my mind is playing tricks on me!

My dream girl is....

‘Okay Thunder, you’re an adult now, it’s time the company was passed on to you. ‘Nicole said as she turns around to see the servant bring in her brother’s tuxedo for the press conference which was to be held the next day.  Thunder groaned out loud before slouching his back a little. Nicole bustled over in a rush. Straighten his back up straight till he could feel himself bending backwards; Nicole waved her finger at her brother.

‘Remember first impression says a lot. So when you greet the reporters tomorrow remember to…’ As his sisters’ voice mumbled through Thunder’s ears. He gave a quick yawn which earned him hi right away a small smack to the back of his head. ‘’Ouch!’’ He frowned as Nicole triple check his cloths and the speech he was going to make.

As Thunder glare right outside the window, eyes slowly began to close. Noticing that her brother was dozing off to dreamland again. Nicole gave a loud sign before waking him up. Back at home Thunder tore off his tie and fell fast asleep as soon as his head had hit the pillow. Waking up suddenly from his deep slumber Thunder opened his left eye weaver as the person behind his door kept knocking. Burying his head under his pillow. Thunder couldn’t believe that someone was disturbing his dreams.

‘I can’t believe it, today of all days. Arrr…he growled. As soon as Thunder closed his eyes he kept rubbing them to make sure that he wasn’t dreaming. Smacking his checks over and over again till it turned bright red, Thunder ran up to her with happiness. Just as Thunder was about to hug her, Nicole stood at the door with an amusement/ concern look on her face.

‘Boy, bro… you really must be out of your mind. She said ‘Anyway Uncle Kim’s function is about to being at seven O’clock we have to get you ready for it. What! Shouted out Thunder in shock ‘But its five hours away… We… ‘Cutting him off with her hand, Nicole moved aside to let in the servants and left them to do their job. ‘I must find him a girlfriend, better yet a wife!’ Nicole said shaking the image of her brother’s kissing action out of her mind before shivering.

At the event, Thunder smiled polity at all the CEO’s and their family’s client. Finally collapsing on the couch, Thunder rubbed the back of his neck. Felling his neck muscle relaxing a bit. He closed his eyes hoping that tonight and tomorrow’s press conference would just disappear. ‘Oh, there you are bro, come!’His sister’s loud voice rang out, dragging him by the arm; Nicole rushed through the walked crowds with a smile on her face.

‘You have to meet Uncle Kim’s daughter and her husband. They just arrived back from their honeymoon. You remember her don’t you, the two of you used to play together all the time when you were kids. Oh…here they are, Uncle Kim, hello, how are you? Nicole asked the newlyweds. Thunder, this is uncle Kim’s daughter Hyorin and her husband Mr. Choi Kyuhyun.

At the sound of Hyorin’s name Thunder turned his head around 180 degrees, eyes wide open. Hyorin, his dream girl was standing right in front of him and she was MARRIED! Hyorin and her husband smiled at him before they introduced themselves to him. Shocked that Hyorin didn’t have any memory of him i broke Thunder’s heart. Smiling weakly, he shook their hands before excusing himself. Outside the hall Thunder sank down on the floor, giving a dry laugh Thunder wished his dream girl the very best of luck with her husband, Kyuhyun

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fridhowati #1
Chapter 1: Sorry,why i cannot find the next story. It's finished just in one chapture.
puputshp #2
thunder be patient.. maybe i am your destiny.. kamu sabaroo yaa mass.. rejeki mu mgkn sama aku.. hahaha
butterdilys #3
@GameKyu- Thank you for subscribing :) No,I didn't forget about Thunder, this story was going to be a sad one with a smiliar ending but I changed my mind. Next story I'm going to write will have Kyuhyun and Hyorin together but Thunder will end up with her!