
One Man's Trash is Another Man's Treasure

Kai grew more and more worried the next week. Luhan didn’t notice, but he was distancing himself from Kai. He’d always gaze off into the distance, his eyes coming to rest upon Sehun. Kai’s heart would clench whenever he saw this, but what could he do?

Worst of all, Luhan and Sehun were back on speaking terms. Every wink, smile, or greeting sent Luhan’s way would only make him blush like he did upon first meeting Sehun, and Kai could only watch silently, painfully.

Luhan still paid attention to him, but it wasn’t the same.

Luhan spent a lot of his time blanking out, and Kai would get no response from him sometimes.

To be frank, Kai was at his wits’ end. He honestly didn’t know what to do. But he loved Luhan so even if it killed him to admit it, if going back to Sehun would make him happy, he would let him go.

After all, ‘if you love something, let it go. If it comes back, it was meant to be yours. If it doesn’t, then it wasn’t meant to be,’ right?


The breaking point for Kai was when he was walking through the hallways looking for Luhan. He sighed, and was just about to give up and go back to the classroom when one of his friends, a wide eyed boy called Kyungsoo came ripping through the hallway, frantically grabbing his arm and dragging him towards a loud commotion in the cafeteria, chanting ‘You have to come, it’s bad, it’s bad, it’s bad’ over and over again.

The two of them burst through the doors, Kyungsoo practically throwing Kai into the room, where he stumbles slightly.

The cafeteria’s entire attention is then directed at him, everyone stopping their chattering. They stare at Kai, who awkwardly stares back, until whispers once again break out.

The whispering grows louder and louder until Kai thinks he’s going to go crazy, and then he hears it.

A whimper.

From Luhan.

Immediately his eyes blaze in protectiveness and he shouts above the din of the cafeteria.


Again, the cafeteria slowly falls silent, and the crowd of people part to let Kai through. He steps forward until he sees a teary eyed Luhan clutching onto Sehun, who smirks ferociously at Kai.

Kai stepped forward, his arms coming forward to rip Luhan away from Sehun but Sehun threw a hand up.

“Nuh uh, not so fast lover boy. I have something to say first.”

“Hurry up!” Kai snarled, his eyes not leaving Luhan, who wouldn’t meet his gaze.

“Well.....Luhan is leaving you. And he’s coming back to me, where he belongs, so why don’t you run off and no one gets hurt?”

The cafeteria was deathly silent as Kai cocked his head.

Excuse me, Oh Sehun? Did I just hear correctly? You, the one who ignored and hurt Luhan, the one who continuously pushed him away and ridiculed him, he’s coming back to you? Until I hear the words from his mouth that he wants to go back to you, I won’t believe it.”

Hearing this, Luhan perked up a bit, and straightened, as if remembering his reason for being here in the first place.

Sehun smirked wickedly, nudging Luhan.

“Go on, Luhan, say it.”



Luhan looked over to Kai, where he was waiting, a slight strain in his expression and a fist loosely curled.

Luhan hesitated for a little too long, the silence stretching out.

“Kai, I.....”

Kai takes a deep breath, mentally preparing himself before he forces a too-bright smile onto his face.

“You know what, Luhan, it’s okay. I know you still like Sehun. And while this has been nice, I want nothing more than your happiness so even if it hurts me, your happiness is always before my own. I love you, but....I give you and Sehun my blessings.”

Kai locked eyes with a stunned Luhan, smiling one last time before turning around with a heavy heart, the urge to cry growing stronger and stronger with each step he took away from his beloved.

He is about half way across the cafeteria when he hears scuffling behind him. Although he swore not to turn around, something tells him to, and he is glad that he did.

He turns around to see Luhan struggling in Sehun’s grasp, who has his arms wrapped around Luhan and one hand over his mouth, trying to keep his noises down.

Kai’s eyes widen as Luhan does the one thing he was hoping for, but didn’t expect.

Luhan bites Sehun’s hand, causing Sehun to grunt and let go, and then elbows him in the gut causing Sehun to hiss in pain as he doubles over; before running towards Kai and throwing his arms around his neck.

“No, no, no no, no I choose you. You and only you.”

“Yah! Xi Luhan! What the hell?!”

They turn around to see Sehun glaring furiously at them in shock, one hand clutching at his stomach.

“I thought you said you still liked me?”

Luhan looked thoughtful for a moment, before switching completely and sending Sehun a vicious smirk that made him shiver in slight fear.

“It for you, doesn’t it? How does it feel getting a taste of your own medicine? I was playing with you, Sehun. Just like you played with me.”

Sehun gapes, as the whole cafeteria literally bursts into an uproar of insanity.

“Sehun just got played!”

“Finally! I’ve been waiting for this for ages!”

“Karma. Karma, Oh Sehun.”

“About DAMN ing time.”

Amidst all of this, Kai pulls Luhan closer to him, drawing him in and breathing the sweet scent of his boyfriend, before pecking his nose and then kissing him passionately, sealing their relationship once again amidst all the chaos.

Behind the roar of the crowd, three words are whispered, with promises and eternal devotion behind them.

I love you.

Oh my god if you are still subscribed I am so terribly sorry I am literally terrible. I lost all inspiration for two of my big stories but THIS ONE IS FINALLY FINISHED. The ending was rushed, I'm sorry, but it's the best I could do. If it was disappointing in any way, again I apologize and I hope my future stories will make up for it.

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Chapter 5: Wow this is wonderful. I loved it. Thank you for this awesome story.
angelvoicekyu #2
Chapter 5: Gosh, this is incredible. IYeah luhàn isn't a trash but a wonderful treasure. Hurm it is simple but beautifully written, if I were luhàn, I would've melted in a river of fluffiness! I love the words uttered by kai, it's just so lovely, I want kai for REAL now! Haha. The last part is killing me! As long as you're happy, I'll give you my blessing- man kai is a gentleman indeed. The plot twists when luhàn played Sehun and the uproar in the cafes are just hilarious! The kiss is epic. I love it.
opikonew #3
Chapter 5: yuhuuuuuuuu~
zaraaki #4
Chapter 5: Yesssss.. Kailu!!!
Chapter 5: OMG!!!!! This story is awesome!!!!! you deserve that Oh sehun!!!!!
Chapter 5: beautiful ~~ hah! u deseved it sehun for being a jerk! and KaiLu is so fluffy >.<
bloomingwater #7
Gah! And I thought you would end it the other way since you had a poll and so I thought maybe it will end up with the person that contradict the story . But I'm glad you didn't you had me fooled right until the very end. It was really good, cute and fluffy though ! Thanks for writing !
Chanbaekailust #8
Chapter 5: why this has to be this freaing beautiful and the ending
and kai' setences ohhh my heart gonna cry rainbow <3
exoHUnHAnexo #9
Chapter 5: although i llllooooooovvvvvvvvvveeeeeeeeeee HunHan do dddddaaaaammmnnnj mmmmuuuuuucccccchhhhh .....

you made the right decision to not let them be together at the end ...
sujing #10
Chapter 1: OMG yes!!! Lukai is the best!!!! Lukai should totally be more popular than hunhan in my opinion but whatever. I just hate it when i think it's kailu but then it suddenly becomes hunhan. This was really short and cute!