~The Bite~

"On Haitus" The two faces of Yang Yoseob!


Xenia sat there fiddling as she tried to listen to the teacher taking about the next year’s unit for her Musical Theatre course. As much as she enjoyed the lesson, this was the last thing she wanted to do on the last day of school before summer break. She couldn’t wait to have nothing to do and to just chill all day long; she yearned for all year!

“Oi Xenia, are you even listening?!” whispered Jade, trying to catch her attention. Xenia just looked at jade and gave her the cheeky grin as always to show her lack of attention! “Xenia I will shoot you this time if you carry on zoning off!” said the teacher. This Musical Theatre class was full of easy going people, they all got along well and the fact that the teacher, Miss. Perio, practically acted like a student too just added to the easy going environment! “Yo Perio! Why are you boring us on the last day?” Xenia said, all the time still not looking at her to show she was paying attention. “Look you are our director again next year, so you have to listen. You will be leading the class again.” Xenia just nodded to show she understood, she had good leadership skills and knew how to create something out of nothing, so she was usually picked as the class director. However, her poor attention skills didn’t always come handy!

Miss. Perio carried on explaining when Xenia spotted a spider in the corner of the dance studio. As they were seated on the floor, she was quite close to it. Her curiosity got the better of her and she moved closer to it and picked it up, it was once she had never seen before.

The events that followed happened in a flash that Xenia couldn’t keep track. As soon as she picked the spider up it bit her not once, but four times! Her instant reflex was to drop it as the bit stung, then she saw her classmates shout at her for picking it up. She felt dizzy after that and everything was a blur. She remembers being put into an ambulance, an oxygen mask…black white…black white, a needle, two needles, more oxygen masks, and black white…black white.

She was awake as they opened the wounds on her left arm, as they inserted the needles to get the venom out…as they stitched the wounds back one by one, each wound needing four stitches. She was awake through it all…but she bared with it. Xenia has always been a tolerant person, so even when the pain got too much, she still didn’t scream and held it in. Once it was all over she was drugged with pain killers and put to sleep.

When a sleep Xenia dreamed a very cruel dream… 


Here is chapter one re-uploaded...didn't even know it was missing until I checked it to update today! Go see the next Chappie too! :D

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Sorry guys...I know that I havent been updating...school Overload! So I am officially going on Haitus...dont know for how long...buy I am...sorry again. *_*!


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ilabya27 #1
Hoho update soon.
dancelovelybird #3
sounds interesting !!
update soon~
