A Day with Him

Mr Arrogant and Miss Smarty Pants.

The phones are ringing non stop as Luna walked into Dr Kim's office. And the doctor in question is nowhere in sight. His treatment room is close and wondered if he is seeing a patient right now and if it is alright to answer the phone calls, even his Assistant is not anywhere near. But the phone just keeps on going on, and so Luna cannot take it anymore....

"Hello Dr Kim's Office." as she answered.

"And who is this ?" as the woman's voice on the line came in. She sounds annoyed.

" Excused me." Luna answered.

"This is Yoona, Dr Kim's secretary, I never thought that he can get a replacement for me,just like that." she continued.

"Oh I am sorry.This is Luna Park from IT, I actually just walk in, and the phone just keep on ringing so I answered it." as she explained herself.

"Oh I thought he is miffed at me and got a replacement for me. Is he around ?" she asked.

"No, but he might be seeing a patient for the examination room is close, and his Assistant is not around either." Luna answered.

" It is alright,I will just call him later. Maybe his modd will be better." she said as she hung up. Luna swallowed her saliva...as she thought...so he is in a bad mood..and it means he will be totally  difficult today...and yes he will difficult to teach too. Just her luck,she thought as she smack her head. She should have gone home,instead.

The examination door opens and then an older lady came out followed by Dr Kim's assistant. She was giving some instructions to the patient,as the lady was nodding her head.

"Oh Thanks for answering the phone." she said as she looked at her. "And yes that will be the last of our patient for today. " as she put the patient's chart on the table. "And you are Miss Park, right ?"

Luna nodded her head. how did she knew that she is coming and knew her..as the girl noticed the frown on her forehead.

"Oh I heard you were talking and he did quite mention you a few times." as she explained. "I think this is it for me today...I have to go." when she noticed that she has talked too much.  So Dr Kim has been talking about to her to his Assistant no less,she wondered what is the conversation about her all about.

"Dr Kim will be out soon." as she removed her white  smock gown getting ready. "Have a good day as she left.

Luna pace in the room back and forth and it is not after half an hour that Yesung showed his face to her.

" Ah Miss Park....so you came." as he looked at her. "I just saw the last of my patient today, and I have to cancel some of my appointments."

Luna smirked at him. So she has to be grateful to him now,for taking time for her." So you are free now?" she asked.

"Yes ,and then I can give to you my 100 percent attention. So you won't have to complain about me anymore." smiling at her and obviously teasing her. "But I have only  one rquest in return..." as he added.

Luna looked back at her,wanting to know what is the deal. "And what is that request?" she asked.

"That you have dinner with me tonight after we are done, with this lesson." he answered.

"You think we will be done soon?" she asked. such arrogance...he maybe smart but it will take more than a couple of hours to know this things.

"You don't believe me ? " he asked smile playing on his lips as he came near her,his face just across his face,and Luna can't help but stare back at him, and she colored. and turned pink,which did not escaped Yesung.

"The smart Miss Luna Park,can't be that naive and innocent ,is she ??" teasing her more. Luna rattled for answer...What is he doing to her. She can feel her heart beating faster, and yes the quiver on her lips too...Why is he making me crazy?  As she became aware of the attraction , ....Dr Kim Yesung can be a very charming man despite his coldness. hHs handsome face and brainiac mind...he is something else,as she broke the spell and avoided him,as she turned and walked ahead of him.

Yesung continued to stare at her and shook his head....smile is still very eviident in his face..Maybe spending some time with her,will shook off the feeling that he has been feeling lately,though he has been trying to deny it...Yes Miss Luna Park has been in his mind more often that he wants to ,lately. And yes , he can't explain the attraction..but yes he is definitely attracted to her, but he wondered whether that attraction will last more than one day or a week or months for that matter...He has been attracted before and yes he never really want to be attracted to another girl.....but then maybe this time....it will a totally different story from the previous one....but what about Yoona who has been waiting  for him....can he still thwarth her feelings for him...and yes there is also the parents factor...his parents wants Yoona to be the Mrs Kim Yesung in the future...as he shook his head...not in his lifetime...as he thought hard while following the girl in his mind right now...

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2425yy #1
Chapter 10: is this story stop here??
really like the story...
hope you will be continue to write the next part...
waiting for yesungie and luna story "mr Arrogant and miss smarty pants" ^^
princesscloudz #2
Chapter 1: XD Sweet!!!!!I love it...plz make more...
santijulietsanti #3
sweet yesung....hope next chap more sweet scene.
Maybe u can add kiss scene!!
Simple Luna,Just fall deep for Yesung tonight;p.Lol thanks for this update and update soon please:).
anicca418 #5
So Romantic Moment
oh finally this update is come thanx god
I love how yesung change niceeeeee
It seems like a date for them :)
Thanks for the update!^^
anicca418 #8
wow finally i can read it again
this is my favorite yesung fanficiton
update soon please :D
Great chapter, we can feel the attraction between them!

Thanks Unnie!^^
santijulietsanti #10
i hope yesung can express his feeling for luna soon!!
Thx u for the wonderful story.
Please update soon!!