The meeting

NU'EST Protection Program

The next day Yejin was sitting on her bed staring out the window trying to figure out what she was going to do. She could stay at the mansion at five o'clock and miss her meeting with Jonghwa or she could out into the world and possibly meet up with him. To be honest she didn't want to do either so she was sitting there battling with herself. Around noon when the guys finally noticed that they haven't seen her for most of the day they went to her room and peeked in seeing her back to them. It was like the first time waking her up, they didn't know if she would be friendly or a wild cat and rip all their faces off. They went back into the hall to decide who would go in.

"I vote for Ren since they're really close." Minhyun suggested and he received a glare from Ren.

"Yeah but Aron is the oldest, shouldn't he go in?" They all looked to Aron who panicked and looked for someone else to pass this off to.

"But JR is her boyfriend....shouldn't he see how she's feeling?" With that all the boys ganged up on him and shoved JR into her room and slammed the door behind them. Yejin looked over her shoulder confused at JR who seemed rather nervous.

" are you doing~" JR said sitting beside her on the bed at a safe distance. Yejin moved closer to him and leaned her head on his shoulder. He instantly relaxed when he knew that Yejin wasn't angry or upset, she was just lonely. "What's wrong?"

"I've been thinking too much lately. My brain seems to be turning to mush." Yejin closed her eyes and tried to shut off her brain but nothing seemed to work. She couldn't shake the anxiety that was building up inside of her. An idea popped into JR's head and he got really excited about it.

"How about we go into town today. Just the two of us. Hang out, have fun. Stuff like that." JR's excitement was contagious and Yejin got excited also. When she agreed the door burst open and the four others started cheering and high fiving each other.

"Sweet! We get to go have fun today!" Baekho cheered and the couple stared at them in disbelief.

"You guys aren't coming with us." JR said glaring at them but the four didn't seem to care.

"It's either we all go or we follow you around the whole day bothering you." Aron threatened and Yejin stood up and declared they would all be going. JR let out a large sigh and Yejin apologised but thought it would be better for all of them to have fun rather than none of them. The adventure into town was going to be a fond memory for all of them. They got lunch which ended in a food fight between Aron and Baekho for Ren's attention. Then they played games at an arcade and JR showed off his gaming skills which amazed Yejin since she had never been to an arcade before let alone play video games. After that they took photos, first was just Yejin and JR but then the next one was all six of them which ended up as a frame by frame fight between Minhyun and Ren for more room in the photo. Finally the outing ended around four thirty when the six of them got chased by police for accidently knocking over a mascot . They sat in the van laughing and cheering about their day but Yejin sat in the front seat looking at the photo's she and the boys took today, her favourite one was all of them and JR was kissing her cheek. She couldn't smiling whenever she looked at it but that smile disappeared when she saw what time it was.

"Aron stop the car please I have to get out."  Yejin said looking at her surroundings and was trying to pick the best place to meet up with Jonghwa.

"Why are you feeling sick?" Aron pulled over the car and the other boys leaned forward to see if she was alright.

"No I'm fine, I have a meeting today at my dad's company. I have to sign some stupid paper work, I'll come home soon don't worry." Yejin jumped out of the van and the boys looked suspicious but they decided to leave so Yejin let out a large sigh of relief and headed to the star bucks where there were a lot of people. She ordered a coffee then sat at a table facing the door so she could see him entre. As she took the first sip from her coffee she felt a large hand rest on her shoulder instantly sending shivers up her spine. She whipped her head around to see Jonghwa standing there with a disgusting grin on his face. "Jonghwa...." Yejin muttered and he sat in the chair opposite her.

"Oh come on now Yejin, we're family. Call me uncle." Jonghwa reached out and grabbed Yejin's hand. He grazed his thumb over her knuckles lovingly and Yejin threw up a bit in . She yanked her hand away and rubbed them on her pants to hopefully get rid of the gross feeling of their hands touching. "That was very rude Yejin."

"If all you wanted to do was gross me out, mission accomplish. I'll be leaving now." Yejin stood up but Jonghwa held his cane out towards her and pressed it against her burn.

"Sit down before you cause a scene." Jonghwa threatened and Yejin sat back down cautiously. "What I wanted to talk to you about were those boys you were with just now. Running around town causing trouble. Food fights, yelling in the arcade, and even taking loving group photos. How sweet." Yejin froze when he recalled the activates she did that day with NU'EST, she didn't have the slightest clue anyone was following them and she even looked out for that. "That one boy is very handsome. What's his name....AJ.....TJ....oh that's right JR. Or maybe I should call him Jonghyun." Yejin stood up and glared at the repulsive man sitting in front of her.

"They have nothing to do with you and me Jonghwa. Just leave them out of this." Jonghwa told her to sit back down. He pointed his cane towards the counter and Yejin looked over seeing Sandeul and Gongchan behind the counter serving customers but also sending her menacing glares. Yejin sat back down and nervously played with the empty coffee cup in her hand.

"You're right, they have nothing to do with us so why you insist on being around them all the time baffles me. I want us to have a one on one private. I'll give you five days to choose between meeting me at my house or staying with NU'EST and getting them butchered. Your choice, not mine." They sat there in silence for five minutes before a smirk spread across Jonghwa's face when he realised Yejin had already made the decision in her mind. "I'll be seeing you then...niece." Jonghwa stood up and left star bucks with Gongchan and Sandeul shortly following. After sitting there with a ice cold coffee in her hand Yejin pulled out her cell phone and called the man who built her computer and state of the art security system.

"Seungho oppa...I need you to do me a huge favour..."



I'm not kidding when I say you people need to go on this site and vote for NU'EST D: They always come 2nd and never first!!

too....much...ADORABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!! (๑→‿←๑)

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Chapter 8: Ren wants to marry me because he thinks I'm cute :) I wish <3 Loving these stories; I'm so happy I found you!
Chapter 1: Re-Reading. It's so hard to find great stories now a days. I was so glad to find this in my subscriptions! You are truly a great writer!
Chapter 28: Okay - a pretty strange question, but I can't help it - Are you a human being? Your storys are great. I'm glad that I found such an amazing story in a blink of an eye!
Jungkoyoung #4
Chapter 32: Amazing its inspired me on so many drabbles
Jungkoyoung #5
Chapter 12: Not fair both my bias are Jinyoung and Ren why!?!?!
But great story btw;)
Chapter 3: kyahhh hey Ann-authornim (lol that sounds so formal, r u older than me? can i just call u unnie?) anyway, i'm reading it and idk i just cant stop smiling. loving Ren to death. at this rate, i'll probs finish all 3 of these fics by ur next update on Born to Beat lol *fangirling*

btw any good nuest variety shows? i was trying to find Love Story but i couldnt find it subbed :( .
Angelz0715 #8
Chapter 20: Omg why are you in the hospital?
Angelz0715 #9
Chapter 17: Bigbang as the assassin? No way!! Please don't make more of my favorite group as the bad guy :(
Angelz0715 #10
Chapter 16: Omg I freak out when I read the last part where the crown pop up!!! I almost scream!!! FYI it's not really a food idea to read this at night -_-