
Ever since

At the hospital

Tiffany was still in the operation room while Taeyeon and Wooyoung were outside waiting. They didn't even knew Nichkhun already left. After a whole 1 hour the doctor went out the operating room. "how is she"Taeyeon asked. "she's fine but she will have to stay at the hospital for a few days. "So when can we visit her" wooyoung asked.  "you can visit her right now but she's still sleeping" said the doctor. Taeyeon and Wooyoung went inside the room and saw tiffany sleeping with a bandage around her head. "poor fany" both of them said. They waited and waited for Tiffany to wake up but they fell asleep. Without them knowing Nichkhun went inside the room and stood near where Fany was sleeping. He sat On a chair. " I still love you" he said to the sleeping girl. But he didn't knew taeyeon and wooyoung were awake. He was going to leave but someone poked his back. "we heard what you said". "oh" Nichkhun said to taeyeon. "why don't you tell her your feelings for her are back" wooyoung asked. "I don't want to"khun replied. " why"aimed taeyeon with her eyes nearly falling out. "she might reject me from what I did to her last time and I don't want to hurt her again" he answered. Then he left the two clueless. "We need to help him" wooyoung said to taeyeon. " but how".

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ooo i love this
Amie_Harumi #2
Chapter 4: Why you didn't update your story??
Uptade soon pls