I'm Just Doing Me


"This wouldn't have happened if you didn't get beaten in arm-wrestling by freaking Luhan, for god's sakes."


In which Kris is a weakling who looks scary and has to take stereotypical kung-fu lessons.


Hey guys! So I reached 110 subscribers, so this is my gift to you all before I leave to go to europe to perform :) I'll try to update my main fic as soon as I get back! Thanks for reading my stories <3


I'm still in the process of writing this, but it'll be up by either tomorrow or Sunday. Look forward to it, I'm giggling writing this; it's so fun.


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ShawolVIP #1
Chapter 1: Picturing chanyeol with a stick in his pants and doing stereotypical kungfu noises XDDD
LOLOLOL had so much fun reading this. Legit giggling in my room at 1:35 in the morning xD
The "Chanyeol take the stick out of your pants" thing...hehe ;) LOL
Anyways, GREAT job with this! I loved reading it <3