Thread 17 – And Go!

Accidentally Fated

“Young lady, why the sudden change of venue for pick up,” the butler questioned.

“How many times should I say not to call me ‘young lady’. You’re older than me, you should just call me by name.”

The young lady went inside the car that was opened by the butler.

The butler then took the front seat beside the driver and the luxurious black sedan sped off.

“Ahjussi, just call me Sica okay.”

“Young lady, how could I do that.”

“Eh,” Jessica interrupted, “call me Jessica.”

The butler just slightly nodded. The young lady had been insisting for years for the butler to drop the formalities. But despite constant pestering from the girl, the butler had been firm in her principle of doing her duty to his master, and that included addressing her master properly. This was just one of the days where he nodded to prevent any arguments before reverting back to the formal way he would address her, and the young lady would be exasperated and gave up for a few weeks before trying again.

“If I may ask, would you like to be picked up from the same place as today?”

Jessica slumped her back on the comfortable velvet seat and her lips set in a grim line. She was reminded of a certain mushroom-haired girl who seemed to be very persistent in befriending her. Jessica always knew that Tiffany was following her. Her first notice on her was when she was entering one of the electronic store owned by her father to pick up a replacement for her broken headphone. She remembered that there was a certain someone that was awkwardly trying to hide herself between 2 giant dolls, which she had forgotten what characters they were. And when the girl followed her to the CD store, she was positive that the girl had been following her all along.

It took her a few peeking from the reflection of the CD case to finally place her face as the weird looking punk girl that she saw a few weeks ago. Those that knew her (and herself) would probably be surprised that the girl would remember a random stranger – since she was one of the most ignorant person that one could find. But she gave herself too little credit for her own memory. She do remember that weird looking girl.

She also remembered seeing that overly bubbly girl in the school assembly, the one before the end of semester – the girl seemed too engrossed with the school drama. Then she saw her again today, in the café where she was part-timing in. She was silently applauding the girl’s courage for finally approaching her face to face. But after the tiny stunt in the café stage that she pulled earlier (which she had forgotten that Tiffany was there), she realised that she had let Tiffany saw more than what she intended her to see. So, Jessica decided that she needed some answer to the girl’s intention, and also who instructed her to follow Jessica in the first place.

She had confronted her, and she had answered to Jessica’s burning question. But, the reply was not to her liking. Because there would never be a proper response when someone said they followed you around because they felt that you are interesting. If Tiffany found her interesting when she did not even do anything in the first place to quirk her interest, then Jessica also ran out of option to drive the girl away.

She knew Tiffany was a persistent girl, but she would made sure she was more persistent.

“No, just that I am going to change my work shift. Need some rearrangement so that I have a bit more time for school.”

The butler nodded.

Jessica looked at the blur of green outside the window as her car sped into its final destination.

Her mind was set on blocking Tiffany totally from her life but she could not help that slight tingling feeling at the pit of the stomach.

Jessica was afraid that Tiffany would see through her.


“So what do we do now?”

Taeyeon asked as she wiped her tears and compose herself.

Sunny took a deep breath, calming her mind and her heart. She started thinking, of what she should do. She certainly could not just forget everything that had happened. She needed time to heal, and it was not time yet. She still could not forgive Kim Taeyeon.

“I’ve been childish too. Sorry..” Sunny said, her eyes fixed to the sky.

That’s the least that she could do now – apologising for her childish act so far. She did know what she did was utterly imbecile and unnecessary, but when you are blinded with rage and thought of revenge, nothing could stop you until common sense return. The heart-to-heart talk between the two had given back Sunny that.

“Taeyeon-ah, you know I needed time right. A lot of it.”

Taeyeon pursed her lips.

“I can stop all the childish act. But I can’t return to where we were before. Not yet.”

Sunny turned to Taeyeon.

“Maybe someday. But now, I can learn to tolerate you.”

Sunny stood up. She looked down at the other girl, offering her hand.

“We can work together.”


“Ow, ow, it hurts,” Yuri exclaimed, holding her head with one hand while the other on the lighter.

“Why did you only take out the lighter now, huh. Are you trying to fool me or something?!”

Yoona moved to Yuri again, hand ready to smack Yuri’s head.

“I just remembered!!!”

Yuri ran to other corner of the elevator.

“Right,” Yoona said sarcastically, “or pretending to forget so that you can coax a confession from me.”

Yoona lunged a kick towards Yuri.

“Yah, you are my girlfriend now!!! Not ‘girl’ girl perse. Get it? We can discuss about role in the relationship later.”

“KWON YURI!!!! Do you seriously think that, that is the most important thing now!!”

The light suddenly came on.

“I guess, the elevator started working again.”

Yuri looked up and closed the lighter.

The elevator started moving, and not long after, they heard the ‘ding’. They have arrived at the ground floor.

Yuri offered her hand to Yoona as the elevator door opened. The side of her lips curved up as she offered one of her sincerest smile.

Damn with all the anger, Yoona couldn’t help but feel fluttered by the romance.


“Ah, why unnie didn’t reply my message or call me back!!!” Seohyun paced around the lobby in the ground floor of the library.

Suddenly she heard a ‘ding’ from the elevator. She ran and hide around the corner of the elevator.

“What’s wrong Juhyun-ah”

Tiffany’s voice came from Seohyun’s behind.

“Unnie,” Seohyun whispered. One hand on her lips, telling Tiffany to be quiet.

“Look at them,” Seohyun pointed to YoonYul who were walking with their hands in each other’s.

“Finally, they are together,” Seohyun exclaimed, almost too loud. She put her hands on immediately.

An apparent sigh came from Tiffany.

“Too soon.”


Yuri yawned heartily. She had been sleeping late these days. Her daily chat on Kakao with Yoona had cost her sleep. And since school began that day, she hadn’t been able to have enough sleep. Her biological clock was basically screwed up now.

Yuri stood in front of her house, looking for signs of Yoona from her bedroom window.

When she saw Yoona’s shadow from the curtain, she picked up a small stone and threw it towards the glass window.

That caught Yoona’s attention. She opened the window and looked down.

Yuri lazily waved her hand to Yoona while her other hand closed her yawning mouth. Then she point at herself and swing her her index and middle finger alternatingly, trying to tell Yoona that she was going to walk to school first.

Yoona gave her a smile and slight chuckle. She waved back, shushing her away. Yuri waved back and walked away.

Yoona closed her window and prepared to get dressed.

Before she continued on, she chuckled again. What she loved the most from Yuri now was the fact that she was herself since they started dating, not her casanova persona.

Maybe Yuri didn’t know, but Yoona appreciate every single act of it.


Yuri lost count on how many times she had yawned. The 2 hours sleep seemed to do nothing to Yoona in comparison to Yuri. Yoona was used to the little amount of sleep, considering how active she was in Royalty activities, while Yuri… Well, she needed her usual 8 hours of sleep.

She was so unfocused that she didn’t see Jonghyun on the side of the road, waving frantically at her.

“Yuri-ssi,” Jonghyun finally called while his index finger poked Yuri’s shoulder.

“Oh,” Yuri stopped in her path and turned. She saw grinning Jonghyun on the side.

“Hi?” Yuri asked.

“Hi!!!” Jonghyun exclaimed, smiling like a fool.

“Ah, I made you a packed lunch. It’s my turn to make packed lunch this week, so I made you one too,” again with his million watt smile.

“Thanks,” Yuri said half-heartedly.

She actually wasn’t that interested to tend to the boy whom used to be Yoona’s crush. And if her observation so far was correct, it was not a one sided crush. She didn’t want to be involved too much with this boy.

But she had an idea. Or more precisely, she needed to help that idiot (Yoona) draw some line.

“Hey, Jonghyun.”

He turned.

“Yoona asked me to tell you not to make her any lunch anymore. She won’t do the same too. Also, don’t wait for her to go to school anymore. It would be weird for people seeing you sending her to school if what they know is you dating me.”

Yuri ranted. Then she realised she might had sound too protective of Yoona.

“That’s also what Yoona wanted to say.”

Yuri flashed a fake grin.

“Then how about walking you instead of Yoona to school?”

Jonghyun asked as if that was the most innocent question.

Yuri was usually dense. But she knew when people are making advances at her. And to her, it seemed that Jonghyun was doing exactly that.

“No, thanks. Not interested.”

Yuri made sure that she emphasised on the ‘not interested’ part.

As she walked away, she remembered another thing.

“This packed lunch is for Yoona right,” Yuri snatched a packet from Jonghyun.

“I’ll make sure to give it to her.”

Yuri flashed another grin.


As soon as Yuri arrived in school, she was welcomed with Taeyeon on one hand and Sooyoung on the other.

“Something exciting is happening,” Soo said.

“Where’s Yoona? Yoona need to see this,” Tae continued.

“Hmm??” Yuri questioned.

“Is one of these packed lunches mine? Or both mine?” Soo asked, trying to pry the lunch away from Yuri.

“EH.. Eh..” Yuri scolded Sooyoung.

She ran forward with the packed lunch, away from Soo’s reach.

“What are you guys fighting about?” Yoona said after looking at Soo chasing Yuri for food.

“Packed lunch. Here,” Yuri gave a packet to Yoona.

Yuri was expecting a thank you, and perhaps a hug even from Yoona. It’s apparent from the silly grin on her face.

“It must be from Jonghyun,” Yoona mumbled as she checked the content of the packet.

Yuri pulled Yoona by her neck and whispered, “I took care of him for you.”

Yoona nudge Yuri’s side with her elbow and gave her a glare. Her stare clearly written ‘WHY DO YOU MEDDLE WITH MY PROBLEM!!!”

Then, they were disturbed by the rambling of students walking past them.

“Have you heard, in the dance studio?”

“What is this about?” Yoona asked to Yuri.

“I don’t…”

“That’s what we want to say, there ia a new transfer student,”Taeyeon said to Yoona.

Another student passed.

“Ya, it is said that she was on scholarship.”

Getting more and more curious, Yoona made a dash to the dance studio. She collected more information on this person along the way.

Her dance is seriously not a joke. You need to see it.

She is having a showcase now in the dance studio.

Wah, Im Yoona is seriously in trouble.

Do you think they will replace Yoona because clearly the new transfer student would be more fitting as dance club captain?

They said she was the current champion of street jam. And she did it solo!!!

Wouldn’t Yoona be replaced from Royalty if the new transfer student gets more fame than Yoona?

When Yoona reached the dance studio, the crowd was already huge. She squeezed through the crowd, excusing herself as she made her way closer to the door.

As she reached the door, she could see clearly the new student.

Her hair was blonde and wavy. She was wearing a black training pants with a loose grey shirt. She was dancing – her movement sleek and elegant, with power but not too much of it. The moderation between delicacy and strength was almost perfect. It was like looking at a professional dancer in one of those fancy performances.

Seeing it with her own eyes, it was not a wonder why the girl won Street Jam with a solo. Even Yoona doubted that she had the ability to dance as well as what the girl was showing now.

Her hands clenched into a fist and she felt herself trembling.

The girl finished of her routine with a short popping performance, earning an ‘ah’ and whistles from the crowd.

Bowing to the crowd, she finally spoke her first words to the crowd.

“Thank you for watching. I am Kim Hyoyeon, and I would be attending this school from today.”




A/N: Ayo! Sending this chapter out on Christmas eve! Want to wish everyone a merry christmas, and if I didin't manage another update before new year (which is very likely) going to wish everyone a happy new year too! The chapter after this is planned to be the Dandyu special that I have been talking about. Already have the draft for sometimes now, and if I manage to do some editing during the hols, I will release it :)

tbh, I'm entering my writer block phase right now and although I have some key events that I already wanted to include in, the in betweens still pretty much blank for me. So until this writer block is gone, I wont be writing that much :/ anw, thanks for sticking around with me and giving me encouragement!!! Hope you guys enjoy this chapter. This chapter is kind of a closure to what I called the first phase of the story. Now I need to figure out what to do with the next phase lol

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Finish replies for today! Thanks for all the people who commented! And for those who haven't, it's still not too late lol


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Chapter 17: i know it's been years since the last update so i wont hope anymore, but i really enjoyed reading this!
blueblirp #2
oh huge
zellyoon #3
Hey author I just read your fic and it awesome I really don't know if you will still update it but u will bec u should at least finish what u started he he
Autor actualiza.......... update author-shi....!!!
Chapter 17: You need to continue this fic authorshi.. This is too good to just be left hanging you know......

There's a lot of things still needed closure and happy endings..
Chapter 17: Aww i miss your stroy...why the sudden hiatus? :'c
Passing by... I really miss this story.. ❤
Chapter 17: Well i'm doing ma BEST at ENCOURAGING GREAT WRITERZ with ma SUPER DUPER COMMENTS! ;D
OMG Tiff got a RICH AZZ JESSI to FALL IN LOVE with! I can FEEL it, JeTi are having already some tiny FEELINGS >~<
I knew only that SUPER GURL Hyo can SURPASS Yoona's dancing skillz ;D
Can't wait for all ma ACE BIATCHEZ to LOVE each other ^O^

Make sure your writer's block will find someone else to annoy XD
JoMaJo #9
great plot ^^
jasminelep #10
Chapter 17: Okay caught up with the story. Woo Hyoyeon! Do I sense some oncoming HyoYoung? But what about the royalty thing? Haha