"Normal" Friends From America

Choosing Between My Famous Princes

Sangmi was walking to U-kiss's dorm when some people remembered her.

"Sangmi-ah!" Yelled a voice.

Sangmi tuned around "Oh! Sungyeol Oppa Hi"

"Hi Sangmi!" Sungyeol said.

"Hi Noona" Sungjong said.

"Hello Sunjongie~" 

"Where you going?"Sungyeol asked her.

"Oh to visit my friends from America" Sangmi said.

"Ah well we are going to give some supplies for out friends" Sungjong said showing Sangmi the bag.

"Oh Cool..Well I gotta go bye~"Sangmi said.

"Bye~" They said.

The odd thing was that they went the same way as her.

Sangmi payed no attention to it and walked up to  dorm number 8.

So did Sungyeol and Sungjong.

"Are you guys following me?" Sangmi asked.

"Aniyo Sunggyu Hyung told us to take these supplies to Ukiss Hyungs,and Dongsaeng."Sungjong said.

"Ahh ok" Sangmi said and knocked on the door.

Hoon answered the door.

"Hey Sungyeol,Sungjong and Sangmi..is that you?" Hoon said.

"Hey"Sungjong and Sungyeol said.

"In the flesh and not on a laptop screen" Sangmi said and side-hugged him.

"Hey Weirdos i'm here~" Sangmi said and ran into the living room.

"Hey Doll-Face" AJ said.

"Sangmi!!!!!" Kevin sai and pounced on her making her fall onto the ground.

"AHHH!!!" Sangmi yelled.

"Hey bestie~"Kevin said in english.

"Get off me!! Eli help me he isso heavy"Sangmi said in english too.

"Hold on Mimi" Eli said and pushed Kevin off her and pulled Sangmi up.

"Group Hug"Kevin yelled and U-kiss all hug her and pulled Sungyeol and Sungjong into the middle with her.

WE ARE SO DEAD!!!! Thought Sungyeol,Sungjong and Sangmi.


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WarriorKimchi93 #1
@ailisu-I know I keep adding more people keke I so like that Enjoy the story so far.

@mrsbyunbacon-Yup she is besties with Kevin and Eli and Kamsamnida also Updated!{^~^}
She's related to UKISS?!?! :O
I like your story so far! Update soon ^^v
ailisu #3

I know... .so envious q-q
WarriorKimchi93 #4
@ailisu-LOL who wouldn't want her life.
ailisu #5
XD OMG I want her life LOLOL