My Life Upside Down


You were born from a poor family which only consists of you and your mom. Your mom has never told you about her relatives and most likely your father. You are on top of the school and proud to be one! One day you find your life went upside down during your 20th birthday.



Lee Min( you )


- loves studying

-simple in the outside but has fierce personality inside

- popular for the name 14th century girl

-a responsible and caring daughter

- wears geeky glasses and hair tied up to a braid




Kai 20 yrs old - Looks responsible but the laziest one in the group

Suho 21 yrs old - the oldest and most responsible one in the group. 

Chen 20 yrs old - a womanizer. Loves playing around with women.

Kris 20 yrs old - approachable and sweet. The first to talk to you.

D.O. 20 yrs old - amazed by how he cooks the food. 

Chanyeol 20 yrs old - a person you always go to when you feel confused

Tao 19 yrs old - looks scary but is super sensitive and sweet on the inside

Luhan 20 yrs old - gets irritated when called babyface

Baekhyun 20 yrs old - loves to play joke around with you

Sehun 19 yrs old -  always get beat up by Suho, Kris, and ChanYeol

Xiumin 20 yrs old - You love to play around with his cheeks and he would get annoyed for like 5 min.

Lay 20 yrs old - the unsociable type of guy. Had a hard time being close to him.


Han Kyo (Mom)


- you're sweet and kind mother

- hides a secret about her relatives and mostly about you Father

Min Hee


- The so called FRAGILE FLOWER

-  makes up stories about you being fake

- looks sweet but hides a murderous devil inside

Ah Joo


- you thought she was you're first girlfriend that you have. 

- betrayed you by making you look like a helpless child to EXO 

- Looks nice but hides a devil inside to be close to EXO



This is my first Fanfic about EXO so I hope you continue reading it and find it interesting. I admit that I am not good with words so please comment and tell me if there are grammatical errors or if the story is boring so could put some twists in the story. I HOPE YOU'LL LIKE MY FANFIC :D

if you gave time please read my other story/stories :) kashamida 

Yey! The EXO members are going to be seen for the first it in chapter 7. At long last.


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hope you update
sunrisedusk #2
Sorry for the late update. I hope you'll still continue reading. You can also suggest what would happen to Lee Min :)
chubbymorie #3
Her umma seems to have nothing to do here..
it has to be Kris..
thanks for the update..
please try to update more..
Seoul-Less #4
Yay update!
Daragonlove99 #5
Arghhhhhh. I can't choose between Kreaseee and Lulu. XD
chudo-Ned- #6
WAHHH!!!! HER FATHER IS NICE!!! the story is really good.and i like it! please update soon! the boys better be nice to her or i'll teach them a lesson... but why is her grandparents like that? so mean they didn't let her father look for them... please please please update soon!!! ^^
sunrisedusk #8
Thank you all for commenting :) it made me want to make new chapters so stay tuned
Daragonlove99 #9
Oh my! Nice story u have there Authornim! :D Kekeke... Silent reader here that started to talk becos of that so call ! U BETTER UPDATE SOON OR ELSE THIS MEANS WAR! HEHEHEH. XD
chudo-Ned- #10
oohhh maybe they're family will come and take her away!!! such a thriller please update soon ^^