The First Meeting

I Love You, So Will You Love Me Back?

I'm Lee Taemin. 18 years old. Dancing is my passion, my love for dancing equals with my love to my parents. That explains how much I love to dance. 
I love my hair. For me, my hair is my favorite body part. I get this hairstyle with many difficulties. My parents were super disagreeing with it at first. They say I would look like a girl if I have this kind of hairstyle, I know I have a girly face, but what's wrong with it? I act like a real man! I love my face and I know some noonas at my school are all over me because of my looks.. Okay, that's not really important -_-; 

I can say that I am a really free-willed person. I do what I want to do, wear what I want to wear and speak what's in my mind. I am that kind of person. I have a lot of friends in school, but in this whole universe I can only trust 3 peoples beside my parents. They're my best friends, Jinki, Kibum and Minho. I love them a lot, with as much love as I love to dance. 

Let me tell you more about my best friends. I was 8 years old when I met Jinki hyung, he was my savior when I was being bullied in elementary school, and he becomes my closest friend since then. He’s a really kind and warm person, I always feel safe when he’s around. Next, when I got into middle-school, I met Kibum hyung. He’s really nice and caring, but his nagging is unbelievable! Sometimes, I can’t even stand it too. He will nag at everything that he can nag at. And the last is Minho hyung. He is Kibum hyung’s boyfriend. I got to know Minho hyung when he was at middle school, but we got a lot closer after he dated Kibum hyung. Four of us have a strong bond of friendship, in my opinion.


I remember exactly that it was in the middle of summer when I met this guy. It was sooooo hot that day so I decided to go to the nearby pool to cool myself. When I’ve arrived there and I put my bag on the pool bench and I want as quickly as possible got rid of my t-shirt and threw myself to the pool, but when I was halfway lifting up my yellow shirt, that guy came and put his belonging on the bench beside me. I couldn't get my eyes off from him. He has a super handsome face, his skin is a bit tanned, his shoulders are broad, and what caught my eyes the most in his chocolate abs. I kept staring at his body for God knows how long. Then he realized I kept staring at him. 

And he spoke to me, "Hey, why are you staring at me?" Okay, that's just a stupid me. 
"Umm.. Ah.. I mean.. No... You.. emm.." Of course I was stuttering, he asked me in the middle of my 'dream' about his body. Maybe he would think I’m some kind of ert or something.
"Haha.. You're cute. I'm Jonghyun, and you?" He didn’t get mad at me? Miracle!!
"Taemin. Lee Taemin.." 
"Nice to meet you, Taemin."
"Nice to meet you too.." I can only put my sweetest smile.

He's a really nice guy, we spent the day at the pool together until he decided to go home at 5 p.m. 
When we finished changing our clothes into the dry one, he asked me, 

"Taemin, can I have your number? It's really fun to hang out with you, maybe sometimes we can do this again" he offered his phone.
"Sure!" I grabbed his phone and typed my number.

Mwahahaha.. Maybe cupid was being nice to me that day. I got to know a hot guy and got his number, maybe this is the best day of my life...

I knew I smiled like crazy as I typed my number to his phone.
"Here.." I handed back his phone, "Thanks, see you!" He waved goodbye to me and walked away.
I remember I slept with a smile printed on my face that night.


It was the first day of school after the summer break ended. Taemin, Kibum and Jinki were sitting on the school's hall, sharing their memories from the summer break.

"So, any story about summer? I'm sure I my parents were having conspiracy before we decided to go to Vietnam, they sure want to torture me! It was suuuuuper hot there!! I should use 3 layers of sun block every day, or else I'm sure my skin would burnt & dried out.. Uugh!" Kibum started, blabbing on his diva-mode, like usual.
"It's so you, Key.. Hahaha..." Jinki laughed while his hands glued on the PSP on his hands, playing 'Chicken Invader'.
Key rolled his eyes, "Where did you say you went? Bali?"
"Yes.. There's a lot of hot girls there, and with bikini too! But I love chickens more than girls!! Hahaha.." 
"Please.. I'm sure you have something in your brain, Jinki. No normal person chooses chicken over girls" Key said with an I-don't-understand-why-you-can-think-that-way tone.

"Hey!" Minho walked to their direction with a cup of frozen yoghurt he bought for Kibum, then casually seated himself beside the said guy.
"Thanks, baby. Oh yeah, Minho, I wanted to talk to you at break, do you have anything at that time?" Key turned his body to take the yoghurt cup from Minho’s hands.
"Nope. What do you want to talk about?"
"Secret~" Kibum just showed him a coy smile and scooped his non-fat frozen yoghurt.

"Anything for us, Key?" Minho asked.
"Of course~ here" Key opened his baby blue fluffy bag and took out a small paper bag then poured out the contents, multi-colored key chains with a lot of shapes came out, "Choose as you like.."
"Wooooaah... It's cute!" Jinki immediately paused his game and chose the drumstick-like keychain.
"Thanks, Key" Minho took the flame shaped one.
"Tae, which one do you want?" Kibum asked
"Tae.." Minho poked his arm.
"Huh? What? Oh, yes, I'm fine!" Taemin jumped at his seat, obviously surprised.
"Tae, you weren’t listening to us, were you?" Kibum wrinkled his nose, his diva pride didn't allow him to be ignored.
"No no, I'm listening..." 
"Oh yeah? What did I say?"
"You weren't listening"
"Yeah, yeah…"
"Good thing that you're cute, Tae... So, any news from summer?" Key shoved his yoghurt into his mouth again.
"Oh!" Taemin's face brightened, he shifted his sitting position so his body getting closer to the table and sat straight, "I met a suuuuuuuuuper charming guy a week ago. You all must see him! He's really handsome!"
"Woow.. Lucky you! Got his name?" Jinki seems interested.
"Kim Jonghyun" Taemin said followed by his big grin on his face.
Kibum's right eyebrow rised, "Beside his name?"
"I got his number.. Mwahahaha... I'm really good. Right?"
"So, what's about this guy?"
Taemin told everything he knew about Jonghyun to them. He said its love at the first sight and that Jonghyun guy treated him well too, they have gotten along pretty good. Kibum, Minho and Jinki just listened to their now-falling-in-love best friend.


Taemin was lying on his stomach on his bed, playing Tap Tap Revenge 4 on his iPod Touch when his phone beeping a few times, indicating a new message.

From : Jonghyun <3
hey, Tae. whatcha doin'? >v<

From : Taeminnie
nothing~ n you hyung? :)

From : Jonghyun <3
nothing too~ have you watched The Tourist? XD

From : Taeminnie
not yet T.T but i want to..

From : Jonghyun <3
want to watch with me? ^,^

From : Taeminnie
i want! when? :D

From : Jonghyun <3
tomorrow, 6 p.m. i've checked the schedule. can you?

From : Taeminnie
of course :D

From : Jonghyun <3
see you tomorrow then.. bye Minnie~

From : Taeminnie
see you too tomorrow, hyung ^w^

He flipped his phone closed, taking a deep breath and smiled widely at himself, "You are really great, Taemin. I'm proud of you!" He said to himself.


Kibum was sitting peacefully on his classroom, reading Meg Cabot's 'A Perfect Princess’ when Taemin ran all his way from his class on the third floor to Kibum's class at the first in his full speed until he stopped in front of Kibum's desk, said "I need your help" in one breath.
"Help for?" Key didn't take his eyes from his book
"Jonghyun asks me to go watch a movie today!" He said, still catching his breath.
Kibum sighed then put his book on the desk after marking the page with a cute pink bookmark and looked up, "So where is the part you need my help?"
"My clothes, make up, attitude"
"Attitude?" Kibum furrowed his eyebrows
"What did you do so that Minho likes you?" Taemin sat beside him, facing Kibum's with his right hand propping his face on the table.
"I don’t know.. How should I answer that?"
"Did you act all shy or being aggressive?"
Kibum gave him a confused look, but he didn't say anything.
"Hyuuung.." Taemin whined.
"I don't know, Tae. I can help on your clothes and make up, but attitude is a no no!"
"Okay okay, I understand. We will meet at the X cinema at 6 p.m"
"Come to my house before that"
"I love you, hyung!" Taemin hugged him and kissed his cheek.
"Yeah, love you too, Tae" Kibum smiled.

"Do you want to wear this or that one before?" Kibum said, a red skinny was hanging on his left arm, his right hand was on his hip, striking his infamous umma-pose.
"I don't want to wear skinny.. My tummy will hurt if I use tight pants, hyung. I'm not like you who can wears skinny everyday.." Taemin felt frustrated too. He's been in Kibum's gigantic closet for half an hour already but he hasn't found a perfect clothes.
"But this skinny fits the shirt more, Tae"
"You asked for my help and now you're complaining.. What do you want, huh?" Kibum's voice raised one level and he threw the skinny on his arm to the nearby armchair.
"Sorry.." Taemin lowered his head.
"So?" Kibum's voice was sharp, eyebrow raised.
"Yeah, I'll use the skinny" 
"That's my baby" Kibum ruffled Taemin's hair, "Now, I'll put on your make-up. Sit there" he pointed at his glamorous make-up table.
"I won't get pimples afterwards, right?" Taemin asked, a bit uncertain
"Pimples?" Kibum's eyes widen, "Taemin baby, ALL of my make up products are high-class!" Kibum felt offended, how can a diva like him wear a second class make-up? Everything he owns of course a top class, "Now, sit"

Jonghyun has gotten at the cinema, he was sitting on one of the couch there, waiting for Taemin while playing with his phone.
"Jonghyun hyung!" Taemin called, he was half-running, "Sorry I'm late"
Jonghyun smiled, "It's okay" then he got up from his position, "You look good today, Tae.."
Taemin instantly blushed, "Thanks.."
"I've bought the tickets and popcorn, let's go in.."
"Oh, how much does the ticket cost?" Taemin reached his bag as they walked towards to the studio direction.
"Let's just go in.."
"But, but..."
Jonghyun smiled, "I pay for this date.."
Taemin's face turned redder than before upon hearing the word 'date'. They entered the studio and watched the film which ran for 2 hours.

After they have gotten out from the cinema, they decided to sit on Häagen Dazs store where located only a block away from the cinema, they were eating the ice cream while chatting.
"I love your clothes today. Where did you buy it?" Jonghyun started the conversation.
"Umm.. This is my friend's" Taemin replied and shoved his Vanilla-flavored ice cream.
"Ooh.. Your friend must has a good sense of fashion.."
"Yes. His fashion sense is number one in our school!"
"Hmm.." Jonghyun only nodded

"What do you usually do in your free time?" Jonghyun found a new topic to talk about.
"Dancing. I love dance a lot!" Taemin's face brightened.
"Dance?" Jonghyun’s face suddenly wrinkled.
"Yeah.. Why?" He asked because he noticed Jonghyun's face changed.
"I don't think dance is a good hobby. You can get a lot of injuries if you dance, you know? Have you gotten any?"
"Only once, few years ago, I broke my ankle.."
"See? Why don't you just do something less dangerous?"
"Umm.. Cooking.."
"Yep. A person who can cook well is really appealing nowadays..."
"Oooh... I can cook too!"
"Really? Then you should come to my house sometimes.. I live alone and I really love it when someone come to my house to make me food.. Do you mind sometimes? I want to taste your food.."
"Yeah.. Of course.."
"How about this Sunday? I don't have anything to do that day"
"This Sunday?"
"Are you busy?"
"No, no.. I'll come.."
They kept chatting until they finished the ice-cream, after that Jonghyun drove Taemin home.


The next day, Kibum, Minho and Jinki were sitting on the school's hall when Taemin came, shouting, "Key hyuuuung!!"
"What?! Do you need to shout that loud? I can hear you, hon" Kibum shouted back, his hands were playing with Minho's long fingers.
"Teach me how to cook!"
Kibum's eyes widen at Taemin, "Cook?"
"Yeah, cooking. Makes food.." Taemin said, smiling.
"What on earth you suddenly want to cook?" Jinki snapped, in his 9 years of friendship with Taemin, he NEVER once heard Taemin said he wants to learn cooking.
"Jonghyun invites me to his house to cook for him"
"Jonghyun?" Minho asked him, a bit uncertain, like Jonghyun's name is a virus or something.
"Wow, your progress is really quick, Tae! He already invites you to his house" Jinki smiled, his eyes disappearing as he smiled.
"Hehe.. Let’s just hope" Taemin swung his body back and forth, a shy smile painted on his face.

"When will you come to his house?" Jinki asked again.
"The day after tomorrow. I said to him I could cook.."
"Tae, you can't even make scrambled egg.." Kibum cut him.
Taemin leaned closer to Kibum and pinched his cheeks gently, "Because of that I wanted you to help me, my gorgeous hyung"
"So, what do you want to cook for him?" Kibum asked.
Taemin’s smile immediately turned into an “O” shape, "! I don't know what his favorite food is!!" Taemin slapped his own forehead, then he turned to face Jinki and made a sad face, "Jinki hyung.. What should I do?"
"Just give him chicken! Nobody will refuse chicken!" Jinki said confidently.
"Jinki, please.." Minho sighed.
"But it's true, Minho!" Jinki defended.

"You can just make him a simple one, since you can't cook.." Kibum spoke, ignoring Jinki's last sentence.
"I'll try super hard, hyung. What do you think he will like?"
"It's hard to make, right?"
"Not really, I can easily make it... But I suggest you should make spaghetti, salad or cream soup”
“Why Italian food? Is it because you like them?”
“It’s easy for beginner and everyone loves it, Tae”
“Hmm.. You’re my savior! I love you hyung! Mwaah” Taemin blew a kiss to Kibum, “Can I go to your house tomorrow to.. Practice? Since it is Saturday..” 
“Yeah, sure.. Now, take a note what should you buy!”
“Yes, mommy!”
Taemin took out his pocket note and write every word Kibum said, his smile never leave his face.

Note : For Taemin's long hair it's like in his Lucifer era :D

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Maoona #1
Chapter 1: I think Minho is to blame for everything ,if he have feelings for tea he should not have date Kibum
shawolsrzq #2
Chapter 3: ugh! why is taemin should be hurt!? by the way it's a freaking good story!! if only you could make a sequel where taemin finally opened up his heart to minho and become a couple. and well.. maybe jongkey could have their fight ><
lin_lin42879 #3
Omg!!! I knew that key was going out with jonghyun!!!!
But Key! How could you? Decent story.
WolfGrowlBuffaloRoll #5
Awh...that's so..____ed up.
grr, Key is such an ! He should have confronted Minho is he felt that their relation does not work, but to do smth like this to both of his frineds.. Good riddence for all of them! Let Key go alone through his life.
@ Patzmelody01: I think all tags were fairly displayed. None of us knew what will be the end.
Ugh, a 2min fic. You should warn people.
wtf dammit Key how could you make Minnie cry... it wasn't his fault ¬¬... but at least 2min is together... but again poor Minnie I can imagine, his poor self-esteem >o< poor baby
I know what Key did was horrible but I kind of understand him..