chapter 7

Ready Set Action!

Your POV

You turn around and see Minhyun smiling at you. "Hey" you say trying to be not awkward.  You turn around and continue looking at the sky with Ren.  It was nice and peacefully until someone yelled, "hey! What are you guys up to???” You turn around and see Baekho walking up to you guys.  But you notice he's not in his uniform so you ask, "What are you wearing?" he smiles and says "glad you ask! This is my kendo robe I practice every morning in my dojo hey!  You guys should all come tomorrow and watch my competition!!!” You all agree to go not wanting to let the happy Baekho down.  

"Jooyounggg~~~ let's go to class" Ren says as he grabs your hand and practically drags you there. You wave to Minhyun as you leave with Ren.  When you sit down Ren stares at you until you ask "what?” "Don’t think I didn't notice how you just acted around Minhyun.  So what happened? Spill.". You tell Ren what happened and you practically have to hold him down from going up to the girls and beating them.  After you explain how Minhyun almost kissed you.  His jaw dropped down to the floor and he yelled "OH NO HE DIDN'T you MY friend.  That Minhyun!!" you try to calm him down before the teacher gave them detention.  You finally get him to agree to keep it a secret.  When he finally agrees you give him a huge bear hug which makes him smile.  

Class ends and as were walking out Ren walks into Minhyun. *oh boy... Please let there not be trouble.* Ren kept his end of the deal but while they were talking he would glare at him making it awkward. 

Finally the day came to an end.  You rush home because you don't want to run into any more trouble.  You act normal inform of MinKi trying not to make him more suspicious.  

The next morning you were getting ready to go to the competition.  *hmm what should I wear. Maybe something cute and fun*. You decide to go with a shirt that had a heart on it and a pair of shorts.  As you’re walking out of the door a shadow appears." where exactly are you going"? "I'm doing a group project with one of my classmates don't worry I'll be back early.” You tell your overprotective butler before running out of the house.  You arrive at Baekho house early with the directions he gives you.  He comes to greet you and directs you to a room for you to wait in while everyone else gets here. "At least I don't have to worry about you! Good thing they came early!" *they? Who could it be?* you wave to Baekho as he leaves you to go practice.  You open the door and see two people lazing on the couch playing video games.  When they hear the door open they turn to you. One of them greets you while the other just stares with his mouth half hanging open. 

"Hey Aron" you smile.  You turn toasted the other person and say “if you don't close your mouth bugs will fly in...JR...”



Hey guys this is the new chapter what do you think?? pleasse subscribe thanks for reading!!

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im sorry i haven't been updating recently...but i have the unfortunate writer's block :'( i'll try to post asap!!


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Chapter 37: Sequel please
Demilee_16 #2
Chapter 37: Omg I died reading that!!! It was awesome sauce!!!
Chapter 37: Love the story!! JR!!!!
just wanted to say that I had found this story on watt pad and loved it a lot!
the story was seriously amazing :3
that was all I wanted to say =3
BlueJoker427 #5
I loved this story so much *^* I don't even like JR that much, well not that I hate him but I'm just madly in love with Ren ^\\\\^ you are such a good writer that I didn't even mind it nort being my Ren xD thank you for this story it's so beautiful it made me so happy
xXRennieXx #6
Chapter 37: Asdfghjkl -dies from spasm- * O *
Chapter 36: Ok so what happen to the dad
I love this story *o*
xXRennieXx #9
Chapter 35: * o * Fight fight fight fight. x'DDD Dis gonna be epic > w <
i-love-k #10
Chapter 34: O_______________O