It's Gettin' Hotter! Or not really???

New Hottie in Town

Sulli's POV

OMYGOSH, I could not still believe that I'm not dreaming and that my room mate is none other than the hottie! I would like to offer him some help in fixing his things but I felt awkward and shy. And I was afraid he might think I'm a little too friendly as I'm not able to hide the excitement of having my new crush rooming with me!!! I wanted to bounce up and down about how close I am to be able to hug or give him a kiss. What am I thinking? Kekeke.

So, I excused myself from the hottie to go out and breathe some fresh air. It was still early and I grabbed my phone to call instead of texting the girls.

While strolling along the street of Seoul, I dialed Soo Jung's number. It took three rings before she finally answered.

"Y-YAH!!! How come you're not picking up quickly?" I tried to sound that I'm complaining but I'm just really excited to tell them about the great news. I bet they would be jealous and envious of me. Why am I just not pretty but also very lucky? Kekeke.

"What's wrong Ssul? Are you dying? I'm still with Luna-unnie and Vic-unnie," Soo Jung answered jokingly.

"Honestly, I'm sort-of dying here...I have to meet you girls because I have great news...Eeeek, I'm afraid that I'm going to faint right here on this spot," I told her the truth as I remembered the hottie's gorgeous face and smile.

"Kekeke. Is this about Donghae-oppa again?" Soo Jung asked me.

"Um, well not really..but sort-of..I guess I'm confused right now. Where are you girls at?" I asked Soo Jung so I could tell them personally. I bet they would want to hear this news too.

"We're here at the Go Supermarket just buying some groceries. We could meet at the Jaegun's Cafe?" Soo Jung said.

"Araso, I'm going there right now. Thanks. Better hurry before you find me dead and overdosed with caffeine. Keke. I'm kidding," I told her as I continued walking on my way to our meeting place.


Krystal's POV

I hung up the phone and told my unnies that we have to meet Sulli at the Jaegun's Cafe because of some important news or announcement.

"Oh, was that her calling you a while ago?" Luna-unnie said while Vic-unnie remained silent just listening to us and busy shopping for groceries.

"Mmm, looks like it's about her Donghae-oppa again," I nodded at her.

"Kekeke. What has gotten to that silly girl again? Who cares about Donghae when all I care about is that new hot guy?" Luna-unnie said as I laughed at her.

"Unnie, shut up. Don't you dare think about it because that guy is mine," I playfully smirked at her. Then, I picked up and tossed some cucumbers in our shopping cart.

"Nah-ah, I think I have more of a chance making him mine. I'll be he's shawty lover," Luna-unnie said. It looked like Vic-unnie was getting bored about our little verbal fight as she excused herself to use the restroom.

"Y-yah. Look! Vic-unnie is now annoyed at us...keke. But seriously, that guy is mine, unnie! Go, find yourself another guy like Jonghyun-oppa. You two look good together," I told her.

"What are you thinking little missy? Geez, Jonghyun is not really my type. If it's Onew-oppa, maybe I'll think more about it," Luna-unnie said after a moment of thinking.

"Araso! Then, if you have Onew-oppa and if Sulli has her Donghae, then I have that new guy! Keke. I wonder what's his name. I hope it sounds y as he is," I told Luna-unnie dreamily.

"Just a moment! I didn't tell you yet that I'm giving up on that new guy?! I just said Onew-oppa is more of my type than Jonghyun-oppa. Understood?" Luna-unnie told me. Then, Vic-unnie came back and asked us if we're done shopping so we could pay for our groceries.

Luna-unnie and I stayed silent about the topic when Vic-unnie came back. I found myself being amused by our new friend. I bet Vic-unnie likes the new hot guy too. She was just too shy to express of what she feels because she's just new here and I just met her today.

We paid for our groceries and left to our meeting place with Sulli.


(Sulli's POV)

Aish, those girls must be kidding?! Seriously, it's been fifteen minutes of me sitting and sipping this cappuccino all late afternoon. I guess they thought I was joking when I told them I have an important news to share with them.

Anyhow, I couldn't wait to go home knowing that I'm rooming with Mr. Hottie tonight. How I feel singing the song we've practiced today.

"Mr. Boogie, Mr. Boogie, hot, hot, hot..~~~~" I started humming and moving on my seat. Not minding whether others think of me as funny or crazy at this cafe. I must be drunk from this caffeine and have fallen at first sight with my Donghae-oppa the second who is a hotter version. I forgot his name.

At last, the girls arrived and I told them to order whatever they want.

"Girls because I'm in my excellent mood today, it's my treat. Order whatever you want. But not more than ten bucks each of you, araso? I'm not rich you know. Keke. Hi Vic-unnie!" I told them. Victoria-unnie waved at me as she took her seat besides Luna-unnie.

"Yah, yah! Sulli-ah, have you eaten anything? Keke. I think you have a fever," Soo Jung told me jokingly as she touched my forehead checking whether I'm burning with fever. Well, my heart is burning embers inside. I'm finding that I like the hottie more than Donghae-oppa.

"So, what's the great news? If it's about your Donghae-oppa and you two are engaged..then, congratulations! Kekeke." Luna-unnie said as I found myself blushing. I heard Victoria-unnie laughed at our conversations.

"Vic-unnie, I'm so sorry about my friends here. Keke. But I'm afraid you have to get used to us talking about girl stuffs or issues," I heard Soo Jung apologizing to our new friend Vic-unnie.

"Kinchana. It's okay, I don't mind. Keke, I find it amusing. You can talk with me about whatever coz I'm your friend now," Victoria-unnie said.

"Yeah!!!" I heard Soo Jung clapped then giving Victoria-unnie a high five as they laughed. Luna-unnie followed Soo Jung giving Vic-unnie a high-five and so did I. Kekeke. I love my crazy girl friends.

So, the girls ordered some cakes and coffee. And while munching and talking I finally shared the good news.

"..... Amen." I told them the whole story of finding out about my room mate.

"What?!!! Annieyo! NO WAY?!!! How could they let you room with a guy especially with that hottie Ssul!!! That's unfair, I'll tell my parents that I'm moving to your dorm now." Soo Jung gave a pout. But she looked cold and pissed off and cute at the same time.

"What???!!! You're such a lucky beach babe! I'm so jealous!!!" Luna whined like a toddler as she shook me back and forth from my seat.

"Oh, wait girls?! I got an idea," Victoria-unnie said. Thank you so much unnie for saving me from Luna-unnie. I nodded at her.

"Sulli is not the only lucky one here if you come to think of it. Now, we got a connection to that guy through our Ssul here. We should go to your place and meet him...tonight," Victoria-unnie seemed to analyze our situation well. The other girls nodded in agreement of Vic-unnie's suggestion while I shook my head to tell them "NO."

"Huh, no... I think it's too early for you girls to meet him. We're not even close yet," I told them. But it seemed like I'm defeated in here. Three versus one. Poor me!!!

"It's okay Sulli! We'll just drop by just like how we usually do. We'll hang out a bit, pretend that we don't know anything," the smart Soo Jung suggested.

"Wait. Yeah, you're such a smarty pants Krystal!" Luna-unnie snapped.

"It's Soo Jung!" Krystal snapped back at Luna-unnie.

"Araso, I meant Jung Soo Jung. Sorry. Keke. What am I sayin? Yeah, why don't we eat dinner at your place? We can all get to know him, right?" Luna-unnie said proudly while the two girls smiled and nodded.

"Vic-unnie, are you okay with that idea? Do you happen to like that hottie too?" I asked her.

And Victoria-unnie turned bright red as a tomato. I guess that can be considered as a YES! Not her too? Why the world has to be too complicated? I have too much competition going on. All of us are fighting for my new room mate! I should have thought twice before telling them this good news.

"I guess I have no choice but for you girls to tag along with me at home. What should we bring home for dinner?" I asked them.

"Oh, no worries Ssul. We just went shopping. I'll cook for you and maybe Victoria-unnie can help us too," Luna-unnie told us as Victoria nodded happily.

"I can help with the cooking too," Soo Jung said. I bet she's just trying to impress my room mate.

"Okay..then let's finish up here and head to my home. I hope he's still there," I told them.

"I hope you're not daydreaming of him being your room mate or else," Soo Jung gave me a friendly warning. She could be violent sometimes, you know.

After we finished, we headed to my dorm. And there he is. The epitome of hotness and coolness sitting on the sofa watching TV.

"Oh, hi oppa, I'm back with my friends," I told my room mate. He stood up and bowed 90 degrees at us.

"Nice to meet you all. I'm sorry the TV without your permission," he flashed a smile and greeted us in Korean. I was surprised that he could speak Korean. His voice sounds y.

"It's okay. By the way, this is Soo Jung, Luna-unnie and Victoria-unnie. If you didn't catch my name, it's-" I was cut off by him as he finished the sentence for me.

"Sulli, right?" he said. OMGOSH, he has a good memory! I'm flattered he remembered my name.

"Again, I'm Amber by the way. Keke. It's okay to call me your oppa or hyung or whatever. Keke." He said shyly. Ember? A burning flame? Mmm, I wonder why he has to tell us about oppa or hyung? That's weird, but I still find him cutie and hottie.

Then, Luna-unnie who could not keep shut began asking questions.

"Isn't that an English name?" Luna-unnie asked. I saw the hottie nods his head.

"Um, I'm sorry to say oppa... isn't your name a little girlish?" Soo Jung added. Not you too Soo Jung-ah. Sheezy, what are these girls talking about? I could see that the hottie is still smiling and acting cooly after this mini-interrogation by my crazy girl friends.

"Kekeke. Yeah, it's because I'm one," the hottie said. Did I hear him correctly? Did he just tell us he is a girl. He must have a weird sense of humor!

"Yah, oppa. Kekeke. Don't make jokes like that," I told him nervously. It was an awkward moment as the rest of my girl friends laughed along nervously with me.

"But I'm not joking. Keke," he said calmly.

We were all dumbfounded including Victoria-unnie. It somehow ached my heart. How could my eyes fool me? I still believe she is a guy. She's just telling us this so I would not think about him. Or maybe he is a gay boy! Omo, it hurts! NO, I'd rather let him be a tomboy than a gay boy. The world is too complicated sometimes and so unfair. Donghae-oppa, please save me from your twin?! I could see that my girl friends are frenzied and confused as well.

Silence filled the room. None of us spoke a word.

"Keke. I'm sorry that I'm not joking. I just love wearing boy clothes. I'm a tomboy," she said cooly. How come her voice is y and husky like a guy's? Aish, at least she's not a gay boy, which means there's a 50-50 chance of her liking girls like me. The girls and I have a lot of thinking and talking after this revelation!

"Omo, I'm so sorry, hyung," I told her.

"Is it alright if we call you oppa?" Soo Jung said. I think Soo Jung is still in denial mode. But yeah, it fits more if we call her oppa or hyung. It's strange to call this hottie an unnie! Eeek, what am I thinking?!

I saw Luna-unnie and Victoria-unnie nodded in agreement at Soo Jung's suggestion.

"Keke. That's okay. My girl friends call me oppa," she said. What she has some girlfriends already?

"Eh?" Soo Jung could not hide her disappointment. I think she still likes this hottie even though our hottie turned out to be a tomboy. I still like her too. I could not believe someone like her can be hotter than my Donghae-oppa. Aish, she's still a hottie to me. I hope we could be close friends!

"Just regular friends. Kekeke. Anieyo, I don't have a girlfriend," she made it clear to us.

"But you have too many fan girls surrounding you," Luna-unnie butted in. OMG, how can she be so frank and straightforward when she just met our hyung. That mouth of hers are really something.

"Kekeke." Hottie hyung just laughed at her. I'm glad that she's starting to relax with us.

"Okay girls, we have to cook remember," Victoria-unnie reminded us. We excused ourselves from hyung to go to the kitchen and fix dinner.

Then, we started whisphering to each other while chopping meat and vegetables. Soo Jung prepared the rice as she rinsed them and placed it in the rice cooker to be cooked.

"Sssshhhh, let's be quiet. So what do you girls think about our hyung? Are you a little disappointed like me?" I asked them. We tried to keep silent as much as possible not to be heard by hyung that we're talking about her.

I saw them nod. But then Soo Jung spoke up.

"I don't mind. I still think she's hot and have good manners, Ssul. Keke. I'll make our hyung fall for my charm," Soo Jung confessed joyfully. What a surprise from my little ice princess BFF? I thought she's strictly straight. Well, our hyung can make an exemption there. Such a hottie tomboy!!!

"Whew! I'm glad someone feels like me. I thought it's weird to like you-know..." I bit my lips as I do not want to finish my sentence. Hyung is not a typical girl in my mind. Her aura is very masculine.

"I was really shocked. But she can really pull off the boyish style. She's so cool. I want to be her best friend! I guess, it's my first time having this kind of a crush," Luna-unnie said while we all nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, how can she be so cool and hot at the same time," Victoria-unnie commented as we laughed all together. I guess nothing has changed after we found out about this hottie.

After we finished cooking, we invited our hyung to join us for dinner. We all got to more about our hyung. Hyung even showed as a little sample of him rapping. He, I mean, she is the coolest hottie ever that I have met!

Then, the girls left us alone. It was time to clean up. Hyung is so nice and generous as she washed the dishes for us. Hyung is just too perfect! I hope we could go on a friendly date, which I'm sure Soo Jung is also wishing for. I should invite hyung to go out sometimes. I bet I'll be sweating a lot during our date! Kekeke.

I said a little prayer as I slept on my bed. Tonight, it felt a little odd but sweet. I still find myself liking hyung more as I get to know more about her. Aish, am I going crazy?!

"Dear God, thank you for blessing me with good friends and a hot, nice room mate. I hope hyung and I will be good friends and not fight each other. I love you above all else. I am forever grateful for meeting someone like hyung. I hope we get to know more of each other. Amen."

Then, I dozed off to sleep after taking a glance at the bed opposite mine. I saw hyung's gorgeous, sleeping face. What a heavenly sight! I'll be sleeping peacefully each night from now on. Kekeke.

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princesevant #1
please update
topbom4eva #2
Chapter 2: please please please update!
I like it.....wondered with who Amber will ends up :)
Musta-chu #5
i vote for sulber all the way~
Thank god Amber is Amber xD
It'd be nice if you wrote both, I guess. I love KryBer, but I may read your SulBer ending too c:
1ll1ll9oo #7
Yay~ ^^
boogie_monster #8
nope, amber is amber here lol.. maybe i could write a sulber ending and a kryber ending??? so you just read which one you like lol
yakiniaku #9
Amber is a guy here ? Update soon !