It was a boring science lesson as usual. You were staring at the teacher's white board. The teacher was really boring, his voice was boring, his clothes were boring, his face was boring. Everything about him was boring. ''_______!'' You shocked and almost fell off your chair. Zelo and Jong Up started laughing. They were always like that, laughing at everyone, joking about everyone, bullying everyone. ''Your partner is Choi Jun Hong..'' The teacher said without looking at you. Your mouth opened. NO, I DON'T WANT TO!, you thought. ''Woah, she's really ungrateful. I mean, Choi Jun Hong, the most handsome boy at school.'' The girl behind you whispered. '', did I said that out loud?'' You whispered. ''But I don't want to do the project with him..'' You said and looked at the teacher. He looked behind you, probably at Zelo. ''Jun Hong looks like he has no problem with it.'' You turned around and saw Zelo staring at you. He smiled. It was so fake, you wanted to slap his face. You knew that he didn't like you, he knew that you didn't like him too. ''Okay, you're project partners!'' The teacher said and he clapped in his hands. ''But..'' You started but the bell interrupted you. You felt an arm around you and looked up. Zelo's face was really close, so you pushed him away. You hated skinship, especially when it was someone you didn't like. ''You smell, go away.'' You said and Jong Up started laughing. ''Just wanted to say that I'm at your place at seven.'' Zelo said and he winked. Zelo and Jong Up walked out of the classroom. You banged your head against your table and sighed. ''I rather do it alone, than with that jerk.''


You were sitting on the couch, watching tv. You're parents were still at work, too bad. At 7 o'clock exactly you heard the doorbell rung. Oh, wow great that is here, you thought. You turned off the tv and walked to the door and opened it slowly. You smelled the scent of aftershave very strong. You waved your hand so the smell of his aftershave would go away. ''Sorry, I thought, you said that I smelled so I put on some aftershave..'' Zelo said. His voice was diffrent than at school, it wasn't loud and annoying. ''Oh.. Come in.'' You muttered. Still mad were you because your teacher put you and Zelo together. He came in and took off his shoes, while you closed the door. You returned to the couch and sat down. Zelo followed and sat next to you. ''So..'' He said. You looked at him, he was sitting really close. You wanted to move a little bit, because you felt uncomfortable, but that would be rude. ''You want to drink something? Ofcourse you want.'' You rattled. You stood up as fast as you could and walked to the kitchen. ''What the hell is he doing?'' You said to yourself. You took the bottle with Pepsi out of the refrigerator and took two glasses also. You went back and saw Zelo laying on the couch. You put the bottle and the glasses on the table and looked at Zelo again. You took his legs and pushed them off the couch. ''Sorry..'' He said. Zelo was almost like a diffrent person. He looked diffrent, he wasn't mean and yelling the whole time. You shrugged. He was probably tired or something.


After 2 or 3 of hours of working, the project was almost done. You had a lot of fun with Zelo and he was actually really intelligent. It was so weird, you started to think that he was nice. You heard your stomache making noises and after a couple of seconds you heard Zelo's stomache too. You decided to get some food. ''I'm going to get some food, I think you're hungry too..'' You said while giggling. You stood up and walked to the kitchen. You looked in the refrigerator and saw nothing, but cherry tomatoes. You shrugged and picked up the package. You walked back and put on on the table. ''I only have this, sorry..'' Zelo smiled. ''It's okay, I love cherry tomatoes.'' You took a tomato between your thumb and index finger and put it half in your mouth. You suddenly felt a couple of fingers on your chin that moved your head a little bit. You saw Zelo coming closer, you wanted to ask him what he was doing but that tomato was still between your teeth. You wanted to slap his hand away, but you couldn't because you were stiffened. Zelo pressed his lips on yours, so the tomato was in both your mouths. You didn't know how to feel, it was your first kiss. You were mad, because he took your first kiss but you felt good for some reason. You felt his teeth against your lips, because he was biting the half of the tomato off. He pulled his fingers away and nodded. ''It tastes good.'' You were still confused. What just happened? Did he kissed you or did he just wanted to eat the tomato? You shook your head and wanted to go leave the livingroom, where Zelo was and think about it. You stood up. ''I'm going to get something to drink.'' You said. You took a step but a hand grabbed your wrist. You were still too in shock to react like how you always reacted. You hated skinship, especially when it was someone you didn't like. Zelo stood up too and he turned you around. ''What are you doing?'' You asked. He slowly put his arm around your waist. He pulled you a little closer. You looked up and noticed how tall he was for a 15-year old boy. You nodded and took a deep breath. Why was he holding me like this? You thought. You didn't understand what was going on. Zelo bit his lip and looked at yours. He didn't know if he should do it since you looked really confused. He closed his eyes for a second, grabbed your face gently and pressed his soft lips on yours. He closed his eyes and pulled you closer again. You grabbed his collar and pulled yourself up, you were now standing on your toes. Zelo smiled, because you finally answered his kiss.


4 Minutes had passed. You let go of his collar and lowered your head. You could feel that your head was burning. You didn't want him to see that you were blushing. Zelo opened his mouth to say something but he couldn't. ''Why did you do that?'' You asked and you stared at your feet. ''I don't know, why did you do that?'' He asked and he laughed softly. ''I thought you hated me?'' I started laughing too. He was right, I was hating him, but I didn't know him. ''But you hated me too right?'' I asked and looked at him. His cheek were pink, it looked really cute. ''No, I never did, silly.'' He said. You didn't understand what he said. ''People always say that if a boy teases a girl that he likes her, right?'' You nodded. ''Well, I've always liked you..'' You looked at him with your mouth open, you were really surprised. ''You like me too, right?'' He asked while wiggling his brows. You shrugged, you didn't know him that well to like him, but you were 100% sure that you were going to like him. ''No, I don't.'' You said and you sat down on the couch. Zelo sat down next to you and started tickling you. You laughed and tried to push him away. ''Please.. S-s-stop!'' You said while laughing. ''I won't stop till you say that you like me.'' He said, he was laughing too. ''N-never!'' You said. You tried to tickle him back, but your eyes were closed because you were laughing so you couldn't see where he was. ''3 Words and I'll stop.'' Your stomache ached because you laughed a lot. ''Okay.. I li-i-ike you!'' You said. He stopped tickling you and you sighed in relief. ''Hey __________.'' Zelo said with a serious face. ''Yes, Choi Jun Hong.'' I knew that he hated it when someone called him by his real name, you did it because he called you with your full name too. ''Would you like to be my girlfriend?'' He said. You smiled. ''Ofcourse, I want to..'' You said and you giggled again. ''Hey girlfriend..'' Zelo said. ''Wassup, boyfriend?'' You answered. You both started laughing while looking at each other. ''Do you want another tomato?'' He asked. You smirked. ''Sure! Why not..?''      


omg it's not as good and long as i thought it would be haha!^^

hope you enjoyed :)


(i forgot to unhid(?) it, sorry please forgive me c:)

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zelo_luhan_hyunwoo #2
zelo_luhan_hyunwoo #3
zelo_luhan_hyunwoo #4
I shall eat a lot of cherry tomatoes too. Your story was soooooooooo cute oh my gosh <3 :">

Zelo was so uhg please marry me. *le cries* =))
When he said will u be my gf , I was like ...

Yes , with all my heart ! *crying happiness*
angelicalgirl #7
i love the cherry tomatos too !!
yay there is the story ^^
it's cute and you did it reaaaaaaaally nice.
Like.. that's what I expect from a 15-year-old who likes a girl. Not all this "I love you and want to marry you" and a lot of drama and stuff... just cute little love and he doesn't know how to express it so he teases her. That's perfect ^^
c: i would gladly be zelo's girlfriend
o u o that was really cute
/thumbs up
Forgot to add: this is really good for your first one-shot. Keep it up!