Chapter 02: The Girl

Into Your World

Hana's POV


Finally, some alone time for myself. School is finally out and I'm definitely looking forward to the weekend. Weekends are my favourite because it's the only time for me to unwind and relax my mind. It certainly has been doing a lot of thinking; Questioning people's motives, thinking of the right things to say so as to not jeopardise my place in society, questioning myself. All done in the comfort of my head, a secret conversation with a tiny voice from God-knows-where.


Boramae Park is a place I fequently visit during the weekend. Located in southwest Seoul, the park is most beautiful during Spring, which is fortunately, happening as I'm speaking. Pink cherry blossoms and lush green leaves growing from tall trees reaching for the clear blue sky... Nature works in amazing ways.


The park is usually quiet even though there are quite a number of people. I rarely bring Miso, Sara and Chanyeol here. It's not that I dislike having them around. They are my bestest friends; A crazy bunch with Chanyeol constantly cracking jokes and laughing like a spastic clapping seal, Miso and her dorky expressions and Sara with her sarcasm which I find offensive at times. It's just that I prefer being alone at the park sometimes, other than the fact that my friends prefer spending their time at the mall or at a cafe.


Speaking of which, I usually let time pass at the park by reading a book or just taking a stroll and savouring the fresh air. However, I intend to fly a kite today. The wind is gentle and the fields are vast with little to no sign of people around.


I like kites. I used to fly kites with Papa when I was still a small child. Ah... Memories. Back then, kites came in many shapes and sizes although the design was simple. My favourite was the butterfly-shaped kite. But for today, I settled for the classic-looking diamond-shaped one which I bought at a store near my school.


I untangled the strings attached to the kite and wound it around my right hand twice. With my other hand, I held on to the kite. I jogged my way across the field, slowly letting the kite go and at the same time tugging at it by the string ever so gently, causing the wind to push the kite higher into the sky. Slowly but surely, I succeeded in getting the kite as high as possible.


I smiled to myself, satisfied, as I watched the kite fly steadily up in the sky.


I hated flying kites with Papa.


I have finally updated my fanfic with a short chapter! I apologise for taking so long because I really had no access to a proper computer (more like proper technology!) while my laptop was away for repair! Fortunately, I got it back and I can finally start posting stuff! Phew!

Anyway, thank you so much for reading and subscribing or leaving comments! Even though it was just a small number of readers or subscribers, I really do appreciate it a lot :D I will keep improving though!

Until the next chapter, bye!

P.S. A KaiSoo fanfic is on the way! Still wrecking my brains out for a suitable fanfic title T-T

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Thank you to all of you for reading ^-^ I will be updating soon!
eatsunyeah #2
Chapter 2: Thanks for updating!!.waiting for the next update^^pls update soon.thank you again(:
eatsunyeah #3
Chapter 1: Hi!(:can you pls update this one?ill be waiting!!