My Life is a Bad Fanfiction


Well, this is a parody story. I know that fanfiction readers have read at least 1 overly cliche, cringe-worthy, utterly at a loss for words at how bad it is fanfiction.


Well this will be done in a sort of similar way, but on purpose, starring you.

All this story is meant to do is (hopefully) bring some smiles (or wtf-faces). 

Not meant to be a real-serious story so...yeah xD

Thank you~


- Various Kpop celebs will be in here not just SHINee or B.A.P (though they are the main ones you encounter)
- There will be various OC's 
- Not all kpop celebs will be written like they appear to be on programs (ie perfect and well put together)
- I'm pretty sure somewhere down the line there will be rated chapters
- Some things may not make sense due to the fact that this is based on what goes on in bad fanfiction x)
- People call you Mary because it's easy that way
- The bad poster from windows paint is there on purpose, but if anyone would like to make one for me I would gadly use it haha~



You: (Nickname - Mary)

- 18
- Spending 1 year abroad at Seoul University
- All the boys are curious about you
- Most of the girls want to befriend you (but watch out for fakes, they're everywhere)
- As for the looks department, just picture how you actually look
- Smart. Absorbs languages easily
- Innocent (pfff a kpop fangirl innocent...we'll see)
- omg you're totally perfect accept for those cute imperfections ya know?
- Before attending school in Korea you were considered a "plain Jane" kinda boring and normal.


SHINee (comes in the later half of the story)





Synopisis: You are trying to start over again. You're friends back home abadoned you for various reasons. Not only were they busy getting ready for college, but they found it hard to be friends with you in the first place. You didn't have the same idea of fun as they did. You rather sit on Tumblr reblogging kpop stars than go to over crowded school parties. As you decide to make a big move in life, learning abroad for 1 year, you grow into a person that no one back home would recognise, but is it someone you could be proud of?

You never knew how much your life could be like a bad fanfiction.





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GrizzlyBexar #1
Chapter 9: Asdhdkldsl yay! Finally~! This was worth the wait, though! Omg it's getting exciting!! :3 Drama Drama Drama! Can't wait for your next update! Fighting! X3
GrizzlyBexar #2
Chapter 8: Hyah ha!! Yayayayayay! I love this story!! I have been waiting for an update, dear! c: it's really funny and cute more updates pleaseu! 8((>u<))8
midg33t #3
Chapter 6: Oh my goodness author-nim. Zelo cracked me up! Pahahaha
AlyssaLuvsSHINee #4
Chapter 6: This is great! I love it! Please update soon!
GrizzlyBexar #5
Chapter 6: LOOL maids??? Omfg how funny ^^
Update, update, update! Thank youuuu!!!
GrizzlyBexar #6
Chapter 5: Uwaah~! So exciting! >w<
Lol. I actually find this parody better than half the stuff I read on this site. Good job~ :3
GrizzlyBexar #8
OMG. So exciting! >w< Don't leave me hanging unnie! I'm already hooked!