Before you go...

NU'EST Protection Program

--------------------------------------2 years later-----------------------------------

JR was sitting in the car behind the driver's seat with Yejin half asleep in the passenger seat. He looked over to his wife and let out a little chuckle when Yejin mumbled his name in her sleep. He brushed her hair behind her ear and looked back into the binoculars at their target that they had been following for three weeks. He was a drug and human trafficker that had been on the run from the police for ten years and NU'EST took it upon themselves to take him out. Although  the couple was doing this mission on their own NU'EST was still together and as strong as ever, the only difference is that the four other boys of NU'EST have their own separate house on the same plot of land as Yejin's mansion.

"Oh there he goes, I'm gonna go in....wanna come with?" JR asked and Yejin waved him away and he laughed and took care of the target by himself. Ten minutes later he came back putting his gun in the glove box and Yejin stirred awake. "Ready to meet the guys?" Yejin stretched and gave him a big thumb up. They drove off to meet the guys at the bar they visited often and walked straight to the back corner booth where Aron and Baekho were singing loudly and out of tune to a Girls Generation song.

"JR! YEJIN!" Minhyun said slurring his words and Ren just shook his head.

"He had half a beer and he's hammered." Ren took Minhyun's beer and finished it off himself. JR sat down beside Aron while Yejin sat beside Ren. "Here I ordered you a drink." Ren pushed over a martini and Yejin stared it down.

"No thanks, I'm not really in the mood to drink." Yejin pushed it back to Ren who eyes her suspiciously. Yejin had never refused a drink unless she was deathly ill. The group talked for two hours while Yejin sipped on her orange juice talking casually among the guys. When Aron decided to call it a night he tried to stumble over JR to get out of the booth.

"YAH! ARON HYUNG! YOU IDIOT, LEET ME GET OUT FIRST!" JR yelled and moved out of the booth sending Aron tumbling on the floor causing everyone to laugh at him.

"Before you go oppa I have something I want to tell you...." Aron stood up and brushed himself off. They all looked to her still laughing at Aron. "I'm pregnant." Everyone froze and JR looked like his eyes were going to pop out of his head.

"JR! YOU DOG!" All the boys started shoving JR and his drink spilt everywhere. Ren was hugging Yejin tightly who was laughing at her shocked husband. JR's mouth kept opening and closing as if he were trying to say something but no words came out. "ROUND OF DRINKS OVER HERE BARKEEP! EXCEPT FOR THE BEAUTILFUL PREGNANT LADY!" Aron called out in English but the bartender seemed to understand him as he started to poor more beers for them.

"P-p-p-pregnant?" JR finally said and the boys burst out laughing slapping him on the back. "REALLY?!" JR said jumping up and pulling Yejin to her feet and hugging her tightly. "I can't believe this." Aron brought the more drinks over and set them on the table.

"Hyung I thought you were going to go." JR said letting Yejin

"How can I go when my sweet little is pregnant?"  Aron ruffled Yejin's hair and squished her between him and Ren. JR was forced to sit between Minhyun and Baekho who were teasing JR the whole time. While leaving the bar JR wrapped his arm protectively around Yejin's shoulder they staggered over to their car.

"Ren are you driving?" Yejin asked and Ren gave her a thumb up and jumped in the driver's seat and Yejin helped JR into the passenger seat.

"I'll give killing forever!.....three year...nine months....okay I'm going to keep killing but I'll be very careful." JR was still ecstatic about the news and was bouncing in the seat talking about their life together with their child, and Yejin just smiled the whole way to their home. Finally Yejin could be a real family and would give the child all the love she never got as a child. She wouldn't let her child grow up without parents, no matter how busy they were. Even if something were to happen to them Yejin knew NU'EST would be the perfect uncles and protect their child with their life.  



Last chapter D: Short but sweet, I hope you enjoyed the fic up until this point and I'm glad I have such wonderful and dedicated subscribers who have been with me since the beginning. THANK YOU SO MUCH! *Bows 100 times*

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Chapter 8: Ren wants to marry me because he thinks I'm cute :) I wish <3 Loving these stories; I'm so happy I found you!
Chapter 1: Re-Reading. It's so hard to find great stories now a days. I was so glad to find this in my subscriptions! You are truly a great writer!
Chapter 28: Okay - a pretty strange question, but I can't help it - Are you a human being? Your storys are great. I'm glad that I found such an amazing story in a blink of an eye!
Jungkoyoung #4
Chapter 32: Amazing its inspired me on so many drabbles
Jungkoyoung #5
Chapter 12: Not fair both my bias are Jinyoung and Ren why!?!?!
But great story btw;)
Chapter 3: kyahhh hey Ann-authornim (lol that sounds so formal, r u older than me? can i just call u unnie?) anyway, i'm reading it and idk i just cant stop smiling. loving Ren to death. at this rate, i'll probs finish all 3 of these fics by ur next update on Born to Beat lol *fangirling*

btw any good nuest variety shows? i was trying to find Love Story but i couldnt find it subbed :( .
Angelz0715 #8
Chapter 20: Omg why are you in the hospital?
Angelz0715 #9
Chapter 17: Bigbang as the assassin? No way!! Please don't make more of my favorite group as the bad guy :(
Angelz0715 #10
Chapter 16: Omg I freak out when I read the last part where the crown pop up!!! I almost scream!!! FYI it's not really a food idea to read this at night -_-