
Bubbly ☺


"I've been asleep for a while now 
You tuck me in just like a child now
'Cause every time you hold me in your arms
I'm comfortable enough to feel your warmth."


       I stirred from my sleep when I felt the warmness of sunlight on my face. Opening my eyes slowly, my heart almost stopped at the sight that greeted me: a sleeping Baekhyun. One of his arms was wrapped tightly around my waist, while the other was tucked under his head like a makeshift pillow. I watched him quietly, letting an unconscious smile form on my face. Biting my lower lip, I lifted one of my fingers and began to trace the bridge of his nose. I moved slowly, as if I was a painter creating a masterpiece. When I reached the tip of his nose, I paused, unsure of whether to continue. Deciding against it, I removed my finger and just stared, admiring the angel that lay before my eyes.

 My angel.

I leaned in and pressed a small kiss on the tip of his nose. His face instinctively scrunched up before relaxing and going back to a peaceful expression. Before I could stop myself, a light giggle escaped my lips. I was about to lean in to kiss him again, but suddenly, his eyes shot open and I jumped in surprise. Baekhyun gave me a mischievous grin, 

"My acting was excellent, wasn't it?"

"Huh? Acting?! So you weren't..." I began. 

"I actually was sleeping at first, but I woke up when I felt something on my nose. I wonder what it was. A fly?" He mused, putting on an expression of mock ignorance.

I grew pink and slapped his arm lightly. In a haste attempt to mask my embarrassment, I quickly covered my burning face with my hands. I couldn't help but smile when I heard his bright, joyful laughter.

"Don't be like this, Minae! I want to see your pretty face!" Baekhyun cooed, tugging at my hands. 

I removed them from my face and looked at him with a shy expression. Baekhyun smiled at me while he brushed my hair away from my eyes. 

"Good morning, babe." He greeted, his voice lowering to a quiet murmur. 

"Good morning..." I replied with a smile. 

       Baekhyun placed a soft kiss on my forehead. Chuckling slightly, he moved down to my nose and gave me another kiss. Then he paused and stared straight at me with those beautiful brown eyes, almost as if he was trying to hypnotize me. I didn't even try to stop myself from falling under his spell. Suddenly, he snapped me out of my trance by giving me a quick peck on my lips. Instead of pulling away, however, he decided to linger there for a moment. Just like that, time seemed to have stopped completely. It was just the two of us, and the sounds of our pounding heartbeats. Baekhyun leaned in and once his lips met mine, everything became a blur. He wrapped his other arm around my shoulder and pulled me closer to him until both of our bodies were pressed against each other. I let my eyes flutter closed as I savored the sweetness of the kiss. It wasn't too passionate; no tongues or anything else involved. It was just two lips that seemed to have molded into one. It was one of those kisses that tell you that you've finally found the love of your life. What I loved the most was how his morning kisses made me feel all bubbly. This might sound silly, but I felt like a pile of melted chocolate.  When Baekhyun pulled away, all I could do was give him a blissful smile. My mind was completely devoid of anything but him. It was, in my opinion, one of the best feelings anyone could get when they're in love. Baekhyun returned my smile with one his own before ruffling my hair slightly. 

"Let's go make breakfast together." he said. 

I nodded excitedly in agreement. Baekhyun got out of bed first and stretched his arms. I inhaled sharply when something caught my eye: his white pajama shirt was completely ed...and he wasn't wearing anything underneath it. The sunlight that streamed into the room seemed to highlight every inch of his toned body. I slowly turned away and buried my face in my pillow, attempting to muffle the weird, fangirl-like sounds that were coming out of my mouth. 

"What are you doing, Minae?" Baekhyun asked curiously.

"N-nothing." I stuttered as I shifted my position to face him. 

"I'm going to go wash up first." He said as he made his way to my bathroom. 

"Okay." I gave him a disarming smile. 

When the door was completely shut, I let out a sigh of relief and just let myself collapse, physically and mentally. I rolled over to Baekhyun's side of the bed and lied facedown on his soft pillow, inhaling the scent of his shampoo. I smiled in content at the lingering warmth of his body that stuck to the white covers. Baekhyun really was the perfect boyfriend...

Maybe a little too perfect. 

After a few minutes, Baekhyun got out of the bathroom and chuckled at the sight of me sprawled on the bed.

"I'll be in the kitchen. Come downstairs when you're done." 

I smiled brightly at him and gave him thumbs up. Baekhyun grinned at me before leaving the room. Sighing in content, I sat up and ran a hand through my tousled hair. I got out of the bed and smoothed out the creases on my simple, white nightgown. 

"Another nice day." I murmured to myself as I stared out the window. 

Baekhyun was my sun; the source of brightness and happiness in my life.

'Love really is a silly thing...' I thought. 

Yet I couldn't seem to get rid of this wonderful feeling. 

Laughing lightly, I walked into the bathroom and shut the door. 
I entered the kitchen and was surprised to find it completely empty. Confused, I looked around, wondering where Baekhyun could've gone. Suddenly, a pair of hands covered my eyes, causing me to let out a loud yelp. A melodious laugh came from behind me. 

"Guess who?" 

"Baekhyun. I know it's you. You're the only other person in this house." I answered, scoffing slightly at his question. 

"Aww. You're no fun." Baekhyun pouted while he uncovered my eyes and made his way to the stove. 

"Why didn't you make breakfast yet?" I asked. 

"I wanted to make it with you. Quick! Catch!" 

Baekhyun tossed a light pink apron at me, which I skillfully caught. Shaking my head, I slipped on the apron and walked over to him. He had already put on a blue apron and began to search for something in the fridge. 

"What are you--" 

"Found it!" He exclaimed excitedly as he pulled out a box of pancakes. 

"We have to cook them? I could've asked for a luxury breakfast to be delivered to us, Baekhyun." I raised an eyebrow at him. 

"Don't be such a spoiled heiress, Minae. Besides, it's more fun to make them." He retorted. 

"Let me try then." 
"Ack!" I exclaimed. 

"Maybe you should just let me do it..." 

Baekhyun stared at the pile of ash that was supposedly our "breakfast". Glancing at the failure I had created, I sighed in defeat and took off my apron. 

"Good idea. You'll make it and I'll...entertain you!" 

I grabbed the old radio that was resting on the kitchen counter. I turned it on and frowned when the first few stations were just the irritating sounds of static. Suddenly, a familiar tune of guitars began to play from the speakers. A female voice spoke, 

"Will you count me in?"

"Ah! I love this song!" I shouted, placing the radio back on the counter. 

"I didn't know you liked American songs." Baekhyun commented as he flipped a pancake. 

"You obviously don't know me well then, Baekkie." I teased playfully. 

Clearing my throat, I began to sing along, 

"I've been awake for a while now
You've got me feelin' like a child now
'Cause every time I see your bubbly face
I get the tingles in a silly place." 

Baekhyun smiled at me and moved away from the stove. He wrapped his arms around my waist, while I draped my arms around his neck. We swayed back and forth to the beat of the music. Staring at each other, we began to sing together, our voices mixing together in perfect harmony: 

"And it starts in my toes 
And I crinkle my nose 
Whenever it goes 
I always know 
That you make me smile 
Please stay for a while now 
Just take your time 
Wherever you go..." 

"I love you." Baekhyun whispered as he pressed his forehead against mines. 

"I love you too." 

We shared another loving kiss. The relaxing music seemed to carry us off to another land. Her voice was just another a sound in the distance, 

"But what am I gonna say
When you make me feel this way
I just...mmm..." 

Baekhyun pulled away and gave me his signature eye smile. I laughed lightly at his cute expression. 



My eyes widened at the sight of a small cloud of black smoke forming from the stove behind him. 

"The pancakes!" 

Something tells me that we're not going to have that for breakfast today. 


"And it starts in my soul 
And I lose all control 
When you kiss my nose 
The feeling show 
'cause you make me smile, baby 
Just take your time now 
Holdin' me tight
Wherever you go..."


Author's Note:

This is another one of my many oneshots that were written late at night. xD Just so you know, I won't be making spin-off oneshots for Sehun and Kai. Sorry. (T 3 T) This was just written because I had a lot of Baekhyun feels and I hadn't really written fluff in a while. Anyway, I hope you all enjoyed reading this! :D And don't forget to comment! ^^ BTW: Are there any BaekMin (Baekhyun x Minae) shippers out there besides me?

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OMO KYEOPTA~ Haha the pancakes are burnt now :P
this is so cool~! ^^
lizryan #3
This is just too sweet! I literally died x.x
This is just too perfect!

You're awesome! LIKE SUPER SUPER AWESOME!!! :D
JensuXP #4
Aww so cute. I love it :D
iHeart_1122 #5
This is soooooo adorable n sweet...! XD im so jelly.. ~
-ximini #6
So sweet <3
This is too sweeettt!
The feeling you get waking up with the sight of your perfect boyfriend, long sweet kisses and cooking breakfast together?
Ughh my feels.
I'm totally a BaekMin shipper!

You never fail to amaze me!
Cant wait for Day By Day! Update soon ;)
BaekMin! :D Of course you ship them.....you Baekhyun-biased girl, you. xD Very adorable! Can't wait for your Day By Day oneshot! :P