There Is Something About Him

Mr Arrogant and Miss Smarty Pants.

Yesung opens his eyes and found Luna was staring at they looked at each other, Each one ending out blushing and ambarassed at the same time. Yesung was embarassed to be caught sleeping and God knows what he has been doing while sleeping maybe with mouth wide open or even drooling in front of Luna. Luna too was quite embarassed to be found staring at the younf doctor. She wondered what could he be thinking ???

Yesung straighten up himdelf and pulled his chin up "I am sorry,I can't help it." he said in apology.

"Yes ,why don't we just posponed this,maybe when you have your sleep and not so busy." Luna said. So that means staying longer in New York more that she wants to.

"I told you that I am no good at this. Can't you just train my secretary or someone,instead of me. I think this useless and pointless." as he reiterated his opinion again. "I am a surgeon and my hands are better off doing something worthwhile than clicking this dashboard."

"I have told you and explained the reasons for this. Sooner or later you have to learn this. There will be no postponement." Luna said as she went to her desk.

"I don't really want to waste your time ,Miss but maybe I'll croos the bridge when I am there, when I have no other alternatives...or maybe the hospital can even dump me , and bring my practice somewhere else." as he stood up about to leave.

"But you promised me..." as Luna's voice trailed. Yesung looked back at her...

"Excuse me....I didn't promised you anything...You sort of coerced me in doing this, I know this is your job...but really you should not force people in doing this.: as Yesung said arrogantly. Luna was ticked at his she was the one that forced him to do this.. She just wants to hit him and whacked his head off as her face colored with anger.

"For your information Dr Kim, it is not up to me for you to attend this class and I never forced you. It is your responsibility as a doctor to your patient. This will give you and your patient a concised medical history and medications and it will help both you and your patient regarding billing issues,which I assumed is very important to you,big time surgeon, who raked a lot of money" Luna said as she defended her job.

"So if I refuse this ,this will make me an irresponsible doctor,is that what you are saying?" Yesung said as he came near her , his stance are challenging and it made Luna scared for a moment. "Do you know how it is to handle one's life in your hand ? " as Yesung stared at Luna.

Luna shook her head, "I know my job is not as heroic as yours." as she answered back.

"Who said about being a hero and all that. Do you think I am doing this to be a hero ? Then I should just have entered the army or military service then...Being a doctor is more than that...and if you can't understand it now,you will never understand  it ever."

Luna can't believe what was going she felt like apologetic and that she is the one wrong when he is the one who is wrong. This guy has his way with words. "I am so sorry if i don't understand it now or will never understand it ever. I am just doing my job." as she stammered at her words.

Yesung was silent for a moment..and Luna just stood there, What more does he wants me to say ? as Luna wracked her brains of what more to say. QAnd how come he is all so quiet now ? I s he really that mad at her ? But what did she do to received his ire?

But the next word from Yesung surprised her.." I am sorry too...forget what I have just said..I am just tired. We'll just talk after I get my sleep." as he turned and went out of the room without looking back...

And Luna can just stared at Dr Yesung Kim back..and she doesn't know where did they begin and where did they does it mean he is not coming back ???  as una sat on her chair and think....and what a complex man Dr Kim is...

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2425yy #1
Chapter 10: is this story stop here??
really like the story...
hope you will be continue to write the next part...
waiting for yesungie and luna story "mr Arrogant and miss smarty pants" ^^
princesscloudz #2
Chapter 1: XD Sweet!!!!!I love it...plz make more...
santijulietsanti #3
sweet yesung....hope next chap more sweet scene.
Maybe u can add kiss scene!!
Simple Luna,Just fall deep for Yesung tonight;p.Lol thanks for this update and update soon please:).
anicca418 #5
So Romantic Moment
oh finally this update is come thanx god
I love how yesung change niceeeeee
It seems like a date for them :)
Thanks for the update!^^
anicca418 #8
wow finally i can read it again
this is my favorite yesung fanficiton
update soon please :D
Great chapter, we can feel the attraction between them!

Thanks Unnie!^^
santijulietsanti #10
i hope yesung can express his feeling for luna soon!!
Thx u for the wonderful story.
Please update soon!!