
`* Cherry Smash; A Graphics Gallery
Cute & fluffy graphics are my specialty! The blending for this is quite simple with the smudge tool :) I didn't really think of a name for this poster until the end. The light pink and white reminded me a bit of love, the fluffy sky, and heaven. So that's how it got the name "Heaven". I even tried making a tutorial of how I made this, concluding on my first ever graphic tutorial. Here's the link if you want to check it out:  Click Me! (warning: it's my first tutorial and I'm sure it is totally not my best >.<)

Quotes: ---

Mood/Theme: Cute/Fluff

Character(s): Jun Ji Hyun (Actress)

*Credits to the original owners of the pictures and textures.


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Chapter 7: very nice! i especially liked your heaven poster ;^;
i hope to see more in here! ^^
Chapter 7: nice i like it, by the way, can you pm me?
Chapter 6: OMG. I'm so sorry for spamming the comment box XDDD Good start so far! keep practicing and I'm sure you'll make reaallly good posters in the future ^^
Chapter 6: Wooaaah. Good job with the blending and textures on this poster! I really like it! O u O buutt.. the only criticism I have..I think you know what I'm going to say.. Fonts. Yup. Sorry, Very picky here XD The title seems fine now that I look at it more closely but the credit.. Maybe just try a Times New Roman at size 10 italic and space the characters. ^^
Chapter 5: Good job with this one. The blending might need a bit more work. Have you ever considered adding some textures or coloring the poster a bit? It helps, trust me. Helps soooo much XD Once again, I know I'm being picky but fonts. fonts. fonts. It's too small and the color doesn't really match the poster. Sorry if I sound harsh but gahh. As I said, I'm just really picky with typography XDDD
Chapter 4: waah very cute poster. Bleh. I lack orginality in cute posters. I like everything except for the font. Sorry. I'm just a very picky designer when it comes to fonts. I suggest you have some kind of white background to the font to make it stand out a bit more. For the credits at the bottom, I suggest you have it in a less complicated font. ^^
Chapter 3: Woaaah style. I really like your style in the poster. The technique you used is really cool and I really like the coloring. I'm only confused with the font though. What's supposed to be the title? Next time, I suggest you make the title really stand out (another font) or just have the quotes and everything else a bit smaller. other than that, good job O u O
Chapter 2: I really like the style of this poster. I do suggest you try coloring the poster though since the colors really stand out from the background. Also, try working a bit on your font ^^
Chapter 5: Your posters are AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!
topsecret99 #10
Chapter 5: The posters are.... SUPERB