Chapter Two






He didn't know if Daehyun had a gift in the power of persuasion or if he was just going with the flow of things, but right after they exited the closet, Daehyun immediately drifted Youngjae away from going back to the circle and took him outside the front of the house. Youngjae cursed in his mind that he should be more aware of what he was doing, since it was probably the third time of the night where he got swept away by someone. 


They arrived in front of Youngjae's house and Daehyun was completely in awe at the large scale of the house. It was massive, it probably had at least ten different rooms and in his driveway was probably four different types of cars. Youngjae looked up at his house and just rubbed his nose, clearly not impressed at how 'grand' it was in comparison to Daehyun's thoughts. So he proceeded to walk up the driveway and take out his keys. Once the door was open, Youngjae was immediately greeted by the night-staying maid, Minkyung. Minkyung was probably the most thoughtful, generous and caring maid Youngjae has ever had - she used to be the nanny of Youngjae when he was younger and she was often by his side whenever Youngjae's parents went overseas.


"Youngjae. Why are you doing back so early? Where are your parents?" she asked, as she took the jacket off from Youngjae, she peeped out of the door for his parents but no sight of them was visible, instead she saw someone else approach the door. ".. Excuse me, who are you?"


"He's with me, noona... mother and father, are still at the party." 


"Nice to meet you, I'm a classmate and friend of Youngjae, I'm Daehyun." 


Minkyung smiled and greeted him with the same introduction for herself. She happily cheered in her mind at the thought of Youngjae having another friend other than that naughty boy, Himchan. "Do you guys want anything to eat? I'll make you guys some burgers!"


"Noona, are you sure... what if my parents find out... you know how they won't let me eat those types of foods..." Youngjae asked a bit anxious. 


"Don't worry. I won't tell them. Plus, you're a growing boy - you need all the weight for those muscles!" she then quickly disappeared into the kitchen and Daehyun followed Youngjae as he started to walk up the stairs. 


"So, are you going to tell me why you're so... wealthy?" Daehyun asked as soon as he stepped foot into Youngjae's bedroom which he swore could have just been the size of an average apartment unit. It had everything, a entertainment unit set up with a crazy sound system and nearly every gaming console on the market, not only did he have that, but Youngjae also had his own mini-bar and he even had an ensuite bathroom. Daehyun was completely speechless. How could a nerd like Youngjae, be so damn... cool?


"You have such an awesome room. Does your friend Himchan, have a room as great as yours?!" Daehyun remarked, plopping himself on the couch still with his eyes wandering around each corner of the room. Youngjae, however, reached over to his mini-bar and took out two bottles of water and chucked one beside Daehyun. "Water? Really? What... so you're telling me that you don't have alcohol?


"I don't drink alcohol that much. I've only done it once or twice when I was over at Himchan's house when my parent's weren't there. Plus, if my mother found out I kept alcohol here, I'll be...." Youngjae started to drift off into a loss of words as he sat down beside Daehyun at a reasonable distance. He didn't know how to continue it because he honestly did not know what his mother would do. 


"But your parents aren't home now, right? What makes this time any different than you being at Himchan's?" Daehyun asked, after taking a gulp of water.


"I'm not sure... I just don't want to risk it. I don't want to disobey my parents..." Youngjae said leaning back. "I have to keep up with their expectations and if they find out I've drunk alcohol, smoked a little bit of weed and lost my ity then.... they'll do what they did to my older brother." 


"What did they do to him?" Daehyun leaned in a little bit, inching himself a tad closer towards Youngjae on the other side of the couch.


"I-I don't know. And I don't want to know. And I won't know, if I do what they say." Youngjae explained as he gazed his focus onto the ground. Youngjae was serious. His older brother was supposed to inherit his family's business of international hotels but after his mother caught him with another boy, who Youngjae knew about quite well, his older brother was sent somewhere, Youngjae didn't know where, but he was sent away and the only explanations that his mother gave to anyone who asked was that he was "caught up in the teenage life of drinking and drugs..." Youngjae didn't know if it was true, but he refused to ask anyway.


"I see. So, how come... at school, you look like such a nerd... no offence to that... but here, you're so... so..."


"So, what?" 


"So different. Like, everyone at school wraps the label of a or a nerd around you. But you just told me that you aren't any of those things at all..." 


"I am a nerd. I like to study... haha. But yeah, I'm not a , surprisingly.." Youngjae actually lost it to Himchan, they were just trying to experiment during the time of their raging hormones but it was just once.. "... I know I may seem innocent, but when my brother was still here.. I wasn't innocent at all... my parents focused a lot on my brother and his position to inherit our business, so I just normally relaxed... mind you, this was during the last year of middle school..." placing the water bottle on the coffee table in front of him, Youngjae leaned back comfortably on the chair and took a quick glance at Daehyun who looked and seemed so intrigued about Youngjae, causing him to chuckle a bit.


"... Middle school. Wow. That's when we were like, 15? 16? Didn't know you had it in you! I'm assuming you went to Yonsei Middle School?" 


"Yep." was all Youngjae could say. 


"So why do you go to Lila Arts... shouldn't you have gone to the Yonsei High School as well? Since you were from the middle school, don't you have to be moved into the high school then into the university?" 


"Yep. But I decided to follow Himchan... and so, that's why I'm there. Haha."


"Youngjae. You are so confusing. You're so well off yet you do the most stupidest things. Like, why do you want people to think your 'innocent' and stuff? That's clearly not what you are."


"It's easier that way. I don't get involved with people's needs and wants. I can just go to school, and do whatever I please." 


"But you aren't..."


"What do you mean? I am, aren't I?" Youngjae looked and faced Daehyun. At this point, Youngjae didn't know why he was telling his life story to one of the most popular boys at school, he didn't know why he would trust this guy who he just me, why did he have to bring him here and let him see who he really was. Youngjae cursed to himself in his mind and watched Daehyun attempt to bring his words together out of his mouth.


"You've done this and that, but you clearly aren't doing any of those things again because of your parents.... your trying to fit into expectations that you don't even approve of..." Daehyun said too concerned with Youngjae's life and he, himself, did not understand what he was doing. Daehyun was never one of those guys who would tease Youngjae, in fact, he never really said much but even if he didn't, he was still capable of drawing a crowd in. "Do you dream of owning your parents' business?..."


"Daehyun... I-I... I don't. Don't Daehyun..." Youngjae protested with his voice becoming more frustrated. "Don't let me think about that. Okay? Please... just let's just change the subject..." 

Don't let him get to you, Youngjae. Don't. You worked so hard to believe that this is what you want, and you can't turn back now, just because he said so... don't fall for him, Youngjae thought as he watched Daehyun's eyes plead for something that Youngjae could not give.


Everything became suddenly quiet until Minkyung came in and placed a large tray with two gourmet burgers on two plates. "Eat well boys! If you want anymore, there are some extra's on the counter~" and just like that, she disappeared.


The boys ate in the silence that crept up to them once Minkyung left. "Youngjae..." Daehyun mumbled, placing the burger on the plate. Youngjae stopped too and faced Daehyun who looked like the cutest thing in the world. He had a little bit of sauce on the side of his mouth and even watching Daehyun furrow his eyebrows and bite his bottom lip nervously made him look like a cute vulnerable little boy. "I just want to say... I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked you so many questions...." 


Youngjae decided not to tell Daehyun about his face and just smiled as he saw how serious Daehyun was and how that little mark of sauce was just ruining the moment. "It's okay~" Youngjae laughed a bit, causing Daehyun to look up at Youngjae with a clueless expression. 


"Why are you laughing? I'm being serious here!"


"I'm sorry, but I think your love of food has stuck on your face. You've got some sauce at the side of your mouth!" Youngjae grabbed a tissue and wiped it off Daehyun even though Daehyun wanted too (however, this caused Daehyun to make contact directly on top of Youngjae's hand, in which they both retaliated back away). "Um, it's gone now..." Youngjae smiled as he saw Daehyun blush in slight embarrassment, then laugh a little bit too. 


"Well now that's gone. I'm serious, I'm sorry... and like, I just don't want you to like that anymore.... but like, I know, I just met you and this is crazy, but..."


"... but what? Here's my number, so call me maybe?" Youngjae joked around, still clearly a bit giggly from the previous incident. Daehyun on the other hand, said Youngjae's name and placed on a serious face which caused Youngjae to chuckle a bit more.


The two started to just laugh around at each other's expressions and then there was a phone call that had to ruin their moment. Youngjae picked up his phone and Daehyun was once again amazed at it's brand and style. Caller ID: Himchan. 


"Hello Himchannie~" Youngjae answered a little bit too happy.




"I'm at home, Himchannie~" 




"Because I live here, Himchannie~" 




"That's okay, Himchannie~ they think I'm at your place~ so they'll never check my room~ plus, they'll never know who I'm hiding in here as well! Bye Himchannie~"





"Was that Himchan? Why do you call him Himchannie? What did he tell you?" Daehyun asked as he saw Youngjae chuck his phone to the direction of his king sized bed. 


"Wow. You ask a whole crap of questions! And yeah it was him. He just wanted to let me know that my parents are coming back. But I told him it's fine.. because my parents, just like his, know not to enter my room when I'm not around..." 


"Do you want me to leave... then?" Daehyun asked looking down, Youngjae noticed how his expression changed from being all bright to some-what disappointed. Daehyun didn't have to go? It was nice to talk to someone other than Himchan. 


"You don't have to go, but I think your parents wouldn't want you to be out all night. And we have school tomorrow... so you could just borrow one of my uniforms. I have plenty..."


"Youngjae. Are you. Asking me. To.... Spend the night?" Daehyun said softly, moving closer to Youngjae at each word until he was at the same proximity as they were before in the cupboard. He wore a cheeky smirk on his face and Youngjae just held his breath a little bit but nodded. 


He leaned in closer to Youngjae and Youngjae shut his eyes tightly as he felt Daehyun invade his personal space. "Well then, let me call my parents to tell them..." he whispered smoothly into Youngjae ear, leaving a trail of goosebumps rising as he departed. Youngjae opened his eyes one at a time and saw Daehyun at the other side of the room, with his phone pressed up against his ear, probably telling his mother. 


With the feeling of not wanting to eavesdrop, Youngjae decided to quickly text Minkyung to hide the burgers that she left and to make sure that everything was clean. Afterwards, Youngjae realised that in order for his parents to know that he wasn't home was if he turned off the lights and that was exactly what he did but after he did that, he felt a pair of warm hands wrap themselves around his waist. Youngjae held his breath knowing it was Daehyun and knowing that he wasn't supposed to fall for boys... even if he started to earlier today. He didn't want to continue to fall! 




"My mum said it's okay."


"So why are you hugging me?" 


"Because it's dark..."


"You're scared of the dark? Really?"


"I'm not scared, I just don't like it..."


"Well okay, just sit on the bed and I'll open the curtains so you can have the moonlight to illuminate the room okay?" 


Daehyun did as he was told and sat at the end of the bed. Daehyun wondered what he got himself into, he knew that Youngjae might have been gay since his best friend Himchan was gay and that the guy that Youngjae was hanging out with at the party was gay too, and knowing that, Daehyun didn't want to mess around with him, like he did with other boys and other girls too. He didn't want to pull Youngjae into something that he wasn't capable to survive in. He looked up at Youngjae and saw him being outline by the sweet glow of the moon behind him and realised how amazing Youngjae is and how amazing he could be, if he was just free. He lived such a selfless life and then it came to his own realisation that he, himself, hasn't properly apologised. So, Daehyun watched as Youngjae guided himself into his walk in wardrobe and pull out a large white tshirt and a pair of baggy pajama pants. 


"Oh um, I don't wear a shirt when I sleep... is that okay?" Damn it. I should've just worn it... Daehyun thought to himself right after he told Youngjae. Youngjae just nodded and proceeded to take off his clothes. "Whoa wait. Why are you doing that?" 


"We're both males right? Here are your pants though, I've got mine here..." Youngjae just turned around and tossed the pair of pants at Daehyun and resumed getting unchanged in his wardrobe. 






"I'll just sleep on the couch. You can take the bed, you're the guest."


"But it's your bed, you should sleep on it..."


"It doesn't matter, you can have it tonight, I don't mind."


"What about if we can both have it..." Damn it, stop it Daehyun. You can't do this... he thought to himself again, he couldn't control himself, a side of him wanted to be beside Youngjae, he wanted to be closer to him, he wanted to have conversations where they can just both stare up at the ceiling and just chat away. Daehyun wanted Youngjae to talk too, he was a friend, that he somehow quickly developed something for, he wasn't sure what he developed, but he was sure that he wanted to keep it. 


Youngjae hesitated but did it anyway, he under the sheets and beside Daehyun where they were once again, in reasonable distance. This distance is good... Daehyun thought as he felt Youngjae's head press down onto the pillow beside him. 


"Oh yeah.. um, Youngjae. Thank you..."


"It's okay. We're friends now right? But I know it will all change once we enter school though, so it's nice for now~" 


"It won't change... we'll still be friends..."


"I don't think that's possible. You see, you're known as the amazing god-like creature at school who was blessed with amazing talent, unlike me, who is a nerd just because I can master every instrument out there..."


"Youngjae. You're not a nerd. I know it... you're just a victim of first impressions..." 


Youngjae was fast asleep already though and Daehyun knew that it was his turn to fall into dreamland. But before he did, he shifted over and propped himself up on his elbow and looked at Youngjae's peaceful state. He smiled widely as soon as he pressed his face against the Youngjae-scented pillow. Strawberry cheesecake. However, just before Daehyun was going to seriously fall back into sleep, he heard something which scared him yet pleased him...



"... Dae...hyun...." 


Was Youngjae.... dreaming... about ... me?!








It was around 3AM in the morning when Youngjae woke up harshly by a constant vibration on his phone. He irritably grabbed his phone from under his pillow and checked the ID which annoyed him even more to see that it was a message sent by an unknown caller. Youngjae, not wanting to look at the bright phone screen any longer, he opened the message and suddenly relaxed as soon as he saw the message content.


"Hey Youngjae. Sorry to disturb you since you're sleeping keke~ I'm sleeping too but I couldn't actually sleep properly since I couldn't sleep without knowing that I won't be able to see you again, so I contacted (well annoyed...) Yongguk to annoy Himchan to give me your number and now I have it! Tadah! keke~ well, I hope to see you soon because I think I miss seeing you. Let's meet up tomorrow okay? Bye Youngjae, I'll see you in my dreams! From Jonguppie!" 



Youngjae flipped his phone around and smiled against the pillow. Although he was already becoming too interested in Daehyun's presence, he couldn't help but feel giddy that Jongup was there too. He inhaled to calm himself down and switched himself to face Daehyun's back. Daehyun slept very still, and very neat as well, Youngjae just wanted to hug him from behind and make sure he stayed by his side, but he couldn't - it was forbidden, his parents would have looked down on him for it if he fell for a boy completely, and Youngjae was most certainly sure that Daehyun wasn't interested... but those thoughts shifted at the moment when Youngjae closed his eyes and heard faint noises coming from Daehyun who was hugging tighter onto his pillow.


"Yoo... Youngjae.. jae...."  

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I think... something else is going to appear soon... I mean.. "someone" keke~


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I wonder if you read this comment but I want to tell you this fic is good! ^^ i love it! i dont want to hope but it's nice if you're updating this fic again :D
Chapter 5: Yeii you updated. Im Happy hahaha :)
Chapter 5: I like this FF better
forJDH130111 #4
Chapter 5: I'm loving this one! :))
Chapter 5: Continue both of them... It would be sad if you start something and dont finish it :) Just take your time
Chapter 5: I like both stories, but i like this more. I would be happier if you continue with this one first :)
Chapter 5: I really like this story! It's well written, and the plot is interesting. I would be very happy if you continued it^^
AshXIII #8
Chapter 4: Take your time and do well for your examination. (grins) Education should take a higher priority. Good luck on that.

Enjoyed the read so far. Must admit I am really curious as to what Dae's mother is referring too. And the supply...

Dae's adorable with his sudden shyness with Jae.
forever_alone_lol #9
Chapter 4: Youngjae, it's totally not what it looks like.
Chapter 4: awwwwwww youngup is so cute > o <