden you heard them all saying 
“Are you alright?”
“Are you seriously hurt anywhere?” you clutch your stomache with your left arm and raised the other armso that you could sush them the Universally known way (Bringing your finger to your lips) but you stopped halfway because you thought that they looked a LOT like SHINee then seconds later you recognized them, as you stare at their faces dumbfounded you then realized that standing in front of YOU was SHINee. 'Your FAVOURITE K-Pop band!!! (Your Biass' in SHINee are Taemin and Key) WELL HOW WOULD YOU REACT IF FIVE MOTHERF*CKING BEASTS WERE STANDING IN FRONT OF YOU AND TALKING TO YOU!?!?'
You covered your mouth to prevent yourself from screaming like a phsyco or start fangirling. THEN you relized that they kinda glanced at your errrm clothing and phone cover (SHINee Cover)
“I-I’m f-fine I th-think…thanks for asking” you stuttered
“U-umm you guys are SHINee right?” you asked just to make sure...
“Yeah“ says Onew scratching his head awkwardly while looking away,
"What are you guys doing here?..." you asked very curious as to why they were here, in FRONT of you well not technically like in front of you WELL actually they are but like here in your uhhh suburb was it...You couldn't think straight like well derrr like ANYONE could stilll think straight while standing in front of their ULTIMATE BIASS'!!
"We had a day off so we decided to come here to play soccer!" Minho said with a smile
"Oh..." you said with a smile
"By the way, what's your name?" asked Key
"My names <you>you" you said with a shy smile.
"But uhhhh...aren't you guys scared of fans?.." 'like me...' you added in your mind.
"Well..." They started,
TO BE CONTINUED!!!!...OR NOT:/ Because this is supposed to be a one-shot but like I'm having a writers block.. you think I include too many links? :/  and I HAVEN'T proof read it yet so yeah...
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Kpop596 #1
i mean as in sequel
sofina11 #2
I have haven't I?...
Kpop596 #3
update sofina11 it sounds awesome
sofina11 #4
Kpop596 #5
plz update