Ji Ae's Past.

Guys At My School Wear Boxers, But I Wear !

When Ji Ae and Seonnie got inside Seonnie’s home, Ji Ae walked to the bathroom to wash up first.

Seonnie walked to Ji Ae’s room as Seonnie was feeling a bit weird about Ji Ae’s visit.

When Ji Ae got out of the bathroom and walked to her bedroom, she saw Seonnie sitting on her bed.

“Seonnie,” Ji Ae said as Seonnie sighed. “Ji Ae, I want to know who this guy Yoo Shi Yoon is,” Seonnie said as Ji Ae lowered her head thinking for an answer.

“I already told you who he is. There’s nothing more to it,” Ji Ae answered smiling at Seonnie as Seonnie sighed.

“He’s just a set up guy your parents got you to date with, but then why would you two argue like that?” Seonnie asked Ji Ae.

Ji Ae sat down next to Seonnie as she let out a small sigh. “Seonnie, I actually ran away from home,” Ji Ae spit out as Seonnie looked at Ji Ae.

“Why did you runaway from home?” Seonnie asked Ji Ae angrily. “Because—Because—“ Ji Ae started to say as tears started rolling down her cheeks.

“Because what, Ji Ae?” Seonnie asked. “You won’t ever understand!” Ji Ae shouted as she pushed Seonnie out of her room and locked the door.

“Ji Ae, Ji Ae!” Seonnie shouted banging on Ji Ae’s door as Ji Ae slid down and sat down on the ground from leaning against onto the door.

Ji Ae cried as she just didn’t know how or what to tell why she ran away from home to stay with Seonnie.

Seonnie then called Min Ho right away when Ji Ae refused to open the door after knocking on her door more than 100 times.

Min Ho’s phone vibrated in his pocket when he opened the door van. He took his phone and answered it.

“Hello?” Min Ho answered. “Min Ho-ah, is Younha still with you?” Seonnie asked as Min Ho looked up at Younha.

“What?” Younha asked. “Yea, she’s still here. Why?” Min Ho answered. “Come over right now, Ji Ae’s hiding something from me and she won’t open her door!” Seonnie said as Min Ho jumped back inside the van.

“What’s wrong hyung?” Tae Min asked. “Drive back to Seonnie’s home,” Min Ho said as Jin Ki looked at Min Ho.

“Did something happen?” Jihyun asked. “Ji Ae shut herself in the room refusing to talk with Seonnie,” Min Ho answered.

“Speed it Jin Ki!” Younha shouted as Jin Ki already bust a U-Turn and was speeding already.

“I’m going as fast as I can already!” Jin Ki answered as he drove. “Let the guy drive,” Jonghyun said.

“What happened to Ji Ae?” Ara asked. “Did Seonnie do something wrong to have Ji Ae shut herself inside the room?” Key asked.

“I don’t know, Seonnie just asked for Younha,” Min Ho answered. “Why Younha?” Jonghyun asked.

“To break down a door I guess,” Younha replied as everyone looked at Younha. “What?” Younha asked.

When Jin Ki parked on Seonnie’s driveway, Younha was the first one out of the car running straight inside Seonnie’s home.

“Unnie, Ji Ae wouldn’t open the door,” Seonnie told Younha as soon as she saw Younha.

“Where’s her room?” Younha asked. “Down the hall and second door to the right,” Seonnie answered.

Younha walked to Ji Ae’s room and knocked on Ji Ae’s door a couple of times.

“Ji Ae, open the door!” Younha shouted as there was no sound. “Ji Ae, Ji Ae!” Younha shouted as everyone got inside Seonnie’s house.

“What happened?” Jihyun asked Seonnie. “I don’t know, I asked Ji Ae about the guy Yoo Shi Yoon, and Ji Ae just started tearing up and told me I will never understand and pushed me out of the room,” Seonnie explained.

“If you’re not gonna open, I’m breaking down the door!” Younha angrily shouted as she angrily gave the door two hard kicks.

Then Jihyun and everyone came by Younha’s side and started pushing and kicking the door altogether.

At last the door broke open and everyone all stared at a bloody Ji Ae on the floor.

“JI AE!” Seonnie screamed in terror as she fainted. Min Ho held onto Seonnie as Younha ran to Ji Ae’s side.

“She cutted her wrist,” Younha said as she tried holding Ji Ae up. “I’ll carry her to car. Jonghyun, you’re driving,” Jin Ki said as he threw the car keys at Jonghyun.

Jonghyun nodded and ran out as Jin Ki carried Ji Ae into his arms bridal style out to the car.

Min Ho then carried the fainted Seonnie to the car also as everyone headed out to the hospital.


“Omma, you guys can go ahead and eat dinner, I’m gonna hang out with my friends for awhile,” Younha told her mother through her cell phone.

“Alright, but do come home soon. Don’t stay out so late, you hear?” Yu Mi said.

“Yeh, omma,” Younha answered and then hung up the phone. She turned around and saw Seonnie still laying her head on Min Ho’s shoulder.

Everyone was sitting in the waiting room worried about Ji Ae as to why she would cut both of her wrists.

Then the doctor came out and two nurses pushed Ji Ae to a room. “Are you her family?” The doctor asked Younha and everyone.

“We’re all the patient friends, but her cousin fainted when finding the patient on the ground bleeding to death,” Jihyun answered the doctor.

“Well, luckily you guys brought her here on time. She did loose a lot of blood, but then she should be okay now. You guys can go see her when the nurses tell you to,” the doctor told everyone as they all sighed in relief.

“Thank you,” Younha thanked the doctor as Seonnie slowly got up. “What happened?” Seonnie asked rubbing her temples as she didn’t feel so good.

“You fainted when you saw Ji Ae,” Min Ho answered. “Ji Ae, oh my god, did she die?!” Seonnie shouted as to remembering Ji Ae being found on the ground in the room with blood all over the ground.

“No, the doctor says she’s fine,” Ara said assuring Seonnie that everything with Ji Ae would be alright.

Then one of the nurses’s walked inside the waiting room and found everyone. “The patient is awake now,” the nurse told them all.

With that, everyone rushed inside Ji Ae’s room and found Ji Ae looking the opposite way of them.

“Yah, Ji Ae, why would you try and commit suicide for?!” Seonnie asked angrily shaking Ji Ae’s body when she got near Ji Ae.

“Seonnie, don’t do that,” Ara and Jihyun told Seonnie as they held her back. “Let me go!” Seonnie cried as Ji Ae also cried too.

“Ji Ae, did something happen?” Jin Ki asked looking at Ji Ae worriedly. “Why did you guys save me for? Why didn’t you all just leave me for dead?!” Ji Ae asked angrily.

“Ji Ae, don’t say such things!” Seonnie shouted at her as Key and Tae Min closed the door shut so the doctors or nurses won’t hear the commotions.

“I will say it, because I should’ve died instead!” Ji Ae shouted as she started to cry harder.

“Shut the up already!” Younha shouted angrily as Ji Ae and Seonnie looked at her crying.

“Younha, calm down,” Jonghyun said as Younha glared at him and then looked at Ji Ae.

“You really want to die Ji Ae?” Younha asked as Ji Ae lowered her head. “Answer me!” Younha shouted out loudly.

“What are you gonna do Younha?” Min Ho asked. “I’m not talking to you guys, I’m talking to Ji Ae,” Younha said as Ji Ae looked up at Younha.

“Yes, I want to die, because I’m tired of suffering in this cruel cold world!” Ji Ae answered as Younha nodded her head and looked around as she found a glass vase with a single sunflower in it.

Younha grabbed the vase as she walked to the trash can and broke the glass inside the trash can and took out the sharp part.

“Younha, are you crazy?” Jihyun asked. Jonghyun and Min Ho walked up to Younha but then she pointed the glass at the boys.

Younha walked up to Ji Ae and grabbed Ji Ae’s hand as she placed the glass on Ji Ae’s hand.

“There, you got something to hold and kill yourself. So go, do it,” Younha said as everyone gasped.

“Younha,” Ji Ae said looking at Younha. “You want to die right? That’s why you have all these scars on your arms. Why not pierce this glass inside your heart instead?” Younha asked looking at Ji Ae with a serious face and tone.

“Younha-ah, stop playing games,” Key said. “Shut up,” Younha said as she stared at Ji Ae.

“Since the world is so cruel and you wanna die, then kill yourself in front of Seonnie, your cousin who loves you. Kill yourself in front me and everyone who cares a lot about you, since you don’t love or care about yourself,” Younha said as Ji Ae looked at the sharp glass.

“You don’t understand what I went through and what I suffered alright!” Ji Ae yelled at Younha as she threw the glass at the wall in front of her causing it to break.

Tae Min jumped behind Jihyun as he was scared of Ji Ae. Ara and Key held onto each other as Jonghyun and Jin Ki stood side by side.

Min Ho grabbed hold of Seonnie as he didn’t want Seonnie to bother what Younha’s going to say to Ji Ae.

“Then what did you suffer? What did you go through? Seonnie’s here, I’m here, we’re all here to listen,” Younha said as Ji Ae closed her eyes and slowly breathe in and out.

“It was the beginning of two years ago when Yoo Shi Yoon and I met...”

(Ji Ae’s story continues from her point of view)

My parents don’t allow me to date other men my choice, because they’re not what my parents like. So they would set me up on blind dates or make me meet them like family dinner or whatever.

“Omma, why do I always have to meet guys of yours and appa’s choice only? Why not my choice ever?” I asked my mother as she ignored me. “Tch, I bet he’s not even good looking,” I said to myself as I sipped a little of some water in my glass cup.

Then in walked these two other parents and my date they both set up. At first I didn’t bother looking, but he came and sat down next to me. “Hi, I’m Yoo Shi Yoon,” he introduced himself to me. I ignored him and drank more water as I heard a giggle from him.

“What?” I asked turning to look at him. When I saw him, I thought at first, he was the most handsome guy alive. It was like, a dream come true for a princess meeting her most handsome prince in a dance room ball.

“Hiiiii,” my ‘hi’ just drifted as I saw his remarkable adorable smile. My heart melted away as I couldn’t even breathe anymore.

After introducing myself to him, we both bonded quickly.

Out of all the blind dates my parents set me up with, I’ve never bonded with anyone like Shi Yoon. He was so amazing in every way that he stole my heart with his adorable smile.

Couple weeks passed since the dinner we both had and we both bonded more as we got to know one another so well. I was wrong telling myself when I said I knew who Yoo Shi Yoon was.

Shi Yoon would come over for dinner at times and we would both spend time together in my room studying or laugh at funny things on the internet.

I also got pretty popular at school too, because Shi Yoon would always come pick me up from school with different cute presents waiting for me.

Girls envied me and that’s what I once always wanted, for girls to envy me. But I was wrong.

One day, when I was walking home from my all girls’ school, this bully who gets on my nerves started picking on me.

Right when she was about to beat me up, Shi Yoon came to my rescue and told the girl to back off.

She smirked at Shi Yoon and walked off when saying that, I’m just lucky Shi Yoon’s hot, or else she wouldn’t care. He had such a worried face about me and walked me home after that happened.

I guess having my popularity got the bully jealous that she wanted to beat me up, but I didn’t careless, I had a great boyfriend. Well, that’s what I thought.

It was getting close to our one year anniversary and I decided to buy him the greatest present there is that a girlfriend can buy for her boyfriend.

I went shopping all day long alone and didn’t find anything that I thought would suit him at all, until I came onto these two cute promise ring pairs.

I immediately bought them hoping he would love it.

It came onto our one year anniversary and I was waiting for him at the restaurant he had reserved for us.

I waited and waited as the candles on the candle stand started melting down.

My eyes started getting sleepy too. When I checked the time, I noticed that I’ve been waiting for nearly six hours for Shi Yoon to arrive.

Then a waiter came up to me with a note. “Your date told me to give you this message,” the waiter told me as he handed me the note.

I read the note, and it said that his father was rushed to the hospital due to a terrible car accident and for me to not wait for him anymore.

I was so worried for Shi Yoon that I called his phone several times, but he wouldn’t pick up.

Then I came to realization that hospitals doesn’t let you use your phones in the lobby, so I went home waiting to hear a phone call from him.

That was the first night that Shi Yoon and I didn’t talk with each other all night.

The next day on my way home from school, I saw Shi Yoon waiting for me at my school gate with a cute huge teddy bear and a bouquet of pink tulips.

Girls squealed seeing this and I just blushed madly. “I’m so sorry I missed you last night,” Shi Yoon apologized as I shook my head.

“I have a special place to show you,” Shi Yoon whispered in my ears as we both got inside his car and he drove me to this beautiful cruise ship.

“Shi Yoon-ah,” I said his name softly as he smiled at me. “Come on,” he told me holding my hand as we both ran inside the cruise ship.

It was amazingly beautiful. I never saw such a beautiful cruise ship in my entire life and Shi Yoon sure knows how to lighten a gloomy day I had.

We played in the cruise ship, had a lovely dinner together and he told me that since it’s been a year of our relationship already, he wanted us to be committed.

I was so stupid, I agreed with him. We called our parents telling them we’re gonna hang out together for the night as it’s our anniversary and my parents were actually okay with it.

There was one huge beautiful room, a single cute round bed, and a large flat screen television pinned onto a wall across the bed.

We both sat together and watched movies together. Then, we both...gave in with each other.

[Jihyun’s interruption]

“WHAT THE ?! YOU’RE SO YOUNG JI AE! ARE YOU FREAKEN’ CRAZY?!” Jihyun shouted as Tae Min, Key, and Ara covered her face with all these pillows they found near them.

[Back to the story]

After that night, Shi Yoon stopped calling me. I mean, he didn’t stop literally, but then we hardly saw each other and there were no more surprises for me at my school gate anymore.

I would have to leave some voicemails for him at times when he doesn’t pick up my phone calls. Sometimes, he will call back, but mostly all the time, he never calls.

Shi Yoon didn’t text me much either, and I had no idea what he had been doing or how well he’s been.

One day after one of my exams, these girls who are somewhat my friends, we decided to go hang out and eat at a Japanese restaurant nearby for a celebration on our exams.

When we got there, I had to use the restroom. Coming back from the restroom, I heard a familiar voice like Shi Yoon’s. I was excited to know that he was here with a couple of friends too, because I can hear some men voices.

Right when I was gonna burst inside to greet Shi Yoon, I heard girls in the room. I opened the door a little and saw Shi Yoon’s arm wrapped around a girl and he was laughing with her and making out with her.

I took my cell phone out and called him. He took his phone out and looked at it and put it back inside his pocket. “Who is it?” A buddy of his asked. “Oh, it’s just my mom,” he lied to his buddy.

I wanted to walk inside the room and reveal to everyone that I was his girlfriend, but then my tears started forming around inside my eyes and I ran off to the room my friends were put in.

I excused myself from them and grabbed my bag to leave. I hid my tears from them and when I walked out, I bumped into someone. I rose up my head to see who it was, and I saw myself looking at Shi Yoon and the girl he was holding onto.

“Ji Ae,” he mumbled my name as I turned my head away. “I’m just your mom,” I mumbled pretty loud as I walked away hearing some of friends teasing him. I didn’t care anymore, my heart was in pain.

Right when I got outside of the restaurant, I felt someone yank my arm hard that I spun around and saw Shi Yoon only. “What do you want from me?!” I asked him angrily as he had these sad eyes.

“I’m sorry Ji Ae, but then don’t take it the wrong way,” Shi Yoon apologized as I shook my head. “You wanted a committed relationship, but then you’ve been cheating on me!” I shouted at him as he pulled me to hug him.

“No, I haven’t, you’re taking it the wrong way!” Shi Yoon said as I pushed him off of me and ran off.

For couple of weeks, he started calling me nonstop, came to my school with surprises and presents again, and even came looking for me at my own home.

My stupid parents begged me to get back with him, because in their eyes, they only see a sweetheart Yoo Shi Yoon. No matter how much I tell my parents about what I saw, they just kept telling me this is what love is and how it will be, but if I’m strong, I would let that brush past me. They were wrong and I was stupid.

I took back Shi Yoon into my life giving him a second chance. He cheered happily and took me out everywhere and told me he’ll always keep me happy. Shi Yoon even took me to the cruise ship to make love too when we’re alone together.

When our 2nd Anniversary was coming up, I decided to surprise him myself at the cruise ship and give him the promise ring to him there, since didn’t get to during our 1st year.

While looking around to see what I should put in our cruise ship, I heard and loud noises coming from the bedroom Shi Yoon and I slept in.

I opened the door and saw Shi Yoon and the girl who bullied me once at school having in the same room, on the same bed, together.

Shi Yoon turned around and saw me and I just ran. I heard Shi Yoon running after me and calling my name, but then I didn’t care for him anymore. My eyes were telling the truth; Shi Yoon was cheating on me.

[Jihyun’s interruption]


Tae Min covered Jihyun’s mouth before she even got to finish what she was gonna say, but even though he closed , she was still blabbing. “Take her out!” Key demanded as Tae Min dragged Jihyun out of Ji Ae’s room.

“Continue on,” Jonghyun said as everyone looked back at Ji Ae.

[Back to the story]

I really broke up with Shi Yoon this time and my parents begged me once more to get back with him as I told them no and that it was going to be the last and final answer.

Shi Yoon did all those routine again and I just couldn’t accept it ever again.

Then one day, as I was walking home alone, a brown van stopped before me and some masked people came out from the van and kidnapped me.

I was thrown inside a warehouse and was beaten up by two masked men who had kidnapped me.

When I could hardly move anymore, I was thrown onto a mattress that was there while two of those masked men held my arms down and I saw someone familiar walking my way.

The person took off his mask and it was Yoo Shi Yoon. “What do you want?!” I asked angrily panting while trying to wiggle free, but then I was beaten up so bad, I could hardly move further.

Shi Yoon kneels down onto the mattress and pulled out a pocket knife as he laid it against my cheek.

He pressed the cold blade onto my bloody sweated cheek and smirked at me.

“Since you don’t want me, I’ll just have to force you,” Shi Yoon said as he told the masked men to hold me down tighter. It came across my mind that maybe he was going to kill me, but instead, he me.

[Jihyun’s interruption]

*opens the door*

“HE YOU?! HOW DAAAAAAAAAAAAA~!” Tae Min covered Jihyun’s mouth and pulled her head out of the room as everyone looked at each other and shrugged.

“Continue on,” Key told Ji Ae.

[Back to the story]

During the time when I was home, I hid myself from my parents until my bruises on my face and on myself fully healed.

While going to school, girls started avoiding me and Shi Yoon stopped bothering me.

One day while eating with my parents during dinner time, I suddenly puked.

I almost fainted a couple times when at school too, so I decided to have a check up by myself so I wouldn’t worry my parents.

When I did, I found out that I was three weeks pregnant. It shocked me, because it came to my realization that Shi Yoon didn’t use a when he me.

I then went to his school and saw him walking with a girl. I was surprised that Shi Yoon didn’t ignore me though, he actually talked with me.

“I’m pregnant,” I spilled out to him when we were alone by the shore. “Bwoh yah? And you expect to tell me that it’s mine?” Shi Yoon asked as I looked at him.

“Yah, you were the one who me when I kept saying no, and now you’re not willing to accept what you produced inside my body?” I asked him as he snickered and glared at me.

“Get an abortion, because I’m not taking any responsibility,” Shi Yoon told me as he took some cash out of his wallet and handed them over at me.

I laughed as I turned my face away from the money. “Fine, I will get an abortion, but I will tell you one thing,” I said as I turned to look at him and he lowered his hand down.

“What?” He asked. “Today is my birthday, and this child you made will never get a birthday like you and I will,” I told him as I grabbed the cash in his hands and threw it out into the sea as I walked away.

As soon as I got home, I saw birthday presents, a cake, and my happy parents who always did their best at giving me everything.

I touched my stomach thinking of how my child would grow up not having this; a birthday, presents, and a cake with both happy parents by its side.

For two weeks straight, I cried myself to sleep because I thought of how dumb I was to like Shi Yoon, then love him, then give everything to him. I was so stupid.

I did tried committing suicide, but then every time I pull up a blade onto my arm, I just make a small scratch as I thought of my child inside of me.

I did walk up to the abortion center for a couple of times, but then I decided, I’ll just runaway and never return again until the next 10 years or so.

I know I will disappoint my parents and make them worry, but then I will raise this child alone if I have to.

[Back to the present]

“And that’s why I came to you Seonnie, because I have no one else,” Ji Ae said ending it with a cry as Seonnie cried and hugged Ji Ae.

“So you’re pregnant this whole time? You don’t even look like it,” Key said as Ara whacked him on the head.

“I’ve been wearing big coats and sweatshirts so that no one would notice,” Ji Ae answered while Key rubbed his painful head.

“But why kill yourself with your unborn baby? Huh? Live with me and I will help provide you with stuff araso?” Seonnie said as Ji Ae cried. “I’m just so desperate in help of need, I don’t know what to do,” Ji Ae cried.

“That was...so...sad!” Key said crying now as Ara nodded her head crying also. Jonghyun wiped some tears that were forming on his eyes as he sniffed. Min Ho sighed heavily as he does feel bad for Ji Ae.

“Jihyun says it’s sad!” Tae Min shouted from outside the door.

Jin Ki looked at Ji Ae with pure sadness. He pitied her so much. Ji Ae went through far too much with this bastard Yoo Shi Yoon.

Younha angrily slammed her hand onto the drawer that was sitting next to her.

“I’m gonna kill this en ed up bastard who god created,” Younha said angrily as Ji Ae looked at her.

“Younha, don’t, you don’t even know about his whereabouts. Shi Yoon isn’t an easy guy to mess with,” Ji Ae said as Younha got up angrily.

“If I can’t kill him, I will bring him here and make sure he gets on his knees and apologizes to you. About your parents, you should call them and tell them about you whereabouts, they must be worried about you,” Younha said leaving the room.

“Younha,” Ji Ae called for her but Younha ignored it. “She doesn’t listen,” Min Ho told Ji Ae as Jonghyun walked out following Younha.

Younha opened the door and found Jihyun and Tae Min on the ground rubbing their butts as to Younha who opened the door and hitted Jihyun and Tae Min while they were listening to what was going on inside Ji Ae’s room.

“Where are you going Younha?” Jihyun asks. “To find Yoo Shi Yoon and kick his ,” Younha said as Jonghyun stopped her.

“It’s so late out already, you’re not gonna find him,” Jonghyun told Younha. “So what Jonghyun, you want Ji Ae to keep suffering like this?” Younha asked.

“Listen to yourself, finding a person when you don’t even know him. Wait until tomorrow morning or when winter break comes, we’ll go find Yoo Shi Yoon altogether and make him apologize to Ji Ae,” Jonghyun said calming down the heated Younha.

“Jonghyun hyung got a point there Younha,” Tae Min said as Younha breathed slowly.

Okay,” Younha replied as she looked up to sky. 


Alrighty loves. Here's my update for all you great readers out there.

I'm happy to have great readers like you all!

Thanks for the birthday wishes too!

I may not get to update a lot because my internet is getting weak now, but then when I do get better internet connection, I'll update again!


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katarinaq #1
LoveYou12345678 #2
this story was <3
wonhobabey #3
144385 #4
I remember reading this story in 2011 from my cousin's usernames, I was only fourth grade at the time
Chapter 33: I wish she'd just slap his hand away reach up flick his forehead and say it's not nice to bother a hospital patient, then roll over
glowinggalaxy #6
Chapter 1: I found that she is also annoying in this chap hahahah
glowinggalaxy #7
So excited to read this
qarisha #8
Chapter 82: Who is this bicth hee young... Oh and hi author nim.. Im ur new reader !! This is a wonderful story ever !!! Keep on writing deh !! Bye.. Hope to hear from u soon..
oops I meant eighth lol
awe I remember reading this story when I was in the fifth grade!