It's just Business


The story of how your love began with ToP

sorry summary ^^ It's my first fic on this site. 



“I miss you.” You said through the phone in a tired and groggy voice. It was two in the morning, and TOP and You had been talking for about four hours.

“I miss you too. I’ll be home soon.” TOP responded in an equally, if not more, tired voice.  He was in Tokyo at the time for a tour. He had been away for about two weeks at the time, but it felt like two years.  You smiled when you heard his voice, but of course since your widest grin was already plastered on your face, the smile just continued in your head, where you were dancing and screaming for joy just at the fact that he was still talking to you. TOP and you had been together for a few years now. You met when you were a senior in high school, which was about four years ago.


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Chapter 3: Will this story continue?
Chapter 3: Wahh I wanna read more!!
Sounds pretty interesting! I look forward for it! <333 Hwaiting with your first fic~!