If I could choose, what would I chose?

Trying lie to me?


Awesome. Just awesome. No, that I'm again at the first place at my school with my grades, that is good. But one more girl just confessed for me. Ugh, how I hate it. All those girls just fell not for me, but for my appearance. Sometimes I regret that I born that 'cute' as those girls say. I just want to live a normal life, like normal boys at my age. Okay, I just started with my problems.

Annyeong I'm Cho Kyu Hyun, twenty four years old student. Yeah, yeah I'm too old to study, but I just want to have propper education. I'm studying at Seoul high school. What I can say about my classmates? Well, they're funny. All boys are jealous of my 'cute' face, as I said I don't like it. Girl just trying to me my girlfriends. Ahh it's so annoying. My teachers are quite good, but they are avoiding me and I know why. They're avoiding me cause of my parrents. Yes, they died one year ago. One person who hated them hired a personal killer who killed them, fortunately those two are now in prison. My family was really rich, so now I can study and don't think about money, but when I'll get my job I won't take any parents money. I want to live on myself.

As I said one girl from a paralel class confessed for me. Now my mood is really bad. It is just so.. I can't even tell that in any words. At the luch I went outside and walked to the nearest park. Thankfully here weren't any students. It was a relief to walk here. You can call me boring and person who is alone, but no. I don't show my mood or feelings for surrounding people. Why? Just then more girls whould say:'Aaaaaaaaah kyeopta!'. I just hate it.

My real me? Aaaah about that. I like music and I'm quite funny person. I had dongsaeng, but he was killed to. I would be killed to, but then I was away, I was at school after lessons. I don't know if it's good or bad, but sometimes I think that if I could die with my family I would be more happier. After that accident I changed my name and school that noone could recognize me and tell 'Poor boy!'. Yeah, people know that I live alone and that I'm rich, but they don't know that all my family is dead. Continuing aboout my mood, when my dongsaen was alive I was always playing with her. It was so good to have younger sister and know that she is always waiting for you. And when I was at home from school she was the wirst who was coming to greet me. She hugged me and was hanhing on me. I always kissed her and we together went to my room. Even when I was bored, exhausted, in bad mood she was always by my side and my mood immediately was good. She was perfect. If she wasn't my dongsaeng and she was a couple years elder I would marry her. Her name was Ga Yun, Kim Ga Yun. I missed her so much. I must to go to the grave to meet my family again. Always when girl conffesses for me I'm going to meet my family and cry at the grave, isn't that funny?

Luch break ended wery fast, so I came to school for remainig lessons and when they ended I rushed to go out. I was running, tears were in my eyes but only when I reached my family I started to cry.

"Why? Just why? I would better have died with you but not live in this pain!" I cried. A much time have passed. I was asleep.

"I love you. one day I'll meet you, but you won't recognize me, cause I'll be elder, maybe even an old man. But I really hope you will recognize me" I stood up and went home. When I was at the half of the way the rain started. Aaaah I just hate it. My family was killed when it was raining, from then I started to hate it. But then I saw a man smiling and looking at those raindrops. I smiled. It is so cool to see that people can be happy eith the rain. Then I went to traffic light, it was red but I waited. Hmm, strange one second I thought that he was shining. No, he was shining, but only for me. After awful day he warmed my heart. seing his smile, even if I don't know him was good and I was happy for the last part of the day. I went home in rush, go to the shower and went to bed, I don't want to catch a cold. I wasn't sleeping, I was thinking about that man. It is so funny that he was smiling for the rain. Maybe he had a bad day and rain changed his mood?



[A/N]: Double update today^^ I hope you will like it too:) Here is presented Kyuhyun:)

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I'll try to post today^^ latest day when I'll post is tomorrow^^


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eastcandle90 #1
please update....*excited*...
they are CUTE....
250487- #2
i love kyuhae *____*
the last part was so sweet, they kissed *_* but :'C poor kyuhyun Y-Y his past...can't wait for next chapter ^^
thanks for letting me know , waiting for ur updates ^_^
p.s : How did u get ur story back ? u wrote it again or get it back ?
yesssssssssssssss u are back...cant wait to read next chapter...
curious what happened after the kiss ^^...
update soon neeeee
Your all chapters are back! Now I finally can read this!
hima_kawaii #6
update update soon :)
Bwaaaah where your chapters gone?! I saw that you updated this story but.. but I couldn't read at that moment and now.. Ahhhhhh I'm going to cry! Be strong and update! I believe in you!
Update soon!!
i'm waiting~~ ^^
wooooooooo kyuhae fic....^^
anticipate to know the story...
update soon neeee
woah I'm looking forward to it !
;) update soooooon ~~~~~