My Valentine

"Oppa...will you please pass me the pumpkin??"

"Here...But what are you doing with the pumpkin??Are you going to give it to Sungmin Hyung??*jealous*"

"Aish!My Oppa is jealous...Of course no!!!I'm going to cook something just for you...hehe...But of course you'll help me, because we're going to eat this with full of love!!"

"Aw...My girlfriend's cheesy...Thanks..."

"Haha...So let's start??"

I'm trying to make a squash patty!Well, I want Oppa to eat something healthy because he's been very busy due to the promotion of their 5th album.

"Oppa, can you pass me the sugar??"

"Here *gives the sugar*...I just remembered how we became boyfriends and girlfriends...It started with a food..."

"Haha...You're right oppa..."


I'm going to buy something that is strawberry flavored...hmmm...maybe a yogurt!!!

I went inside a store and saw a familiar face.

He looks like...I can't remember!!!

I didn't mind who he is because I'm going to buy strawberry yogurt!!!

Then I went to the refrigerator. And I saw that the guy that looks familiar to me is going to where I'm also going.

Only one left??I should get this before---

"Excuse me, but that's mine...I'm going to buy that..."

"But---Wait are you Lee ____??"

"Ne, but who are you??You seem familiar to me..."

"I'm Ryeowook!!Your highschool friend!!" Ryeowook whispered.

"Oh!Now I know why you seemed familiar to me!!" I said happily and shouting at the same time.

"Yes but please don't shout!!"

"But why...??*realizes*Oh...Yeah...Forgot!!Mianhe!!!"

"I'm not going to buy this anymore, here...*gives the yogurt*"

"Aniyo, I feel like I don't want to eat a yogurt anymore hehe..."

"So...Can we go near the park then??"


We went to the park and talked for a while, I had fun, he asked me my number and I gave him and I also asked his number. We exchanged numbers for short.

I went home after that.

When I got home someone texted me.

"Hi!!It's ME!!!" (Blue for Ryeowook's texts and Red for ____'s texts)

"Oh!Hi Ryeowook Oppa!!!"

"Haha, you already know me, so did you get home safely??"

"Ne Oppa, how about you??"

"I'm okay, no need to worry."

"Hehe, Atleast I'm caring for you...hehe..."

"Yeah you're caring for me like my girlfriend.

Oh!I forgot, will you please go to the park we went a while ago tomorrow morning at 8??"

"Of course oppa, but why??What for??"

"It's a secret"

"Fine,I need to sleep now oppa, Good night!! :)"

"Good night!~~♥"

The next day...

"Good Morning Korea!What a beautiful day!!"


"Oh!Who's calling??"


"Hi!Good morning!!!"

"Are you ready??"

"Not yet Oppa...Excited much??I think I should be the one excited..."

"Hehehe...Yup you're right!!So Bye...I'm going to prepare now!!"


Hung Up

After a few hours....



"Hello _____-ah!!!!"

"Oh??Ryeowook Oppa??"


"Ne Oppa...I'm going to the park now!"

"Arrasso...I'll be waiting for you!!!"

"Bye Oppa!!"


Hang Up.

(At The Park)

"Oppa Where are you?"

"I'm just here at the playground...

Go here I'll be waiting for you..."

"Arrasso Oppa...Wait for me okay?"


_____ walked and walked and reached the playground.

She saw many pink and white balloons and was amazed.

Then she saw a big tarpaulin saying:

_____ I LOVE YOU!





"I don't know??" ____ responded to the tarpaulin.

"Then if you don't know, I'll tell you, I love you and will you be my girlfriend??" Ryewook then went out of the bush near the tarpaulin.


"It's okay...I understand *disappointed and sad*"

"Aniyo Oppa!You're getting the wrong message!!!"

"Then what??*eyes lit up*"

"Ne Oppa...I want to be yours...*blushes*"

"Thanks _____!!!!You don't know how happy I am!!!"

"Me too Oppa!!!Saranghae!!!"

"Saranghaeyo!!!*kisses ____ in the lips*"

They stopped and sat on the bench still talking then _____ suddenly asked.

"But Oppa When?"

"What when??"

"When did you fall in love with me and how??"

"It's when we became highschool classmates, I had a crush on you when I first saw you; then when we were always been partnered in every projects the crush that I'm feeling grew each day...Then when our teacher asked us too cook something we were again paired up, do you remember while we are cooking we're chatting about nonsense, there, I then realized that it's not crush anymore but LOVE...just because of what do you call that??"

"Squash patty??"

"Yup, because of that, I realized how importan you are to me...When we separated or when we graduated, I was very sad because I didn't have the chance to tell you what I feel...So when I met you yesterday, I'm very happy because now, I can confess to the one I love, the person I loved since my teenage years, my everlasting love...."

"Me too, hehe, I now confessed...let's go to the Lotte World oppa??"

"Okay...Let's go..."

*End Of Flashback*

"Haha...I can't stop thinking of that silly love story of ours..." ______ said.

"Yup...But focus on what you're cooking!" Ryeowook said.


"By the way what are you cooking??The one that we cooked when we are in highschool??"



"Haha...Saranghae too Oppa!"


Ryewook one shot done!!!haha...the last part is lame!!!!just set it aside!

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OMO! Cute! ^^