U-KISS Roadmap

0330- With both Kibum and Xander gone, two new members Hoon and AJ take their place.  Both know each other from previous music and show backgrounds.  But tragedy strikes member Dongho with the unexpected death of his sister.

SooHyun- It tears him up that Dongho is suffering.  He wants to help, but it's not his place.  Dongho needs to work through it on his own.  Meanwhile he tries to get the new guys aquainted to their new surroundings.

Dongho- His sister was the closest person to Dongho aside from Eli.  He's shut his emotions in so as not to feel anything.  In doing so, he's decieved himself into believing she's not dead.  He pretends to be happy and have a good time with her.  With the other members' help, can he overcome his crazies?

Eli- His heart is torn in two ways.  He also knew and misses Dongho's sister.  Even though Soo thinks he needs to work out his own illusions, Eli can't leave him alone.  As he always has, Eli watches over Dongho.  Eventually he can't take it anymore and confronts Dongho trying to jarr him back to reality.

Kevin- Originally he planned on leaving the group after SooHyun broke his heart.  But seeing Dongho in such a state made him stay to help.  Dongho had become a friend.  With helping Dongho, Kevin notices how distressed SooHyun is.  The pieces start to fall into place as Kevin realizes it's Dongho that Soo loves.  Now he's determined to stay.

Kiseop- What can anyone do for Dongho?  He agrees with SooHyun that Dongho needs to work this out on his own.  Kiseop personally knows from experience.  But can he say the same about Kevin?  He's wanted to help Kevin get out of his slump.  More then helping Dongho.  Why is Kevin so important to Kiseop?  Oh that's right, because he loves him.

Hoon- First job with the new group and he's in such an awkward position.  He remains respectful and tries to help where he can.  Hoon's main objective here is AJ.  Having met AJ backstage at a music show, it was love at first sight.  So when he heard there was an opening with a group where AJ was already chosen, he immediately jumped on board.  Now if he can just find a way to get AJ to notice him.

AJ- He's an easy going guy who really isn't paying attention most times.  There's only one love in his heart...shinies!  Most of the time he's bored and does what he's told.  But if there is a shiney in the room, his attention is on it.  And he will stop at nothing to get his hands on shinies.

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