Exchanging Words

An Exchange

Stepping out of the car, I raised my hand to shield my eyes allowing me to take in the captivating sight of the church. Breaking my gaze I turned my attention to the bouquet that kept nudging my hand. Walking towards those doors made me wonder if this was all real. If Himchan would really be waiting there for me. Or was I going to wake up any minute? Before I knew it I was standing in the entrance, my father lifting my arm to slide his arm underneath mine. Staring at him I noticed his lips quivering. He said nothing, he didn't have to, I could tell he was trying to fight back tears. It was clear to see how much this meant to him, giving me away to the man I love. The same look from when discussing how Himchan has asked for approval for marriage.Once again composing myself and taking in a deep breath feet being to move me closer and closer to Himchan, my father guiding me in time with the music. I know it's my special day but I can't help getting excited as I look over to the five boys, YongGuk wearing that biggest smile.

My heart starting the beat faster, drowning out the music, my cheeks gaining that red tint as I finally reach the alter. I lock contact with Himchans eyes, immersed in the deep pool of brown they own. The sunlight peeking in through the stain-glassed windows reflecting off them, making them even brighter. His strong chest that I'm so used to sleeping on hidden behind a crisp white shirt and a fine black suit that captures his figure perfectly. His soft lips, mesmerizing me as they formed the words that were our vows, that have always excited my whenever he bit them. Releasing the words 'I do' YongGuk came forward to present the rings, placing a hand on Himchans shoulder. He gave a swift nod as he returned to the others. I don't think he could have been any happier for him in this moment. 

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