Chapter 2

Key and I

*Two Days Later*

"Ahhh. Home sweet home." I said after stepping into the living room. "Let me hold one of them. Your're going to hurt your wrist even more."

Key sighed. "Ok. Fine. But you still need to take it easy. And my wrist is fine."

"It's broke in two places..." I trailed off. "I still feel bad about that. It's all my fault it's broke." I pouted.

"Actually, if you think about it, it's my fault because I am the one who got you pregnant. Anyways, let's get these two up to their room, and then I'll go make us something to eat. Ok?"

"Ok." I smiled.

'Key is so sweet. He's making us something to eat, even though his wrist is broke. And he said it isn't my fault that its broke, even though it clearly is.' I thought.

"Here you go DaeHyun. This is your room." Key kissed the top of his head, laying him down in his crib. He walked over to me, got EunMi out of her car seat and took her over to her crib. "This is your room too, EunMi. Welcome home, you two." Key kissed her head and layed her down in her crib.

Key walked back to me and put his arm around my shoulders. "You're a really good appa." I looked up at him and smiled. "I love you."

"I love you too. And, you know, we made two beautiful babies. We should be extemely proud." I laughed. "I'm going to go make us something to eat. I'll call you when it's ready."

"Ok." He kissed my cheek and then left the room. "EunMi, DaeHyun, you guys are really lucky to have him as your appa." I kissed their heads, and watched them peacefully sleep.

"Bomb bomb follow me                                                                                                                                                                                                         Himeyl gajeunjayo                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Follow me                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Bomb bomb follow me                                                                                                                                                                                                        Nanananana lalala                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Bomb bomb follow me                                                                                                                                                                                                            Modu hanadoeeo                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Follow me.                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Bomb bomb follow me                                                                                                                                                                                                        Nanananana lalala

We got the power                                                                                                                                                                                                                            I got the power"

I heard my phone play Power by B.A.P in the other room. "

Hello?" I answered the phone.

"Susanne! Is it ok if we come over? We want to see your baby!" My friend, Grace, asked.

"You mean babies. And we? Who's we?"

"Me, your parents, and my parents." she replied. "I keep forgetting you had twins."

"I guess you guys can. Have you guys ate? Key is making some food. I can get him to make more."

"I ate earlier, but our parents haven't ate yet."

"Ok. I'll go tell Key. See you guys in a bit." "

Bye Susie!" Susie is my nickname my friends call me. Istated caling myself that when I was 13, and it just stuck.

"Hey Key. Grace, my parents and her parents are coming over. Grace has ate, but the parents haven't."

"Not a problem. I can make more."

"Are you sure?"

"It's fine. Try this." He put a spoon up to my mouth.

"That's really good!" I heard the door bell ring. "I guess they're here. I'll get it, Grace called me just two minutes ago. They got here fast." I said as I walked off.

"Hi Susanne!" Everyone said.

"Hi! Come on in."

"Susanne! The babies are crying!" I heard Key yell from the kitchen.

"OK!" I yelled back. "Daddy, Mike, I'm guessing you two are going to go talk to Key with the very small Korean vocabulary you guys have?"

"Yup." My dad said then walked to the kitchen with Mike (Grace's dad) following him.

"I think I'll go with them. I'll see if Key needs any help. Crying babies don't like me very much..." Grace said.

"Alright...Wait. you don't even like cooking. Oh well." I shrugged. "Mom, Jenny (Grace's mom) follow me. I'll give everyone a tour after we eat."

"Awww! They're adorable! They look just like Key." My mom said as soon as she walked into the room.

"No. They have Susanne's eyes and lips." Jenny said.

"Yeah, I guess they do."

I picked up EunMi. "Don't cry. Umma's here!"

"Key just yelled that the food is ready." My mom said.

"Ok. You guys go ahead and go eat. I'll be there after EunMin stops crying."

"Ok. Want me to send Grace in here since she's already ate?" Jenny asked.

"Sure. Thanks." I smiled and they left. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ So here's the secong chapter. It's boring, I know, but I didn't know what to write. It'll get better though, I promise. Thanks for reading! :)

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have to be up at 5 in the morning because I have to be at school early. I'd get it up tonight otherwise. Thanks for being patient, and thanks for reading.


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Chapter 30: Update soon plz
Hi there!!! :D
I'm your new subbie!!
I notice how really interesting this is but can I make a suggestion? I think you should put more tags in your story just so people are able to find it. I hate to see a good story go to waste. :)
Chapter 25: "GDragon is upstairs screaming with Key in bed." LOL I can't believe Taemin didn't freak out when hearing that! Maybe it's a normal thing that happens? haha jk :D
Hope you feel better soon!
I can't wait until the next chapter :)
Chapter 24: Great chapter, ShineeandSJ! I really like your story.... >:3 You know, saying I'm not going to make any chapters makes me want to. XD
I'm anxiously waiting for next Tuesday....
>:3 Ruby is amazing. Just saying. She's so cool. And awesome. Did I mention awesome? All of yall better love Ruby. Shes so cool.
Yup. Loving the story. Text me when you update please.... :3
I love any story with key in it ... update soon!!!
hellobabyjulia #7
why dont u have more subscribers?! this look so good ^^
KeysLove4ever #8
Chapter 14: Best story ever !!!!!! I really wish I was part of this ! I so jealous T-T
Update soon
Chapter 1: CUTE NAMES! :D I will definitely read more of your story soon... after my homework... ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 고마워요!
Chapter 12: Please update soon !!