
You're my NamjaChingu (Boyfriend) [BAP Version]

Last week, Jongup introduced you to his best friends. Today it was your turn to introduce him to your best friends.

“I am nervous…” he admitted. You chuckled. “I was nervous last week and now it’s your turn.”

He nodded and gave you a tiny smile.

“I am going to say the same thing that you said to me last week.” You told him. “Jonguppie, don’t be nervous. They are my best friends. They are not going to eat you up or harm you. Trust me, they are nice people.”

“What if they don’t like me?” he questioned. You shook your head in amusement. “I am sure that is impossible. How can they not like a person like you, Jongup? You are a great dancer, a smart student and not forgetting, you are a great boyfriend to me. I am sure they will approve you of being with me.”

That consoled him a little. But deep in his heart, he was still feeling nervous.

*So this is how ~~~~~~~ feels when she meet Zelo and the hyungs last week.*


The two of you reached the fast food restaurant. You entered and scanned the area for your friends. You spotted them sitting at the corner of the restaurant.

“I saw them. Let’s go.” You linked your arm with his walked towards your friends.

“Hey ~~~~~~~. You are here. I am glad that you could make it.” Suyeon greeted you. “Hey girls.” You high-fived with them.

Jongup sat down beside you. He could feel four pairs of eyes staring at him.

“You bought your boyfriend with you.” Amy noted. “Introduce them to us.”

You nodded and slipped your hand in his. “Girls, meet my dearest boyfriend, Moon Jongup.”

“Hey Jongup!” the girls chorused. “Hello.” Jongup nodded in head in acknowledgement.

“These are Amy, Suyeon, Chaeyeon and Yuri. They are my best friends since middle school.” You told Jongup.

The girls started asking him questions and he answered them politely.

“Wow, so you are a dancer, huh?” Suyeon whistled. “That’s awesome. ~~~~~~~ love guys who can dance.” You blushed at the comment.

Jongup squeezed your hand under the table. “That was how we first met.”

Soon Jongup became comfortable with the conversation and they joked around. Little did they know, time passed and it was already the evening.

“It’s late. We have to go.” Jongup stood up with you by his side. “We will see you around.”

“Yeah no problem.” Chanyeon nodded. “We have to go home too. It’s nice meeting you, Jongup. Send ~~~~~~~ home safely okay?”

You bid goodbye to your friends and walked to the bus stop with Jongup.

“Your friends are really great.” Jongup said. “They are really funny and good at making the conversation going.”

“See, I told you…” you poked his cheek. “My friends are awesome. That’s why we could talk non-stop all day long.”

“I am glad that they like me.” He told you. “If not, it will be awkward when meeting them the next time.”

You nodded in agreement. You reached your house and faced Jongup.

“Thank you for sending me home, Jonguppie.” You smiled.

He leaned in and pecked your cheeks. “Good night sweetheart. I will pick you up for our date tomorrow.”

“A date?” you tilted your head. “Yes my sweetheart. I am going to take you out on a date tomorrow.” He replied.

“I can’t wait then.” You kissed his lips one more time and walked to your doorstep. Jongup watched as you entered the house before walking back home.

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Thank you to everyone who have read and commented on this oneshot! Really appreciate it...


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Chapter 6: These were all really good and i enjoyed reading them. Especially the Himchan one :)
aww... all of the stories are cute~~
sweet-suzy #3
Aaaaw, all of them were soo cute! I loved the gifs!

Thanks for sharing and job well done!
ummm...that Jongup gif
Jaeryeolover #5
LOLOLOLOLLLL at Himchan gifs... Himchan-ahh~~~ Why you so derp??? you have an ulzzang face but you turn it into derp... huhuhu~~
Dancinggirlmaddie #6
Omg could DaeHyun get any ier!?
Kyaah! :''>
Zelo is soo cute >w<
He's older than me for 2-3 years XDD
He should be the oppa :)))

Omo! Jongup being nervous while Yongjae being the 'nerdy' boyfriend :)))

*spazz* Daehyun being jealous because of Kris >w<
*spazz more*

Update soon Author-nim :)
I love this oneshot thingy :D
so sweeeet!