~Do I know you?~

"On Haitus" The two faces of Yang Yoseob!


The dream seemed so vivid yet a blur at the same time…was that even possible?!

Xenia was walking in a long dark hall; everything was quite…a bit too quite. The atmosphere was eerie and the air was thick, which left a weird metallic taste at the back of .

That’s when she heard it.

The sound of a groan, as if the person was in immense pain! She followed it as best as possible, the quietness was almost too loud causing her ear drums to beat fast as the blood rushed to her face due to fear.

She came in front of a door, cracked open, where she could only see a limited amount. Xenia saw a man, no wait a boy? The whole room seemed too dull and dark, except his blonde hair, which seemed to stick out like a sore thumb. He was moving around the room as if looking for something. He was the one that was groaning as if in pain.

“A-are you o-okay?” She stuttered, scared to see his reaction. From hearing her voice, his whole body shot towards her direction. She met his eyes, he met hers. The world seemed to slow down as they looked into each others’ eyes. Xenia had a hard time acknowledging what happened next; his black pupils changed colour right before her as they turned a light, almost soft, brown. He now smiling face made brought a smile upon her face. Pain was still written on his face, but it almost seemed like a nice kind of pain…now she wasn’t even making sense?! 

Then the boy opened his mouth to talk but instead of what seemed like his voice a woman’s voice was heard.

“Xenia, Xenia…wake up…Xenia!”

Xenia’s eyes shot open as she took in her surroundings. The walls were white, the sound of beeping was heard and a woman stood in her view, blocking the sunlight that was coming in through the medium sized window that her bed faced.  

Things went by like that for about three days. Xenia fell in and out of sleep, be it in deep sleep mode or REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep mode. She dreamed about the blonde haired boy a lot, yet when she woke up she had a hard time remembering his face, but his eyes were engraved into her memory like stone!

On the third night an event occurred which confused her mind to the point of madness. It was night and she had just woken up from yet another dream about the blonde haired boy. She lay awake in bed now wondering about where she had see this boy before, one can only dream about things they have already seen previously in life, so she must have seen him somewhere!  

Her thoughts were soon interrupted by her room door being opened, she small light next to her bed let her see a boy with black hair slowly entering with his back faced to her. He shut the door in a manner that indicated that he was trying to hide from something outside. When he turned Xenia heart skipped a beat!

Those eyes…he can’t possibly be the boy from the dreams?

“Do I know you?” Where the only words that uttered out of my mouth at that moment. 


Chapter two is up! Hehehehehehe due to my laptp breaking down I have updated later then I had hoped for...But I hope you enjoyed! Hoping to update again soon! 

Comments and Subbies Motivate me! <33

Loads of love <3333 to:






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Sorry guys...I know that I havent been updating...school Overload! So I am officially going on Haitus...dont know for how long...buy I am...sorry again. *_*!


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ilabya27 #1
Hoho update soon.
dancelovelybird #3
sounds interesting !!
update soon~
