Past and Pastels

To Fall Into a Rut

Joe was not able to get back to his bellman duties the whole afternoon. He'd been entertaining guests and business associates plus he's been drowning with paper work that needs his attention. He knew he's been neglecting his work as the CEO of St. Regis Hotel chain. He should be in Guam for the ocular inspection of their newly acquired property but he sent Jeremy instead. It was so unlike him. And it was all because of a girl.

He never knew that this time would come. He'd been playing around since high school days and growing up in the US did not help at all. He dated everyone from ditzy blondes to feisty brunettes to voluptuous African Americans. And those girls were just names if not faces to him. And when he returned from his MBA to finally take over the business that his father built, the routine continued. He just became more discreet. He didn't want to put his family into mess.

Carlene always told him that between him and his sister, he'd always been the level-headed one. Ella was wild and impulsive with everything. Love included. Even if their parents didn't mention anything, he knew they were disappointed when she chose to study fashion design instead of something related to business. Her car racing almost killed their mother when she first learned about it. And Joshua almost committed murder when he discovered the guy Ella was dating in Paris. And Joe always believed his mother. Until now.

What was he doing pretending something he's not? For a girl who will surely like him as he is. Didn't Ella mention Ariel likes his man rich? Filthy rich? And he's far more than that. Who will inherit this gigantic enterprise but him? Of course Ella would have a part of it too but he will surely get the lion's share.

He didn't even notice that he fell asleep on top of the document that he was reading if not for the incessant ringing of his direct line.

"Wei?" He was rubbing his eyes and was still half asleep when he took the call. He jumped up when he heard his mother's voice on the other line.

=Baby? You're sick and you are working? Are you insane?= Her voice was reprimanding yet panicky. He could swear she's contemplating on flying to Taiwan just because he's sick. Wait, he isn't sick, is he? =Cheng Yuan Chang? Are you there?= Carlene's voice was too loud for comfort.

"Yes, Mom. I am alright, don't worry about me, okay?" Whatdahell?

"I called Jeremy 'cause we were not able to reach either of you. I thought you're in Guam. But he told me you were not able to go because you are sick." So that explains it. Great. Now he's lying to his parents too. *Ugh!*

Ella's right.

"Right, Mom. But I am okay now so. . ." He trailed off. He felt so guilty.

=Are you sure? You don't sound okay to me. Do you want us to head home so that you can res--=

"NO!" He thought he sounded so desperate. "I mean, your vacation's not over yet. Where are you anyway?"

=Bern. I feel so guilty that you have to work your a*s off so that your parents can have their grand vacation.= She sniffed.

"Mom! Don't cry. C'mon!" He let out a sigh. He was scandalized by his mother's choice of words. "And when did you learn to speak that way?" His mother's, afterall, the socialite Carlene Yang before she married his father.

=Don't lecture me! Oh God.= She was crying now.

"Aiyo! Can I talk to Dad?" He rolled his eyes.


Ella entered Joe's room uninvited. "Ge, do you remember the guy from Pacific College?" She asked without preamble. It was their rival high school in California. They studied in Oxford Academy in Cypress. "You know, the one that supposed to be dating uhm, what's her name again?" She looked up and, "Athena,right? Yeah, that's her." Ella smirked.

"Uhuh." He didn't even look up from his laptop. He may not remember the guy but he remembered that particular incident. Hell, he almost got expelled because of it. Athena, their classmate was Helen of Troy incarnate. True to her name, she's like a goddess. Beautiful, intelligent, and with rich parents to boot. Not a few fights started bacause of her 'cause all the boys wanted her. Well, except from him.

He was dating a far more simple girl at that time, Kahlen. A fellow junior from a community high school near Oxford. But it seemed that since he's the only one who didn't want to date her, Athena took notice and flirted with him bigtime. She bashes any girl that goes near him except from Ella. He got really turned off. He told her many times that he already has a girlfriend but she won't budge.

Then she did the unthinkable by breaking up with her boyfriend and telling the guy they're already dating. The guy's the son of a rich automobile mogul and was a leader of a childish fraternity. First, he found his Corvette totaled and then the next day he found himself being assaulted in the parking lot by twenty or so high school boys from Pacific College.

Oxford was very particular about their students getting into unexplained squabble. And how was he going to explain it when he didn't know why he was mugged in the first place? And nodody knows who they were. Instructions were, they keep mum about what their family can do. Carlene was afraid they'll be target of kidnappers. But Joshua took over and he was cleared. The sad part was, Kahlen broke up with him, believing that he really was dating Athena. They just found out that Athena's ex-boyfriend instigated it. "Why?" He didn't know why she suddenly brought it up. He didn't want to remember it anymore. It was his first heartbreak. Kahlen didn't even trust him.

"If my memory serves me right, the name's Mike He, right?" She probed.

"I do not know why we're talking about that guy." He snapped and closed the laptop shut.

"He's on one of our presidential suites." She ignored him.

"He can't be the only Mike He in the world, Jia Hua." He looked at her with boring eyes.

"Well, his stay's being funded by He Automobile Group." She smiled like a cheshire cat. "Or maybe it was just freak coincidence." She added and sat on the bed. He can't say anything. "But that does not bother me at all. . ." She trailed off, looking at him intently. "It's just that he seemed interested with Ariel." Ella watched his brother's face lose color and when it came back, she saw splotches of red on his ears then it crept to his chin and nose until he was red all over.

"That sonofab*tch!" He knocked his chair off.

"You ought to do something about this charade of yours soon, brother." Ella's feet toyed with the rug on the foot of his bed. "Or watch Ariel being taken away by your mortal enemy." She stood and left him in his flabbergast state.


She didn't know why she had to look around before boarding the bus. Was she expecting someone? She cursed herself silently. The ride home was uneventful. And she was thankful for that. She was exceptionally tired today because she was working absent-mindedly and she dropped the blue-colored cleaning solution on the beige Persian rug on one of the suites. She had to wash it herself and she was really glad Ms. Ma didn't catch her. Or she wouldn't have a job tomorrow.

She remembered why she was extra-clumsy today. It was because of Mike He's outright interest in her. She was waiting for that opportunity for ages and now that it was right there in front of her, she had to run away! She's so stupid. If ever he'll see her again, maybe he won't even talk to her anymore. Maybe he already realized she's not just poor but dumb as well. She sighed heavily. Mike's such a nice catch. The Hes, according to Ella, owns car distribution companies across East Asia. She has realized, Ella knows a lot about the guy. Well, she can be the ONLY one who doesn't know about Mike He. She shook her head.

She was so absorbed with what she was thinking when she opened the door that she didn't notice the person that looked very much out of place in their shabby home. He looked so imposing too. That their tiny home looked tinier. If that's even possible.

"Good evening, Ariel." Greeted by a deep voice. Ariel was so shocked that she was not able to move until after a full minute.

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
As I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description
Literally the 1st fanfic I ever subscribed to. I hope you're doing well!
no update yet????
angellyn1 #4
how i wish you will update them soon.i can't wait for new episodes.really in love with your fanfic.
zaizaiken #5
Just started reading and I'm hooked. Very well written and the plot is interesting. I hope you update soon.
mayi_jahfy #6
very nice fic... cant wait for the next chapter... :D
New reader here~ XD Halfway done in reading. XD
-dolce- #8
@angelic: Wow, it took me a really long time to update this. I hope you're still reading. . .
Angelic #9
hey! i'm new here and will definitely support ur fic. wow awesome poster! ^_^