Thread 15 - Nudge

Accidentally Fated


Warning... Long update...



“When I know that I am falling for you too.”

That’s it. She finally said it. The feeling that had become a burden for the past few days. And Yuri could feel herself exposed, vulnerable for the first time in her life.

Yoona did not took the news well either. She was perplexed in her seat. Thousands thoughts flying inside her mind. She could not really process what Yuri had said cause her mind keep repeating the same words again and again, that Yuri had fallen in love with her too.

“So, Yoona-yah,” Yuri said, calling Yoona lovingly, desperately for the first time.

“Please, please take a leap of faith with me.”

A week later.


The past one week had been a combination of heaven and hell for Yoona. Heaven because Yuri had made her life so much happier, more exciting while hell because she was getting more and more difficult to choose.

Yuri had given her everything she needed.

“I know, Yoona, that this might come off so sudden to you. Especially coming from me,” Yuri smiled, “you know me, I don’t do romance. I don’t do commitment. But,”

Yuri paused.

“I am willing to give this a go.”

At that point in time, Yoona could not say anything. She could not describe what she was feeling. Happy, sad, conflicted. The thought of dating Kwon Yuri never crossed her mind before. But now it was upon her, and although her heart was swaying for a yes, her head tell her otherwise.

“You don’t need to give me an answer first though. I understand that you needed time, and probably some space,” Yuri rambled, her nervousness starting to show.

“But you know we can’t afford space. So, I will try my best not to influence your choice. I won’t say or do anything that might be perceived wrongly.”

“I’ll wait for your answer in a week. And if by then both of us have the same mind, let’s give this a try.”

And Yuri had keep the end of her promise. She did not talk too much to Yoona although they were almost together every single minute. She did not do anything that she thought could make Yoona’s decision more and more difficult. Basically, she just become a really quiet, reserved person in front of Yoona. And as much as Yoona hated it and kept persuading Yuri to do something about it, Yuri remained firm with her decision.

But the worst part was, eventhough Yuri treated her that way, there was still that attraction, the pull that Yoona could not resist. How when Yuri called her name, her heart skipped a beat. How when Yuri touched her, she felt herself blushing. It was those simple things that made Yoona’s answer become more and more certain. But she needed the nudge. And she was still not getting it.

So today, Monday, exactly a week after the confession, Yoona found herself standing at her usual meeting place with Yuri, waiting with a nervous heart, because she still hadn’t made up her mind yet.

While she was deep in her thought, Yuri had come. She was donning her usual casual attire, t-shirt with jeans. But even with so little effort, she still looked stunning.

Yuri made her last step with a jump, followed by a mischevious grin on her face. Yoona, who was not really focussing, only stared blankly at Yuri.

“Ah, finally, one week passed. I can be my usual self again.” Yuri sighed.

“Why do you look so gloomy?” Yuri said as she pushed Yoona into the café entrance. “Come, let’s grab a cup of coffee first.”

Yoona just followed along as Yuri pushed her into the café. Yuri seated her in one of the corner chair before proceeding to the counter to order their drinks. After a week, Yuri had known what Yoona liked best, single shot americano, with one cube of sugar and a scoop of creamer. While Yuri, maintaining her healthy body, just chose to drink a warm green tea.

She brought their drinks. Walked back into their seats. Put them on the table. And started enjoying her wonderful morning.

“Ah, I usually didn’t like Monday, but today is a really fine day that I start loving it already,” Yuri sighed.

“Yeah, I agree,” Yoona said as picked up her coffee.

Yoona was getting a bit confused and relieved as Yuri did not show any indication or intention to ask her on the ‘matter’ that they had agreed on last week. She smiled as she prepared to gulp down the coffee.

“And how about your reply,” Yuri said, a little too indifferently.

Yoona, who was rather surprised by the sudden question, choked on her drinks and cough uncontrollably.

“Water… I need water..” Yoona said as her face started to redden.

“Just drink my tea. It’s a good substitute for water,” Yuri pushed her untouched cup of tea towards Yoona.

Yoona thanked Yuri quickly before drinking the tea.

“Ah, what a relief.”

“Im Yoona, so what’s your answer,” Yuri said as she fiddled with the flower vase in front of her.

Yoona smiled a little looking at the seemingly embarassed Yuri. She never saw Yuri like this before. Like a child with a huge hope for a candy.

And Yoona took this as an opportunity to reverse the situation.

“Give me till the end of the day. I’ll tell you after work,” Yoona said, smiling.

“What, until after work,” Yuri exclaimed.

“You waited for a week, nothing wrong in waiting for a few more hours, right,” Yoona smirked as she stood up and walked towards the door.

“Ah, seriously, this girl is driving me crazy,” Yuri said as she lazily stood up and followed Yoona.


Outside ‘The A’ café


Tiffany had been standing outside ‘The A’ café for approximately 15 minutes. She had kept herself well hidden – behind a tall pot of tree just beside the café table. If what she predicted was correct, Jessica Jung should arrive in less than 3 minutes.

And indeed her calculation was right. Jessica Jung arrived precisely 3 minutes later. But what Tiffany hadn’t predicted was the fact that Jessica arrived in a black Mercedes sedan approximately a block away from the café. She even saw Jessica saying goodbye to a person whom Tiffany would define as a personal butler.

Tiffany saw Jessica walked from that block, crossed the road and walked towards an abandoned alleyway. Feeling curious, Tiffany soon followed. Hiding herself behind a rubbish bin, she peeked at the alleyway. She saw Jessica taking off her jacket and shoes before putting them into the backpack that she had with her. Then she took out another pair of shoes, worn out and slightly old, and put them on instead. She walked out of the alleyway, complete with her waitress attire, and headed towards the café. Tiffany, who didn’t want to be discovered, quickly turned towards the wall and acted as if she was tying her shoe laces. Thankfully, Jessica was too oblivious to notice the weird girl squatting on the side of the road.

As Tiffany saw Jessica entering the café, from opposite of the road, she found herself smiling.

“This is rather interesting.”

Keeping a five minutes difference, Tiffany took light steps towards the café. She pretended to be a regular customer. Sitting down and looking at the menu offered by one of the waitress, her eyes wondered to Jessica, checking her once in a while from the menu that was covering her face. Like usual, Jessica seemed cold and expressionless. Jessica was busy serving tables here and there, cleaning dirty tables, taking orders, delivering orders, and Tiffany was so busy observing that she did not realise another waiter had stood there waiting, calling Tiffany a few times.

“Excuse me, miss,” the voice repeated.

Then, Tiffany snapped baack to her senses.

“Oh, sorry. Just a caramel coffee would do.” Tiffany replied with a smile.

“Okay, one caramel coffee,” the waiter smiled back.

Tiffany was rather amused with the waiter. She looked just like a doll.

“Erm, excuse me,” Tiffany said again to the leaving waitress.

“Yes,” the waitress turned back.

“Erm, Go Hara-ssi,” Tiffany said as she checked the waitress nametag, “do you know her?”

Tiffany pointed towards Jessica’s direction.

“Of couse I know Sica unnie,” the girl exclaimed rather excitedly.

Sica unnie. Well, it seemed like this girl is my closest source so far to revealing true side of Jessica Jung.

“So tell me more about her,” Tiffany said.

“Hmm.. unnie, the only thing that I could suggest to you is that, just stay far far away from Sica unnie. She is not the type to make friends or even date. Don’t waste your time,” Hara replied.

“Erm.. I don’t mean it that way,” Tiffany quickly said. “I don’t plan to date her. It’s just… I am trying to find more information to help my friend.”

“Right,” Hara said unconvinced. “Okay, these are the only thing I could say. She is a mysterious person, didn’t talk much, didn’t mingle much. That’s all.” Hara said. “I need to serve other people first. I’ll put that order down for you,” Hara smiled as she took her leave.

Tiffany tapped her fingers on the table as her mind wondered off.

“Onew should have been here. If Leeteuk’s plan is working perfectly fine, he should have been here any minutes.”

She turned to the door.

“Where is that kid!” Tiffany mumbled, clearly frustrated.

Tiffany turned her attention back towards the café. After looking at practically nothing, she was surprised, noticing that Jessica is walking towards her direction. And when Jessica was finally in front of her, she could not stop starring at the girl in front of her. It was different seeing Jessica so close. She was never a few inches away from her before. And now she found her stomach churning, butterflies flying inside. suddenly turned dry, and she could not find a word, or even a ‘thanks’, after Jessica had delivered her caramel coffee.

This is weird. Why am I so weird now. Around her.

Tiffany still stared at Jessica’s back even after she left the table.

“What is Leeteuk doing…” Tiffany mumbled, as different thoughts entered her head.


MBK Broadcasting Station


Sunny had been enjoying her past week doing her internship. In fact, she thought that she had impressed her mentor to the extent that she was sure she was going to get an excellent recommendation.

So today, like the other days in the past week, she walked passed the long corridor where offices of senior journalists were located on each side. She was determined that one day, she would be one of those journalists, having one of those big office, big name. But today she was content with the small corner table that she had on the common journalist room. She was busy thinking that she didn’t realise a group of people was walking towards her direction. And when she finally realised it, she was already standing face to face with her so called ‘enemy’, Kim Taeyeon.

“Kim Taeyeon.” Sunny said, short and abrupt.

“Can you guys go first, I will catch up later,” the petite girl said to people around her.

“Hi again, Lee Soon Kyu,” Taeyeon continued after she saw her friends left the area.

“Don’t call me that,” Sunny replied, curt.

“Then call you what? Sunny?” Taeyeon said. “You are not Sunny. You are Soon Kyu.”

“What are you doing here,” Sunny replied in a clenched teeth.

“Like you, I am interning here,” Taeyeon replied, matter-of-factly.

“Right, what a coincidence,” Sunny said, unconvinced.

“So what are you suggesting, that I appealed somehow to intern here so that I could meet you.”

“Who knows,” Sunny said, “you seemed to be a person that could do anything to achieve what you want, even if it is in the expense of the only person that loved you.”

Taeyeon facial color seemed to change significantly after Sunny’s statement. She was not saying anything, clearly not denying or admiting it.

Looking at the defenseless Taeyeon, Sunny scoffed, “that’s what I thought.”

As Sunny walked away, Taeyeon seemed to make up her mind. She turned and called Sunny.

“I am sorry, Soonkyu-ah. Stupid me, I haven’t apologised until now,” Taeyeon smiled, “I am sorry, Sunny-ah.”

Sunny stopped.

“Don’t you think we are too late for sorry.” Sunny replied, cold, as she walked away from Taeyeon, not turning her back even once.


“Yah, Im Yoona, you are cheating do you know that.” Yuri said as she tagged Yoona along.

“Really?” Yoona said, putting books on the tray back to the trolley.

“Seriously, if you do not start answering with some coherent answer, I would start taking back every single book that you just put back, back to the trolley.”

“Hahaha, what a mature move,” Yoona said sarcastically.

“Fine, if you want to continue cheating, I’ll leave you alone to think of your decision.” Yuri said giving up. “But that is in the expense of the time we need to spend this week.”

“Wait, wait, wait.” Yoona said, as she ran to Yuri.

She pulled Yuri’s arm and dragged her to her previous position.

“Don’t go anywhere or you want me to put some leash on you, huh?” Yoona scolded.

“Whatever things I do you disapprove. What am I suppose to do.”

“Stay here. Beside me. Don’t go anywhere.” Yoona said indifferent.

Yuri did get flustered a bit by Yoona’s answer, and that was also why she suddenly remained quiet and did not complain anymore.

“Besides, who do a love confession in a library huh,” Yoona added. “So not romantic.”

Yoona placed another book back to the shelf.

“That’s why later, let’s go for a dinner, in some nice place and then we talk properly, regarding,” Yoona cleared , “ehem, our relationship.”

Yuri chuckled.

“If you wanted that, you should have told me earlier. You know player Kwon is the best in impressing people,” Yuri said.

“Yah,” Yoona hit Yuri’s head with a book, “you thought I am like your other play toy? I can’t believe I am really considering Kwon Yuri as a possible girlfriend.”

“Why? I am only saying what you want,h” Yuri said as she patted her head that was hit quite hard by Yoona.

“Stupid Kwon Yuri. Why are you so insensitive, huh?” Yoona complained again.

“Okay, okay, do whatever you want. I will just follow okay. Ah, my head,” Yuri rubbed her head again. “If something happened, like a haemorrhage, I will make sure I sue you.”

“That would not happen to a rock head like you,” Yoona teased with a smiling face.

“Wow, Im Yoona, you getting braver, huh”

“Remember,” Yoona moved closed to Yuri, “we are always this playful.” Yoona said as she stopped, face a few inches from Yuri.

“You know, I really wanted to kiss you right now,” Yuri said, eyes still locked with Yoona’s

“What a straight forward confession.” Yoona replied, soft, “then do it,” Yoona challenged, like how they usually challenged each other, pushing each other to the edge.

“Don’t forget who I am just because I am suddenly head over heels over you. Pabo,” Yuri said as she hit Yoona’s head with the book in her hand.

“Yah,” Yoona said, yelping in pain.

“Now, we are even,” Yuri said, grinning. “That’s why don’t be too distracted.”

“This person..” Yoona said as she clenched her teeth.

“Oh, ow, I am in trouble,” Yuri said as she started running away from Yoona.

“Yah, don’t just run off. KWON YURI!” Yoona said as she bolted towards Yuri.


Somewhere in library, near Yoona and Yuri’s position


Seohyun is watching the scene between Yoona and Yuri unfolding. Unlike her unnie, she enjoyed the relationship between Yoona and Yuri. Like cat and mouse. Push and pull. It is interesting to watch, like a drama, but in reality.

“Nowadays they looked like a real couple,” a voice said behind her.

Seohyun getting shocked almost stumbled forward, but regained her standing by holding the book shelf.

“Oh, hi,” she said rather nervously.

“Hi, my name is Sulli,” the girl said, extending her hand to Seohyun.

“Hi, my name is Seohyun,” Seohyun said with a soft smile, “sorry for just now, is not that you are scary, but I just got caught in surprise.”

“I know, I get it. You are a new student is it? I heard there are 2 new transfer students last week.”

“Yes, I just transferred to class 2-3,” Seohyun replied.

“Ah, I see.” Sulli continued.

“Erm, what are you saying just now,” Seohyun asked.

“The two of them,” Sulli said, pointing to Yoona and Yuri who seemed to be talking, “don’t you think they looked like a couple? If not because Kwon Yuri is dating Kim Jonghyun, I would have believed if they say that the two of them are dating. What do you think?” Sulli asked.

Seohyun just gave an awkward laugh as she looked back towards Yoona and Yuri.

“Too obvious, huh,” Seohyun softly mumbled.


Back to ‘The A’ café


Tiffany was bored. She had been sitting for more than half an hour waiting for Onew to show up. If her calculation was right, which now had been proven to be wrong, he should have arrived approximately half an hour ago. Getting agitated, she texted Leeteuk to ask for confirmation.

Where is ONEW!!

Her text message was certainly futile as she did not receive any reply back despite waiting a little bit longer.

Not long after, Tiffany noticed that the café manager, whom she could identify from the rather tidier and more sophisticated clothing compared to other workers, approached Jessica and started talking to her. From Jessica’s expression, she was certainly annoyed. Tiffany was getting more and more curious of the reason to Jessica’s apparent dislike.

“Excuse me,” Tiffany called up Hara who just walked passed her table.

“What is happening there.”

Tiffany tilted her head towards Jessica.

“You are one curious person aren’t you?” Hara said, “with no disrespect though,” Hara quickly continued, realising that she was the waitress and Tiffany was the customer.

“It’s just like what I tell you, research.” Tiffany gave a warm smile.

Hara was getting hesitant in telling this complete stranger more about Jessica, but she could not see any harm from it. Tiffany seemed to be a really nice and warm person whose intention seemed to be genuine. After a few seconds of debate inside her head, Hara finally gave in.

“We usually had a singer in this café. See the empty stage there,” Hara said, pointing towards the stage in the middle of the café. “She usually came in every weekends and once in two days during weekdays, but the singer suddenly said that she would not be able to come this week - some work that she needed to finish first. So, our manager is now trying to persuade Jessica unnie to take up the job. Although I think it would be a miracle if she do take it up.”

“Oh, I see,” Tiffany said as she looked back to Jessica, “but I think miracle just happened,” Tiffany continued as she saw the manager shaking Jessica’s hand continuously.

Hara turned to looked at Jessica’s direction and when she noted what has happened, she was rather surprised herself.

“That certainly just happened,” Hara said, still in disbelief.

“Well, it seemed that Sica unnie is taking up the offer,” Hara said as she regained back her composure, “maybe she really desperately needed the money. Sica unnie indeed didn’t sing a lot to other people, but if she is going to, we are sure in for some really good entertainment.”

“Why is it so?” Tiffany said, curious.

“Because if you hear Sica unnie sing, you would be hypnotised. Because she is that good. It’s just she didn’t want to show it. I only heard it once, when I accidentally eavesdropped on her singing in the bathroom, but one time is enough to solidify her ability.” Hara smiled, “enjoy the performance then,” Hara said as she took her leave.

A moment later, Tiffany saw that Jessica had changed into a normal clothes: a plaid shirt with skinny jeans. Jessica walked towards the stage, her posture sturdy and she did not seemed nervous at all. She was still as cold as before.

The café was rather noisy from people chatting and enjoying their food. The café was too busy to notice that Jessica had went up the stage and prepared to sing. The manager, on the left counter, seemed to signal to Jessica, asking for an affirmation to play the background music. Jessica just indifferently nodded as she stood on the stage, not awkwardly and yet not comfortably – rather, she stood stiff without any expression.

Tiffany could not lie that she found herself too, in anticipation of the Jessica Jung that Hara was talking about.

In a second, the music started playing. The sound of piano started the song. It was soothing, but heartbreaking. Then, Jessica started singing.

Something always brings me back to you.

It never takes too long.

No matter what I say or do I'll still feel you here 'til the moment I'm gone.


And somehow, Tiffany could feel herself relating to every word that Jessica said.


You hold me without touch.

You keep me without chains.

I never wanted anything so much than to drown in your love and not feel your rain.


Now she started to understand why. It was because somehow, she felt herself drawn towards Jessica every time she saw her. Like gravity and earth.


Set me free, leave me be. I don't want to fall another moment into your gravity.

Here I am and I stand so tall, just the way I'm supposed to be.

But you're on to me and all over me.


She looked at Jessica more intently this time. Jessica was closing her eyes, singing with all her hearts. This time it was not her feeling that she felt, but its Jessica’s. Somehow she felt pain. And not only her. As she looked around, people around her had shifted their attention to Jessica. The neglected had now become the centre of attention.


You loved me 'cause I'm fragile.

When I thought that I was strong.

But you touch me for a little while and all my fragile strength is gone.


Tiffany could feel Jessica was letting them in, letting her in, into her bare soul. It was as if Jessica was crumbling down in front of them while the truth was, she was standing strong on that stage.


Set me free, leave me be. I don't want to fall another moment into your gravity.

Here I am and I stand so tall, just the way I'm supposed to be.

But you're on to me and all over me.


Jessica opened her eyes. It was full of fury, rage. Tiffany could sense Jessica’s need to ran away, her hopelessness. Her heart ache for no reason. She never shared someone’s pain before. In fact she never felt pain before. She felt suffocated.


I live here on my knees as I try to make you see that you're everything I think I need here on the ground.

But you're neither friend nor foe though I can't seem to let you go.

The one thing that I still know is that you're keeping me down


The café was quiet now. Even waiters and waitresses had stopped working and just stood there to watch the heartwrenching performance.


         Something always brings me back to you.

It never takes too long.


And everyone held their breaths. It was not until a few seconds, until the last note of the piano had been played, that hand clapping started, standing ovation, tear-wiping, and shout of disbeliefs started commencing inside the café. Some bystanders even stopped just to figure out what was happening inside the café. Jessica still stood there, stiff, but manage to coax a smile on her face. It was rare, her smile, and she found herself rather awkward doing it, but she was happy, and she needed to show it.


Tiffany was on the other hand, still seated. She could not really comprehend what she was feeling. It was a totally new experience for her, feeling so many emotions in just a few minutes. Being an angel, in heaven, there was never a need to feel or to respond to feelings. She felt herself overwhelmed with all the immense emotions such that she felt like crying and shouting at the same time. Then there was also another feeling, of a connection, an unexplainable bond as she listened to Jessica’s song. She could not put her finger around it. It was as if, she understood all the things that Jessica told her through the song, the emotion that the song carried, although she never experienced it before. It was as if Jessica was singing to her.

And now, she could foreshadow that this feeling would stay, linger.


MBK Broadcasting Station, later that afternoon.


Sunny was sitting on her temporary working desk. She was writing an article, a task that was given by her supervisor to gauge her analytical skill. Sunny was determined to work hard. She wanted to make sure that the station realised her true potential and perhaps agreed to give her a longer internship to sharpen her skill.

It was a typical peaceful afternoon, before suddenly bustling noise was heard outside of the room and suddenly a group of people entered the intern workroom.

“Hi interns,” the supervisor said to the group of intern.

All the intern in the room said a short hi, before returning the attention back to the supervisor.

“Probably some of you have seen me around but didn’t know me yet. I am the supervisor for the music producing internship programme, and I had just had an interesting talk with your producer,” he said before pointing to the news reporter supervisor.

“We decided to shift things a little bit this time, so we are doing a joint project between music producing and news department. The aim is to let those music production interns know the know-hows of the media work while those in news reporting would get the opportunity to get a glimpse into the glitz and glam of music industry. It’s a win-win right.”

Sunny already sensed a bad omen coming, and as she scanned the room, she could see the petite Taeyeon, almost completely hidden by the other taller interns.

“So, first pair would be the best of two departments right. I heard news reporting has a Sunny, who is really good in her job. Where is Sunny?”

Sunny raised her hand.

“Ok. You will be working with our best here, Taeyeon.”

The taller interns made way for Taeyeon so that she could stand in front. As she locked eyes with Sunny, Sunny could still see the apologetic look in Taeyeon, but to her that was not what was important. The important matter was how she was going to survive, concealing her emotions and work professionally with the person that she still had lingering feelings for.

The ‘A’ Café later that afternoon.

“Jessica-yah, you should have just taken the singing thing permanently. You are much better that the singer that we have right now. Beside, it has a higher pay,” the manager persuaded.

“Not everything is about money, boss. Besides, I don’t like parading my singing in public. I’m uncomfortable with it,” Jessica replied as she packed her stuff and ready to leave.

“But you seemed really comfortable just now. I could see that you really like it,” the manager butted.

“Like doesn’t mean must. I just don’t want to do it. Now, I gotta leave, my shift is already over.” Jessica said as she took her leave while the manager sighed in disappointment.

Tiffany who saw Jessica going off also took her leave. She placed the money for her drink on the table, with some extra as tip for Hara. Maintaining a considerable distance from Jessica, Tiffany was being careful. She was trying to read Jessica’s facial expression. Does the stunt that Jessica pulled just now change something in her. Or just in Tiffany?

Maybe there was something that could help her understand Jessica more.

Jessica walked back to the alley that she left just now. Of course, being the curious Tiffany, she advanced as she took her previous hiding spot. She wanted to know, why Jessica walked back to this alley. To change clothes back to her previous luxurious one? Was this the classic case of rich person pretending to be poor?

She jutted her head out a little, trying to get a glimpse into the alley. But as she did so, she felt a strong force pulling her inside and a moment later, she found herself pinned to the wall, as she stared deep into the eyes of Jessica Jung.

Jessica was just inches from her, her eyes bored into hers. Ignore the previous closeness that they shared before, this was them being closed enough. And Tiffany found herself holding her breath. She did not even know why.

“Why are you following me?” Jessica said, in a snarl.


“So where do you wanna have dinner, ‘A café’, or other restaurants. I could make a reservation now. I know some people.” Yuri said as she and Yoona walked out of their work desks.

“I told you, I am not going on a date with you after your childish act,” Yoona said, pressing the lift button.

“C’mon. You still owe me an answer remember. You need to tell me anyway. Today. Let me make up for my lack of romance to you,” Yuri said, trying to persuade Yoona.

“I don’t care. An answer right. Just hold on to your phone. I’ll send you a text message before midnight.


The lift had arrived.

(bolded – Leeteuk’s thought)

The thing about fate is, fate trumps everything. Fate changes everything. Fate controls everything.

So today, I decided to give 3 chances.

In reminiscing the old romance.

“We just need to find a way to work together. Okay, Sunny. We can do it,” Taeyeon assured.

To the birth of a new journey

“Who are you?” Jessica continued to interrogate.

And lastly,

“Okay, fine. If it is what you want. Is not that I would die if I do not date you. You are not that awesome anyway,” Yuri said as she walked into the lift.

“YAH, KWON YURI!” Yoona said as she walked into the lift as well.

The nudge to a blooming romance.

“Fine. Then let’s not do th…”

Then, with a bang, the light just went off and the lift stopped moving.

It is part of the big picture.




A/N: I'm so fail, lol. I know I promised to update on 6th anniv, but I just got distracted here and there and I felt so bad for failing you guys again. Anyway, I tried to made it up with this extremely long update. Realised after I finished this that it's about 5000+words lol. This probably is the chapter that I enjoyed writing the most. There is an equivalent amount of YoonYul, JeTi and SunYeon, so I hope this satisfies everyone :)

Anyways.. School is starting again next week :( so I am going on semi-hiatus cause I still don't know whether I could squeeze in some time to write and update unless you want an extremely short update^^ 

Thanks for reading again and comments juseyo!!

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Finish replies for today! Thanks for all the people who commented! And for those who haven't, it's still not too late lol


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Chapter 17: i know it's been years since the last update so i wont hope anymore, but i really enjoyed reading this!
blueblirp #2
oh huge
zellyoon #3
Hey author I just read your fic and it awesome I really don't know if you will still update it but u will bec u should at least finish what u started he he
Autor actualiza.......... update author-shi....!!!
Chapter 17: You need to continue this fic authorshi.. This is too good to just be left hanging you know......

There's a lot of things still needed closure and happy endings..
Chapter 17: Aww i miss your stroy...why the sudden hiatus? :'c
Passing by... I really miss this story.. ❤
Chapter 17: Well i'm doing ma BEST at ENCOURAGING GREAT WRITERZ with ma SUPER DUPER COMMENTS! ;D
OMG Tiff got a RICH AZZ JESSI to FALL IN LOVE with! I can FEEL it, JeTi are having already some tiny FEELINGS >~<
I knew only that SUPER GURL Hyo can SURPASS Yoona's dancing skillz ;D
Can't wait for all ma ACE BIATCHEZ to LOVE each other ^O^

Make sure your writer's block will find someone else to annoy XD
JoMaJo #9
great plot ^^
jasminelep #10
Chapter 17: Okay caught up with the story. Woo Hyoyeon! Do I sense some oncoming HyoYoung? But what about the royalty thing? Haha