
Unforgettable Meetings


Final: Let's just be...



The sudden question caught Minho off his feet. Never even in his dream have he ever even imagine the younger boy to ask him such a question. I mean, sure. Taemin is a boy, no, scratch that. He's a man, but Minho got to admit to himself that he didn't have the belief that Taemin was brave enough to ask him that, and the youngster proved him wrong. Waaaaaaay wrong.


The two stayed in their spots. Their breathing became ragged as the air around them got colder, if that's even possible. Minho look at the desperate boy in front of him. He open his mouth, but then no words came out and he ended up closing it again.


His mind went completely blank. How is he suppose to answer Taemin if he doesn't even know the answer himself? But now that the question had come. Maybe, he himself should figure it out.


What exactly are they?


Minho took all the courage inside of him and look at Taemin's straight in the eyes. "I don't know Taemin, I'll tell you the answer when I figure it it out", Minho said before turning his body once more, this time he really walk away leaving the disappointed Taemin from behind still confused.


Yeah...when exactly is that? Taemin sighed to himself as a hot tear rolled down his cheek.






The wedding music started to play in the background as the bride entered through the white gate wrapped with flowers. The day had come, wedding is here, and still no answer from Minho.


The wedding his being held at Uncle John's villa. The whole place has been decorated in a white. Red flower petals scattered on the white table cloth with a small flower vase neatly placed in the middle. The bright, green grass brings out the atmosphere even more. Yep, this is it. The wedding that would not only change his mother's life, but his also.



Taemin walk down the white carpet with red and pink rose petals scattered all over the floor with his mother in her white, flowing dress hand in hand. It was a beautiful sight, but too bad Taemin wasn't paying any of those any attention. He diverted his eyes from left to right trying to find a glimpse of Minho.


Even though there's no turning back now. Minho is going to be his step-brother, but that doesn't matter. As long as he knows Minho's answer, that would be enough. But where the hell is Minho???


Taemin handed his mother to Uncle John and take his seat waiting for them to say the two words.


I do.




Taemin watch as Uncle John and his mother walk around serving the guests. His mother look absolutely gorgeous in her white flowing dress with a huge, dazzling smile on her face. She look like she's the happiest person alive. Taemin hadn't seen her this happy since how long he couldn't remember, and he's glad that he was able to see her dazzling smile once more.


"Taemin, can you please go get Minho down for me?", Uncle John had escaped of the guests whose included some of his friends and important working partners. "I've tried to get him to come down, but he wouldn't. Aishhh! That kid is really hard-headed", he ran his hand through his hair in frustration.


"I'll try uncle", Taemin replied.


"Thanks....son", he ruffled Taemin's hair. Taemin can only weakly smile in respond.


His stupid heart couldn't stop beating like it's about to explode at each step to took. Taemin walk carefully up the stairst looking for Minho's room as he do so. Okay, so where is the freaking room? He's been knocking on about trillions of rooms and they're all empty! How is he suppose to know which of of those is Minho's??? I mean the freaking villa has about 5 freaking floors, and not to mentioned each one of them is huge!


Damn it! He's going to get lost in here once he and his mother moved in!




Okay, so that was a stupid statement. He has reached floor 4 and there's door that has a 'Minho' name tag on it. So this is how they're going to find each other's room? Great! Just great.


Taemin nervously knocked on the door. His hands are sweating, and Taemin sweared he could feel the heart jumping out of his chest any second now.


"I told you I'm not going down there! Go away!", Minho's deep voice called out.


Taemin sighed. He knew this would happened. "M-Minho-hyung, it's me, Taemin", he tried to sound normal, but there's no way he could sound normal at this situation. I mean he's a door away from seeing Minho!!


There was a shuffling sound from the inside. A few seconds later, the door clicked open revealing a really messed up Minho.


Minho's wearing a simple grey T-shirt with a pair of black sweatpants. His usually perfect dark, brown hair is sticking out in every direction possible. If there isn't a wedding going on right downstairs. Taemin would have thought that Minho looked totally hot at this moment. Yes, with just a simple shirt and sweatpants, plus the messy bed hair. Totally hot in Taemin's sparkling eyes.


"I...ummm...uhhh...", he stuttered.


"Calm down Taemin, I'm not going to bite you or anything", Minho said, walking back to his bed leaving the opening door from behind.


"Can I go in?", he carefully asked.


"Do you want to?"




"Just come in", Minho sighed deeply throwing himself on the bed.


"Soo~", Taemin awkwardly trying to start a conversation.


"You want something, Taemin?"


"Well, uncle tell me to go get you...", Taemin said, playing with his fingers not daring to look at Minho.


Taemin know that Minho is still against Uncle John and his mother's marriage, and he knew better than to bring it up. But he couldn't come up with anything better than the truth itself.


"Tsk! He still thinks that I'll accept this stupid marriage", Minho muttered.




"Taemin, stop. I don't want to hear it if you're going to try to convince me to accept the stupid marriage", Minho cut him off.


"Maybe if both you and uncle try to understand each other, things wouldn't be this difficult Minho-hyung", Taemin mumbled, but unfortunately, Minho heard him.


"Taemin, it's not that I'm being unreasonable. I tried alright, it's just....", Minho sighed.


"It's just what Minho? We're on the same boat here. I can accept the fact that my mother is getting married to another man that's not my dad. I accept it because I know that she really loves the man, not because I like the idea of my mother marrying someone that's not my dad. Why, why can't you just at least try to understand uncle?', Taemin trailed off.


"Taemin, you don't understand", Minho told him.


"Then make me!", Taemin raised his voice. "Make me understand whatever it is that I don't understand!!!"


Before he know it, their lips came crashing into one another. Taemin eyes widens in shock.


He's dreaming, he's imagining things! What the h3ll is going on? Okay, calm down, Taemin. Caallllm down!!! Taemin told himself.


Their lips are just touching, in other word, kissing. Yep! They're just kissing, nothing's wrong with that. Nothing. NOTHING???


Taemin started flapping his arms trying to push Minho away, but of course he failed. I mean, Minho, his crush, a.k.a suppose to be his 'unofficial boyfriend', a.k.a his now future step-brother is kissing him!


He wanted to stop Minho. He's not suppose to be kissing his future step-brother. That's just wrong and inappropriate, but he doesn't want to stop either. I mean, Minho's his crush after-all...


And having Minho's lips against his felt just so...right...and wrong at the same time, and we know the right one will always win.


Taemin closed his eyes enjoying their lips moving against one another.




The tow are lost in their own little world, lips locked until a knock on the door make both of them jumped in surprise.


"Minho-ah~ is Taemin with you?", the voice of Ms. Kang called from the other side.


Taemin look at Minho alarmed, but managed to find his voice. "I'm here umma!", he open the door.


"There you are, I've been looking for you", Ms. Kang said relieved.


"Ehh...sorry umma. Uncle John told me to go get Minho-hyung", Taemin replied looking at Minho.


"Oh, okay. Hurryup and  come down alright? Your grandma is here and she wants to see you", she said before heading downstair again.


"Okay, umma. I'll be down in a second"



There was an awkward silence with Taemin's back facing Minho.


"I...uhh...I'll be going then", Taemin scratches the back of his head awkwardly.


"T-Taemin...wait...", Minho called.


Taemin carefully turn around, his head hung low not daring to look at Minho after what they did.


"Taemin...look at me", Minho demand. The younger boy did what he was told to. Soon enough, their eyes came in contact. "About what you ask me...", the older boy started.


Taemin held his breath as he remembered the questioned he ask that night. His body stiftened.


"I-I-don't really know the answer myself Taemin-ah, but let's just be step-brothers for now", Minho said looking at Taemin longingly.


And that's all it takes for the fragile heart to break.


"Y-Yeah...step-brother", he repeated.


The older boy take a few more steps until he's in front of the younger boy. "I'm sorry, Taemin-ah. I love you", Minho mumbled as he planted a peck on the younger's lips.


"I-I'll be going now", Taemin disappointedly headed downstairs as tears started to form in his eyes.


What did he expect? Minho's going to be his step-brother afterall. So why is he hurt? Why did he felt disappointed when Minho said that they're better off as step-brothers?




I'm sorry, Taemin-ah. I figured this is the best choice for us.


The reason I couldn't accept the marriage.


I love you Taeminie.







A/N: Kyahhhhhhhhhhh~ y ending! I'm sorry!!! I already the ending to be like this, but it's so hard to put it into words!!! ;_; Hope I didn't disappoint you. >.<


I know it's a short story, I'll be starting a long, chaptered 2min fic soon. Please loook forward to it! :D

Thanks for reading. Please comment and subscribe! <3



























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nice storyyyy but i was like crying when i realised they r not gonna be together...u not gonna cont?
Your request is ready to be pick up!
Thank yOU! ^^
ahh I wanted them to be more than just step brothers ;3; poor 2min
you have to make a sequel so 2min can be together
darkangel11421 #5
OMG!!! that's really the ending?? :O please make a sequel or something?? pleaseeeeeee?? ^-^
Waterdroplet #6
I wanna know what frog boys' reply is!!! Update soon!!